2,569 Topics
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1. Display student id, student first name, student last name, the students’s faculty advisor id, advisor last name, advisor location and phone number. You will join uc_student and uc_faculty 2. Write a SELECT statement that will return the faculty last name, faculty first name and the room for faculty whose … | |
How do you create lists in an APEX form which allow many checkbox selections? How do you store these in database? ![]() | |
Hi, I want to use session state in mode SQL Server I googled some parameters to add in `<sessionState mode="SQLServer" />` in web.config file like: * Sql command time out. * State network time out. * Compression enabled. * Max pool size. * Min pool size. So I have some … | |
There is two sections i need it to update. When they hover over the members name listed below, I need it to show their details. When the user(one who submitted the content) posts its going to have a hidden value to update the field in the form that i have … ![]() | |
Hey Guys, I am writing this code to send out personalised emails to potential customers. And i have few questions about the code. This code is made from several tutorials and code examples. I have searched for stuff on it and theres plenty of articles about it but not what … | |
**I got this error on line 369** Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a4670304/public_html/lol.php on line 369 <?php // session_start(); require_once('auth.php'); include("dbconnection.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <link rel="icon" href="img/Untitled-1.png" type="image" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="img/Untitled-1.png" type="image" … | |
Hello, I have a mysql query $query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commenter_username IN (" . join(',', $list) . ") Or Number IN (" . join(',', $list) . ") ORDER BY comment_id DESC"; I want the query to select one row, the row with the highest id. Then store … | |
Hi All, What Wrong with my QUERY ! it show Repetition of Record in INNER Join i.e when i have 3 record in database it show it 9 time using This query.... SELECT dbo.EmployeeSetup.EmpID, dbo.EmployeeSetup.EmpName, dbo.EmployeeSetup.FatherName, dbo.EmployeePayment.Designation, dbo.EmployeePayment.Department, dbo.EmployeePayment.Salary, dbo.EmployeePayment.Advance, dbo.EmployeePayment.Deduction, dbo.EmployeePayment.OvertimeAmount, dbo.EmployeePayment.PaymentDate, dbo.EmployeePayment.ModeOfPayment, dbo.EmployeePayment.NetPay, dbo.EmployeePayment.PayMonth, dbo.EmployeePayment.Fine, dbo.EmployeePayment.Fund, dbo.EmployeePayment.Insurence, dbo.EmployeePayment.Tax, … ![]() | |
Hey guys, New to the site, new to writing SQL queries and have no background in this type of thing. But I've been googling my way to victory for the most part. I'm struggling on probably a very simple problem. I'd like to Sum the contents of a column, if … | |
I'm going back to an old project to apply things I've learned. As a beginner, I was able to figure out how to change the query, based on what was chosen, but it seems like a backwards way to do it, and I'm not sure of a better way. I'm … | |
Hi, i'm doing a website where the user can add his favourite bands in his profile. But not every band is in the DB, so if the band isn't in the DB it adds the name in the column. this is what i have: if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO bandas_fav(band_fav_id_user, band_fav_id_banda) VALUES('".$_GET['iduser']."', '".$bands_name['banda_id']."')")) … | |
Hi, Me again... Just wanted to know, i have this piece of code to enter the data from a registration form of mine into the user db. I want to use the mysql_real_escape_string to help stop those evil people who enjoys hacking from hacking my DB $query = "INSERT INTO … | |
Hi, I have a string formula and I wanted to execute it in sql server 2008 UDF function. Please suggest to proceed. P.S. I have tried with exec () - error occurred. | |
I am stuck on the final part of the query, I know that this thing is easy, but I am out of ideas now, so sorry for this. I have prepared a query like this: SELECT A.projectName as PARENT, (select COUNT(*) from PSPROJECTITEM WHERE PROJECTNAME = A.PROJECTNAME) parentprojecount, B.ProjectName as … | |
Hi All I am running an sql query to obtain the data for $CaseStudyTitle[] = $row['CaseStudyTitle']; located in the while loop and passed as parameters to the fucntion below. Currently I am displaying only one case study title at anytime. The partner can have many case studies titles how can … | |
Hello, I want to make a conditional SQL. I have one table "users" and it has two columns (id, status) I need to search for users IDs based on their status. For example. Every 5 seconds I am querying from the database (by AJAX) as per the below description: Let … ![]() | |
Im writing some code to send out emails for work. And i've been stuck on with this error for a while nw. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Error message: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\PHP\mailMany.php on line 21 Heres my code: <?php // … | |
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Dear All ! I have a table member_email. i have 4 columns in it. Id Email CellNumber Carrier I want to create constraint who check following conditions, 1-Email can be null if Cellnumber is given , and Cellnumber can be null if email is given. 2-both email and cell number … | |
I came up with this query now when i tried to create a view it failed to create SELECT aDate FROM ( SELECT @maxDate - INTERVAL (a.a+(10*b.a)+(100*c.a)+(1000*d.a)) DAY aDate FROM (SELECT 0 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 … | |
Hi all I am experiencing the following error. Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean givenit refers to line 94 which is the while loop start point. Thanks in advance D <?php $x=0; $remainder=0; $image_value = array(); $partners_id = array(); $description_value = array(); $url_value= array(); $image_filename_value = array(); … | |
Good day folks, I want to delete some records in my datatable using query. But I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me? Thanks For i As Integer = 0 To objChkArray.Count - 1 Dim rows As DataRow() = dtable.[Delete]("ct = '" & CInt(objChkArray(i)) & "'") For … | |
Hi All, With SSIS, upon load, I am receiving the following error: > Error 1 Error loading DownloadCSVPackage.dtsx: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. C:\Projects\EconAnalysisStatsCan\EconAnalysisStatsCan\DownloadCSVPackage.dtsx 1 1 I have gone through all of my connections … | |
Hi all I have an sql output query problem I am trying to resolve. The problem is that I have centres that offer Awards and quals and some centres only offer awards or quals only. What I need to process is the centres that offer both awards and quals. tbl.net.qualification … | |
Hi all I am request the following data from the database (image_id and description). I need to put each of them in a separate arrays and then echo out contents of both arrays I have tried array_push and implode without success. Any assistance would we appreciated. Thanks in advance D … | |
hi, I am working on an asp application using c# and i can import excel file to sql table i have two columns in excel and as well as in sql of same name "id" and "status" when i import data both columns are imported to sql table in the … | |
I have this code and it outputs buttons that goes down. I want them to go horizontally. please help. T_T <?php $var=1; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($che… { ?> < action='' method='post'> <input type='submit' name='view' value="<?php echo @$var ?>"/> <input name="workId" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row['workId']; ?>" /> </form> <?php $var++; } ?> I don't … | |
hi we have an office chat messenger in our office, it is executable, and ofcourse cannot modify the codes already. i dont know exactly how this messenger save history, looking from its root folder, i cant see something related from its conversation or message history. I just need to save … | |
This php code updates a database entry. The form consists of a checkbox (name = download) and a hidden field so I can check it has actually been sumbitted(name = updated). When I run this code it gives me the success message but the database remains unchanged. Why is this? … |
The End.