2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for md.Rayad

I have a oracle query and i would like to run it by powershell using ODP.Net. Below is the query. set pagesize 100 set linesize 200 break on report compute sum of free_mb on report compute sum of act_size on report compute sum of used_mb on report col %used format …

Member Avatar for altjen

Im having a problem with updating data in SQLite this is the full code who execute after pressing the button try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("d:\\"+LBL1.getText()+"\\"+TL3.getText()+"_"+TL2.getText()+"_"+TL4.getText()+"_"+TL5.getText()+"_"+TL1.getText()+".txt", "UTF-8"); writer.println("Invoice Number = "+TL1.getText()); writer.println("Seda = " +TL3.getText()); writer.println("Date = " +TL2.getText()); writer.println("Documental Class = " + TL4.getText()); writer.println("Status = " + …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I have firewall.log file in my c:\ driver I wonder what destination IP adresses and 3 ports the scanner have attacked most in the attack. SELECT DISTINCT dst-ip FROM c:\firewall.log WHERE dst-port !!!! I apriciate your help

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for necrovore

Hi, I have been getting this error when doing savechanges(). System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session. I read this issue in many places and most are fixed with a .ToList() .First() or similar methods (basically not changing the object while the …

Member Avatar for Neon Tetras

My web hosting plan does not include a database. Is there a way i can get around this? Like upload a .sql file or ms access db into my server and connect to it using php?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I am loking for a concept to geting started is there a way of creating a notification like on user end any one updates his post update or upload an image then on admin panel it notifies the admin like on menu bar it shows 1 and when the …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

SELECT subject,GROUP_CONTACT(description)FROM assignment WHERE standard_id='1' AND section_id='61' AND assignment_date='2015-06-30' GROUP BY subject; For above query , I am facing this error , what is the mistake, Error:#1305 - FUNCTION ssv.GROUP_CONTACT does not exist.

Member Avatar for Teddy112
Member Avatar for Saboor880

hello to all. I have used jdk 7 and now i have started to use netbeans8.0.1 i want to know that how to connect ms acces and sql server database using netbeans. Please send me procedure and sample code to connect to these two databases.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Christopher_12

i need some help concerning the encryption and decryption i have a login table on my microsoft sql server 2012 but i want to do the encryption and decryption remember i have 5 departments and i want to direct each username and password to a specific department form that i …

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for kannasekar

Hi Everyone, I am a newbie to PHP programming. I just need to update the status when user click delete button. Here is the piece of code that I tried. When I echo the values of $mode and $id it prints properly. But the update query block doesn't working. <?php …

Member Avatar for kannasekar
Member Avatar for Mike_25

Hi there, I have have a challenge with my application. I am developing it using VB.Net and SQL server 2014. My database contains 2k plus records. I used to search and return the results very fast when the database was still small. The problem now is that whenever i try …

Member Avatar for Mike_25
Member Avatar for Mian_4

i have two combobox and i have two database table in sql server 1st table name is Province and 2nd table name is City if i select province in my 1st combobox then show all cities against selected province show in the 2nd combobox when we click on combobox dropdown …

Member Avatar for Mian_4
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, Good morning. In a table I show a list of names using while loop from 'name' table and textbox for each student to enter the marks. I showed two students , so two textbox fields will be displayed, and after entering marks in two textboxes, I wrote normal insert …

Member Avatar for Lau_1
Member Avatar for cudawella

Hi I tried connecting to my database but I am getting this message The client was unable to establish a connection because of an error during connection initialization process before login. Possible causes include the following: the client tried to connect to an unsupported version of SQL Server; the server …

Member Avatar for al2henry

Moving my [Vivaldi](http://www.vivaldichoir.org/index.php) choir pages to use .php to include for common elements as per [Mayne Island Conservancy](http://www.conservancyonmayne.com) (see open question from 3 days ago) & have noticed some anomolies in IE 11. Any help would be appreciated on this and my open query on "Mobile Display" I intend to …

Member Avatar for al2henry
Member Avatar for Christopher_12

hi i'm struggling to read data from database i created a table with 5 rows as for Login form username and password i would like to have access to forms when i enter password and username of department 1 it shows department 1 but when i enter password and username …

Member Avatar for Hardz
Member Avatar for kikiwisaka

Hi guys, i am creating a search function on my web. This is the result [CODE]"SELECT [ROUTE], [INST_KEY], [INST_TYPE], [ACCT_KEY], [STATUS], [DMZ], [CUST_NAME], [ADDRESS_LINE1], [ADDRESS_LINE3], [ADDRESS_LINE4], [ADDRESS_LINE5], [METER_KEY], [SIZE], [INSTALL_DATE], [X], [Y], [Z], [ADDRESS_LINE2], [MI_PRINX] FROM [DBCUSTOMER] WHERE ([CUST_NAME] LIKE '%' + @CUST_NAME + '%')"[/CODE] This function just looking one …

Member Avatar for 21303359
Member Avatar for Rogel_1

Hi guys! I'm getting frustrated with my code because my filter in my query is not working. All of the item_model in my receiving_details table were being suggested in auto complete but as you can see in my query that I'm filtering item model with a certain form_no. Please help …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for liphoso

Please help me with how i may receive an sms to my java application using ozeki. I have used sample code that i got from http://www.ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=584 , I used that sample code and was able to send sms. Using the same code how may i receive an sms so that …

Member Avatar for patel.apurva333

try { frmCombination.Mode = "Add"; this.Clear_All_Controls(); this.Enable_All_Controls(); if (!(this.Form_Name == "Secured Life")) ; this.btnGenerate.Enabled = true; this.btnChange.Enabled = true; this.mskReportDate.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); ****** if (this.Form_Name == "Secured Life") this.txtQuotation.Text = Common_Functionality.GenerateId("ProdMix_Quot_No", "Secured_Life_Quotation", "").ToString(); else this.txtQuotation.Text = Common_Functionality.GenerateId("ProdMix_Quot_No", frmCombination.tblAnnorSet, "").ToString(); this.SetupDataGridView(); this.SqlQry = "select Tax_Sec_80CCC_Limit,Tax_Sec_80D_Limit,Tax_rate_Limit from Global_Parameters"; Connection connection = new …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

Dear Folks ! I´m having problems with my navigation at different screensizes. At current level the navigation display is nearly the way i want it for the bigger screensizes. But at media querry @media screen and (max-width: 320px) I want the navigationlinks to stack horizontally which i managed to do …

Member Avatar for Latrell_vie
Member Avatar for pritaeas

This is more a general approach question. I have an old ORM like framework for this application. Basically what it does, if it needs to load a bunch of objects/records, is for every child object in my result a new query is triggered to get it's data. Since the nesting …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lml108

The 'perf stat' output for a certain executable is shown below. 2,207,929,785,602 cpu-cycles # 1.098 GHz [58.33%] 955,083,725,303 instructions # 0.43 insns per cycle [58.33%] 412,816,464,977 cache-references # 205.308 M/sec [58.33%] 38,645,898,456 cache-misses # 9.362 % of all cache refs [58.33%] 4,692,761,524 branch-misses # 2.334 M/sec [58.33%] 0 ref-cycles # …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I have developed my application in VB.NET that uses a mysql database. From my application, I can make mysql backups and restore them. When i take a backup, the result is a .sql file which is saved somewhere. But as usual, one can open that sql file with …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for edgar222

how can I select project from dropdown then execute query catching the value of the project selected I have the follow code using AJAX and JSP pages admin.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; …

Member Avatar for zeeshan009

Hi All, I am new in PHP and MySQL. As of now i am building a web application , where i have to get the list of all those clients whose date of joining - current date equals to 30. I have a table in database where there is a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Soumya_1

I have a form that need user verifaction from ldap before being submitted. I have an ajax code for the same, to get the value of the field onchange and query ldap so that it returns the name and email id. My code is as below : <input type="text" name="Admin_name" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mushfik

Hi. Below is the code which parse data from mysql into json, but for the name column i want to have <a href="http://example.com">column name</a> instead of jst the column 'name'. is it possible in any ways. <?php $link = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "user", "pass") or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db("userdb") or die("Could not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for FALL3N

I am having a huge problem. In my stylesheet I have: @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 700px) { code1 } @media only screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1400px) { code2 } my browser window is currently 640x960, so only code1 should run... right? But code1 and …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I am trying to create a little bit tricky part I thought I would be sucessfull but it didn't happend. Okay so I created a form having multiple field with the same name like users adds package details so it depends on him how much he would be able …

Member Avatar for mattster

The End.