2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

Sirs, please suggest a good way to handle large amount of data. This is my newbie idea: - create a database on one of high powered pc(dedicated for whole company) - then sync every changes to another copy of this database to the online hosting service with security note: theres …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys, I've just picked up an old projcet I was working on (about 6 months ago) and trying to get my head around my own messy N00b code. I've managed to get the grid views working with links back to the tables and showing data in the correct places. …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I am making a mysql query that gathers comments for a user, it works properly, I connect to the database and recieve the comments for a user, but it is not showing the first comment for the user. Here is the code function comments(){ //connect to db connect_db_members(); //start query …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson
Member Avatar for millus

I am inserting values into a database but i get an error, it says the variable name @emp_login has already been declared. How do i resolve this? This is my code `SqlDataReader readerReference = cmd_Reference.ExecuteReader(); SqlCommand cmd_Insert = Connexion_Insert.CreateCommand(); string insert = "INSERT INTO EMP_tracking(emp_login, emp_dom_code, emp_domain,emp_surname") VALUES (@emp_login,@emp_dom_code,@emp_domain,@emp_surname); int …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for jahanruhi3@gmai

how to update databse in remote machine,i am having .sql file which i have to update my database schema in remote machine,client will provide me his machine ip address,database username,database password,database instance name...pls help me pls package com.prion.testConnectivity; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.Reader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; …

Member Avatar for jahanruhi3@gmai
Member Avatar for gauri.ansurkar

How to validate textbox by allowing only characters, spacekey and backspace in vb 2010 utimate............plz help as soon as u can

Member Avatar for khair.ullah

hi all. I want to fill the Listview from a mssql database in vb.net but it not show all the data in Listview. I have the followning code. Dim sSQL As String Dim lvwItem As New ListViewItem() sSQL = "SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablenam e " sSQL = sSQL …

Member Avatar for evadehawkeye07
Member Avatar for sofien.fkih

I have an sql code that is retreiving a row with more than one line, Is there a way to make it combine those two lines into one line. select revertrsn from LN08PENm where aano in(754,870,1136,1138,1139,1140) the data coming in the row that I am retreiving is like this: As …

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Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Yesterday when I was working on php script I noticed that categories and subcategories works seperatly if I clicked on main category its show all articles under this main category and nothing imported from subcategories, now am working on somthing like this, so what should I do to avoid this …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for manalibhadula

Hi, I am new to Java and is working on code in java which i need to keep a static sql script in property file and passing variable to it through java code and then iterating that property file to pass the variable value and writing that generated script to …

Member Avatar for mshauny
Member Avatar for A.Muqeetkhan

guys i need ur help i want to insert data directly into the sql table using c# here is my code all that i have been able to do is get the values from the table not insert them i tried to do it this way but apprently there is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mr0277

I am running a script on our production database reffering two tables : our table of users (3700 of them) and the table of quotes that they have made (280000 of them). Quote is the main object in our application, a very large object, for whom many data tables are …

Member Avatar for lee.m.timms
Member Avatar for primzon

Hello, Does anyone know how to write recursive SQL statement for hierarhic output places from next table: TABLE PLACES: id-----place----------idParentPlace 1......World..........Null 2......Europe.........1 3......Mediterranean..2 4......North Europe...2 5......Italy..........3 6......Greece.........3 7......Island.........4 8......Norway.........4 I don't know if this is totally correct SQL recursive statement: WITH recursion AS (SELECT id, place, idParentPlace, 1 AS hierarhic …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for primzon

Hello guys, Do anyone know how to write recursive SQL statement for hierarhic output places from next table: id-----place----------idParentPlace 1......World..........Null 2......Europe.........1 3......Mediterranean..2 4......North Europe...2 5......Italy..........3 6......Greece.........3 7......Island.........4 8......Norway.........4 I was looking for alot of tutorials but didn't find anything useful. Any help is the most welcome! Regards, TP

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rosse88

Okay, so I am not entirely sure how to fix this. Im attempting to make a tag feature for my site but I am getting: Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /Users/Home/Sites/functions/users.php on line 10 Here is the code that relates to this. First …

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Member Avatar for nunuaziz_

Im doing a reservation site for a project. And Im trying to disable radio button(s) if the sql statement returns true. Example: User selects a date and a time, and radio button(s) would be disable depending on database. So far, I have this: $result=mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT tableselect FROM reserve WHERE reserveDate = …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for sainigks

Hello every one, i want to make a programme that read data from .xls file. a sql table will create on the basis of top row of the xls file, and rest rows will treated as data and inserted into the table. actually i am working for a office, their …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, is there another way of hiding or formating column value in asterisk in select statement? im using the command replace SELECT REPLACE([Item].[Price],[Item].[Price], '**********') AS Price From Tablename it works fine, but is there anyway to do this? Instead of replacing/forcing the value to display asterisk, i just need if …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i am trying to implement a federated search. I have no idea how to start implementing it? i have several questions relating to this. 1. has the application needs to be web based or desktop based? 2. do i have to have a database in the application side? i …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts,I want to know how i can sync tables in sql server 2005 and oracle 11g tables. Table structure will be same in both server (sql server and oracle). I would like to prefer some tools available either in oracle or sql server.Thankspardeep

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Lethugs

I published my project in vs2010 and im trying to deploy it to other computers. I used this connection string that runs smoothly on my pc. This code tries to retrieve the servername and try to connect to database mysysDatabase. This forcely change the app.config. Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for gopi17

Heyy...i'm trying to save the attachment file location in mydb...the thing is it's just saving the file name eg.database.txt i want it to look like this C:/bla/bla/test my codes addtask.php <html> <head> <title>Task Management System</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="Appcss.css" type="text/css"/> <script src="datetimepicker_css.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Javascript function which takes care for …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi everyone, i would like some help with a couple of mysql queries. I have a table of data which looks like this : ![grid1](/attachments/large/2/grid1.PNG "grid1") And represents a transaction log for players of a game. The ID is the primary key (auto incremented). DATETIME is the date and time …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for subtlehulk

Hi, I've had a look around the forums but I couldn't find a specific answer to my query. I'm following a worksheet I was given from university. We have just started working on SQL and databases and on the worksheet it uses SQL 2008 Server Management Studio. The version I …

Member Avatar for subtlehulk
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, I let say I use this code to retrieve date from database SELECT Table.Date FROM Table The format is 01/09/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy) How will i format this to get 09-Jan-2013 output then print this format to crystal report? I'm using dataset to connect data to crytal report I just noticed …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for ebc3142

Hi, I have these methods in my user class which check whether a username already exists and if not, inserts it into the database: //This function checks to see if the username entered already exists Private function check_user_exists() { $stmt = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT * FROM client_login WHERE Username = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($this->_username)); …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for GolDRoger00

Hi I am really new to c#(I used to do vb.net) and I need some help with a problem. I am wondering what the equivalent of a datalist or detailsview in asp.net is in a c# winforms application and how to use it. I have data in a database and …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for SyncMaster170

I have two tables, table_1, and table_2. I am trying to query both tables, I want every column that is in table_1, and only one column from table_2. Each table has an AccountID column, so they can relate to eachother. I am trying to get a query result that gives …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for coolvasu

Hi everybody, i have problem in my php code (it just showing nothing....means no error no results).......can anybody tell me what is wrong with this code.....i'm new to PHP........here is my code <?php try { $config=array( 'DB_USERNAME'=>'root', 'DB_PASSWORD'=>'' ); $conn=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=scc',$config['DB_USERNAME'],$config['DB_PASSWORD']); $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); echo rand_id(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo …

Member Avatar for coolvasu
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

Hi, I'm having trouble to filter a Customer Set by the date of his first buy(First Activity). I've tried this two ways: 1. Returns all customers, even with FirstActivity Null SELECT { [Measures].[Valor Item], [Measures].[First Activity] } ON 0, { Filter( { [CLIENTE].[Cliente].[Cliente].Members }, ( [Measures].[First Activity], [Time].[Year].&[2012-01-01T00:00:00] ).Count > …

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The End.