2,569 Topics
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HI, how can i change column name by query? Exm: UPDATE table_name SET column_name='course_title' WHERE coulumn_name='course_name'; is it? | |
How to delete datas form a table with foreign key relation via lInq to sql delete query..I am getting foreign key constraint issue on deletion... | |
SELECT Facility.[Facility Name] FROM Facility LEFT OUTER JOIN Reservation on Facility.FacilityID = [Reservation].FacilityID AND [Check-in time] = '" & Integer.Parse(cboHour.Text) & "' AND [Check-in date] = '" & lstDate.SelectedItem.ToString & "' WHERE Reservation].ReservationID Is NULL AND Facility.[Facility Type] = '" & cboFacilityType.Text & "' I have this sql statement which … | |
How to convert date format to dd/MM/yyyy in Linq to Sql select Query I tried as below: DataTable dt = Common.dc.TblMaintenances.Where(a => a.ContractId == Id && a.IsScheduled == true || a.IsScheduled == false).OrderBy(a => a.ScheduledDate).Select(a => new { a.MaintenanceId, a.MaintenanceDate.ToString("dd.MM.yy"), a.MaintenancePerson,a.Remarks,a.ScheduledDate,a.IsScheduled,a.Cost }).getDataTable(); But didn't work | |
Hello Group, I'm beginning to understand the connections required to return information from your database. I'm now trying to return multiple lines from the database that have the same "prefix" within the part number. As my example, I have two records within my database that both start with "AO0025". I … | |
i am providing todo list feature to my users , on my website, users put their task and select time to do it, e.g. Hair cutting, 28-03-2013 06:00 PM now want to send them email or sms as soon clock hits 05:45, so how it would be ? how would … | |
How to resolve File doesn't exists url routing errorin global.asax... | |
Hi, I need to exclude any rows where the ASX_Prices.Date is a weekend. The date format is yyyy/mm/dd 2013/03/17. Ideally I would like to add another WHERE clause. WHERE ASX_Prices.Date !=weekend date????? $sql="SELECT Distinct ASX_Prices.ASX_Code, ASX_Prices.ASX_Price, ASX_Prices.Date, Company_Information.Company_Name FROM ASX_Prices, Company_Information WHERE ASX_Prices.ASX_Code = Company_Information.ASX_Code AND DateDiff(now(), ASX_Prices.Date)<=7 ORDER BY … | |
I need this program to record bugs into a MYSQL database. I need to create the database if it is not found. I have my html set up. I am posting pictures below of what I have, and what functionality I need the program to have. I have the html … | |
Group, I'm discovering that the SQL Server tables don't like identical (in this case) Part Numbers, even though one of the columns will have different information in it (in this instance, it is the "Location"). FYI.... I'm using SQL Server 2008 Express for my testing. With this said, I'm trying … | |
Hello guys i have a question i have these codes Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Module Connect Public Conn As SqlConnection Public Function GetConnect() Conn = New SqlConnection("Server = SQL Server;" & "initial Catalog = BloodBank;" & " Trusted_Connection=yes") Return Conn End Function End Module Public Class BloodDonor Private Sub TextBox5_TextChanged(ByVal … | |
**have used the following code for displaying names of my sql db tables in combobox...now i want dat when i click on any of these table names from combo box..my dgv populates with that table's contents...i have gor three tables in my db..lol,datejoin and tble ** private void Form1_Load(object sender, … | |
How to generate Dynamic where condition for single stored procedure and pass from code behind asp.net.... | |
How to Get Difference between frommonth with fromyear compared to tomonth with toyear.... For instance one has work experience with frommonth March and fromyear 2006 and tomonth June and fromyear 2007 duration should be 1 year and 3 months...Also there would be multiple work experience with various durations as mentioned... … | |
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `birth_date` between '%-02-02' AND '%-05-06' | |
Hey guys im populating a combo box from my database i was just wondering how do i prevent the combo box from displaying different instances of the same value. e.g three B&Bs all from ennis. ennis is in the combobox but its displayed three times. how do i stop this … | |
Hi guys, I'm hoping you can help me find a more elegant solution to my query inside a foreach loop. Here is the loop in question: foreach (DataRow row in dt_blah.Rows) { SqlCommand sc = con.CreateCommand(); sc.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sc.CommandText = "select blah blah blah .. where S = @s1 … | |
Greetings, I want to know what is the best practices when setting new database options? which options I should switch them from False to True and vice versa | |
I have the following code which is in a class called customerModel. How do I call this method to another method inside another class called customerController? I am abit new to this and have been trying for ages but have had no luck. Please help thank you. public class customerModel{ … | |
Hi All, I have 5 product tables(product_table_1,product_table_2 and so on), category table and sub category table I need to get number of products mapped for each category. i.e count of products accross categories. Below are the table structure and the query which i have written, I need to optimize the … | |
My database with the following table: ITDetail Table: [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/WcwRI.jpg) InvTrans Table: [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/hPnlz.jpg) Currency Table: [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/YUNxC.jpg) Database Relationship: [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/CTCdo.jpg) I need to build a report with the time parameter (use the procedure; [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/PwVYX.jpg)) with the following requirements: 1. MaterialID, Art, Color, Width is taken from the … ![]() | |
UPDATE members a INNER JOIN members b on a.Recommended_By = b.ID set a.Node = CONCAT_WS('(',b.ID,')',b.Node) this statement to update node column from same table, but the problem is i have to execute many times to get the correct: example : ID Recommended_by Node 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 … ![]() | |
Remove the last word while using left in sql query...I weant to avoid broken words while doing so... My query as follows: select top 2 tempJobTitle.id,tempJobTitle.JobRefId,tempJobTitle.JobTitle,LEFT (jobmaster.JobDescription2, 330)+'....' as JobDescription,jobmaster.PostedDate from tempJobTitle inner join jobmaster on jobmaster.JobRefId=tempJobTitle.JobRefId where tempJobTitle.Status='Approved' and jobmaster.ClosingDate >= '2013-03-01' order by tempJobTitle.DateofEntry desc | |
Good morning Guys, I've got this code currently running: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSourceEnumerator sdse = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance; DataTable table = sdse.GetDataSources(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { instanceCombobox.Items.Add(row["ServerName"].ToString() + "\\" + row["InstanceName"].ToString()); } Which gives me the Instance and Name of the SQL Server over the Network. … | |
I am developing a VB6 application which connects with an Access 2010 database. I want the application to execute queries stored in the database. Some of the queries include Access functions in field names. For example- FieldName: IIf(Nz([AnotherFieldName],0)=0,3,[AnotherFieldName])" Is there a way in VB6 to execute the queries natively in … | |
Hi, I have a problem with a code harness given to me by my tutor. Every time i enter values into a form, I get the following message: > Warning: mssql_query(): message: Invalid column name 'N56DSRT'. (severity 16) in /web/users/l1099341/SDD/insertCarController.php on line 27 Warning: mssql_query(): General SQL Server error: Check … | |
**I am building a hospital managment system as a practice in visual basic. I am having some problem I want to write or read data from particular row or column with visual basics How do I o it? Thanks in Advance -Hassaan bin Jalil** | |
Good day, I am having trouble with the computation in SQL. i want to subtract the intStock and the intTotal_OutBound_items to just to get the items available. here is my SP.. INSERT INTO CO09_Report ( intMaterial ,txtDescription ,txtMaterial_Type ,txtATP_check ,intDelivering_Plant ,intOrder_Quantity ,isHeld_by_Finance ,isRejected_OOS ,isRejected_Others ,intOpen_Order_Quantity ,intOrder_Quantity_NKA ,intOrder_Quantity_RKA ,intOrder_Quantity_Others ,intStock ,intDSD_Delivery … | |
Hi, I'm using this SQL statement to retrieve Value and Date which will then be plotted on a graph: SELECT DISTINCT assets.SEDOL,assets.Quantity,stock_names.value,stock_names.Fileid,date_header.dateid FROM assets,stock_names,date_header WHERE assets.Client_ref = '$clientref' AND stock_names.SEDOL = assets.SEDOL AND date_header.fileid = stock_names.fileid I'm also selecting Quantity. Instead of having to multiply out the arrays, how can … | |
Hello I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so … |
The End.