2,568 Topics

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Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hey Guys, So I was doin a tutorial and I incorporated it into my code and it works for the most part. The program gives you a list of town names you pick one and hit search. All good so far then the program goes into the database and pulls …

Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754
Member Avatar for dhani09

Hi, I have the following tables **tbl_user** - id, username, password **tbl_userprofile** - id, userid, name, surname, gender, nationality,address, mobile, department, email, question, answer. userid is a foreign key in **tbl_userprofile** referencing id in **tbl_user** I'm trying insert a new user into **tbl_userprofile**. But i'm not sure how to go …

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Member Avatar for kiran2012

Hi, My problem is, the Update query process is painfully slow. Every time user updates a value to a column, it is taking more than 1 min ! I have to update a cerain field Yes/No based on some other field values from the same table. Below is my code: …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I've been playing with a ListView and I'm struggling to get it to populated with info in a database. I'm hoping you may see something in my code that is creating the error. Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for mnorton

Hi - I am a pretty remedial visual studio express user. I recently understood how to do cascading comboboxes using the binding sources of the related tables, eg tbl 1 Make, Table 2 model, so as eg only ford models displayed in cbo2 if Ford selected in cbo1 - thanks …

Member Avatar for mnorton
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello every one. I am stuck in a place. I am entring medicine record in a table. That's most possible that medicine may exceeds from the rows i am providing. I would like to be assist how can i add new new with a hyperlink text. Also how this row …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hey guys, i found this tutorial online that involved searching your database for an existing value. I have changed the code around so it fits with my system but when i run it the input displays but once i press ok the input box closes and nothin else happens. Heres …

Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754
Member Avatar for ManthanB

Well i am having an interesting thing to discuss with you all people. i am having table in database where one column is having xml data with certain fields. I want to fetch those field using select query. So tell me if you can suggest something to me. Thanks a …

Member Avatar for ManthanB
Member Avatar for fheppell

I'm trying to find the errors in this sql statement INSERT INTO images(user, server, img-name, download, download-url, image-loc) VALUES(test@test.com, 3, Penguins.jpg, no, GaNfT, 69Z8PwE0uJLfRNDijPenguins.jpg) I also have an auto increment column but as I understand it you shoudln't supply a value It comes out with this error You have an …

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Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could tell me if this is even possible or if it can be done another way??? So i have a database with 6 tables all the databases have the same columns except for the tables name ahead of the generic headers pub_name, Hotel_name, …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Hey everyone! I have a members.php page/file in which i want logged in users to see the other users registered in the database. I'm not exactly quite sure how to do this and I'm struggling quite a while now with this so your help will be VERY much appreciated. I …

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Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am having troulbe with my computation here. i want to compute for the Custom_Haulage_In_Transit but when i exec my sp the value of the Custom_Haulage_In_Transit is 0. can anyone help me with this please.. here is my code SELECT distinct MATERIAL ,Description ,Material_Type -- ,Requested_Delivery_Date ,ATP_check ,Delivering_Plant …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I've tried the following to format my date in 'dd/mm/yyyy' instead of 'dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss' when importing data from csv to DataSet. CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [dateColumnName], 103) AS [DD/MM/YYYY] and CONVERT(DATETIME, [dateColumnName], 101) AS [DD/MM/YYYY] Both give me the error: Undefined function 'CONVERT' in expression What would be the correct method …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello, I have a question and I thank everyone for helping me in advance. I am using Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET and C#. I have a table in SQL server DB. Server page (news.aspx.cs) is collecting all the data from the table (`select * from news`). Using `container.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(news.ToString()));` I …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for deolalkar_pooja

Hi to all, I want to install SQL SERVER 2008 on my XP 32-bit OS. After clicking on "New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing " link unser installation tab, Setup Support Rules window shows success status of all rules except "Restart Computer". It neither directly …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for Kert

I have an HTML page that makes a query to SQL database when clicking on button "OTSI". My problem is that after populating the table with the data, I cant sort it anymore. I am using a standard tablesorter library ([TableSorter](http://tablesorter.com/docs/)). Here is the page making the query: [page with …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I am trying to implement a Login validation using C# 2005 in ASP.net 2.0 web application. The SQL Server database contains a table named "UserList" with columns LoginId, Password and Role. The Login webform should authenticate the LoginId and password and depending upon the Role assigned to that user/visitor should …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dalilice

Hello, I'm tring to develop a mysql news scroller for my website. The problem that i'm facing is that i need to have multiple mysql querys joing together beceuase i have multple categories like: select * from news where category LIKE '$cat1' order by id desc limit 1 select * …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I am having trouble with my condition, i dont know where should i put where in my query here is my code.. SELECT distinct MATERIAL ,Description ,Material_Type -- ,Requested_Delivery_Date ,ATP_check ,Delivering_Plant ,Order_Quantity ,Held_by_Finance ,Rejected_OOS ,Rejected_Others ,ISNULL(Open_Order_Quantity,0) AS Open_Order_Quantity ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_NKA,0)as Order_Quantity_NKA ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_RKA,0) AS Order_Quantity_RKA ,ISNULL(Order_Quantity_Others,0) AS Order_Quantity_Others ,ISNULL(Stock,0) AS …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hi guys, how are you all? well, i am participating in the google's science fair and my question is: how can we make social networks student friendly? and my aim is to make a social network that can be student friendly and also as professional as other social networks in …

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Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi, I would like to know how to find duplicate records based on exact match on some columns and slight difference on others... for example, I have a table with the following fields 1. Name nvarchar(50) 2. City nvarchar(50) 3. State nvarchar(50) 4. Age int(10) Now, I wish to search …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for t_thakar

Basically my table Itinerary table where a record can have a parent record. so table cound have ID Parent ID which can be any ID from The same table. Other details Parent ID can be null if the record doesn't have child. and if i delete the parent record of …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for Jigs28

I have sql database with table Images, in that table there are 2 Columns ID (identity), DisplayImage (image). Table has 2 rows for first row i have written insert into Image values(1,'Libraries\Pictures\Lotus.jpg') and 2nd row as INSERT INTO [dbo].[Image] ([Id],Images) SELECT 2, (select * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Tulips.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i figured out the problem it is that Hash function generates different hash each time for same value i.e 12345 and thats why it doesn't match during login with the one that i submitted during signup. so is there any way to make the hash stable for same value e.g. …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Andrew de Beer

Hi All I am upgrading a SQL 7 database to SQL2008 R2 and just cannot undestand why 2008 has a problem with the code for this view (my experience with SQL 2008R2 is limited): SELECT dbo.tbl_orgbusinessunits.BusAreaCode, dbo.tbl_orgbusinessunits.Region, dbo.tbl_orgbusinessunits.CompanyCode, dbo.tbl_orgbusinessunits.BusAreaCode & ' ' & dbo.tbl_orgbusinessunits.BusinessAreaName AS Branch, dbo.tbl_orgcompanies.CompanyCode & ' ' …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for pateachongthu

Hello there, I recently faced problem with my website www.zomedia.in. I am using sql server 2005 and asp.net 4.0 with c#. My database tables are automatically filled with some unknown html css junk codes such as (</title><style>.apyk{position:absolute;clip:rect(438px,auto,auto,438px);}</style><div c) (check http://zomedia.in/ZomediaSongs/ZomediaMp3.aspx and you can see the gridview with junk data in …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I have multiple checkboxes to be used as the status of a certain order. another words as the order is being processed the user will check the status and a date will be inserted into an access table. Now my isue is when a checkbox is checked for …

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Member Avatar for ibakir

I just couldnt find a soluation for this. How to insert a one record inside one forum with muliple sql tables in one php page? Here is my code i have two insert button, i only need one for the both form <?php require_once('Connections/Omar.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for paku_dnj

HI, how can i change column name by query? Exm: UPDATE table_name SET column_name='course_title' WHERE coulumn_name='course_name'; is it?

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The End.