2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for fheppell

I have a snippet of mysql which is filled in with two variables: SELECT `download` FROM `images` WHERE `owner_un`='$owner' AND `url`='$url' The `$url` variable comes directly from a URL variable. This input should only ever contain alphanumeric characters, if this helps. Thanks for any help

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Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi All, i have requirement like to Convert rows to columns in SQL server. i have retrieved data like below: MatchId SelectionName Odds 322 Home Win 1.33 322 Draw 5.00 322 Away Win 9.00 322 Under 2.5 2.40 322 Over 2.5 1.53 and want to convert like below: MatchId Home …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for shenn.to

My Laptop Specs: **i3 2.40Ghz 2048MB RAM Sony VAIO E Series Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 64-bit OS** I had tried installing **Microsoft SQL Server 2008** for about 3 times now on my laptop. I still can't install it. Please help me. What to do? I really need the software for …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for SLMQC

I am trying to create a form that allows the user to search (Access database) for a record by last name or customer number. It can be a partial last name or customer number. The SQL statement and code are below. This is the same method used successfully for a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for de Source

hi i am new to sql i want to get some values from different tables and i have made my own logic like that "SELECT course_name, course_id FROM tbl_course WHERE course_id = (SELECT course_id FROM tbl_enrollment WHERE student_id = '" + lbl_StudentID.Text + "')" what could the correct sytax for …

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Member Avatar for Haquo

Hello all, I was hoping You could help me with this. The code below is for the login screen in my project. the data is selected from UsersList (UserID,FirstName,LastName,UserDOB,UserUsername,UserPassword,UserAdmin) What way can I modify the "cmd" command to check if the value for UserAdmin is true and display a message …

Member Avatar for akvasov
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello. I am having a bit problem with the insert query, Every thing is fine but don't know why its not inserting the queries. Have a look onm code; function insert() { var table=document.getElementById("myTable1"); var table=document.getElementById("myTable"); <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","bsc_db"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for ak47carbon

i want to redirect my query base url to pretty url,i am trying this on local host, i want if any one try to access http://localhost/something/index.php?page=zen it will redirect to http://localhost/something/zen.html, ie http://localhost/something/index.php?page=zen => http://localhost/something/zen.html RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index\.php$ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=([a-zA-Z0-9_-])$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost/cmsmadesimple/%1.html [L,R=301]

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Member Avatar for moomal.razak

I have to make a database system that is purely on SQL Server. It's about a diagnostic lab. It should contain at least 40,000 distinct patient records. I have a table named "Patient" which contains an auto-generated ID, Name, DOB, Age and Phone number. Our teacher provided us with a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Black_Lion

Hi all. I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer C# and am working with a database. I am using 2 tables: CONTINENT table with fields: CONTINENT_CODE and CONTINENT_NAME The other table is COUNTRIES with fields: COUNTRY_CODE and COUNTRY_NAME The 1 dropdownlist is bound to the CONTINENT table and displays the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Black_Lion

Hi all. I have run into a problem with inserting values into table. I have 2 tables: PUBLISHER with fields: PUBLISHER_CODE (Primary Key) and PUBLISHER_NAME. BOOK table fields: PUBLISHER_CODE (Primary Key and Foreign key to PUBLISHER table) and TITLE. The user enters bookCode and publisherName into 2 textboxes Here is …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Ronnie.Sk1ttl3s.Eke

I am getting this error when inserting a query into the SQL tab of a database, it only adds 2 tables when it is supposed to add more, but the error is stopping it? Screenshot: http://gyazo.com/b62b31137708228beb791ed6c8ad01ea Query im inserting: http://pastebin.com/rMJeA0Xb Software: MySQL Software version: 5.1.68-cll - MySQL Community Server (GPL) …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for batuzai04123

Hi, I am currently working on joining 2 tables, however those tables have different number of columns thats why I have difficulty on joining them. I tried to use FULL OUTER JOIN, close result but still not my expected output. You can kindly see my attachment to see the scenario. …

Member Avatar for batuzai04123
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group! I've created a stored SQL procedure that will need to be modified to lock the table, run the commands and then unlock the table. I need to do this because I want any other users/programs that will need access to "wait in line" until the procedure is finished. …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for asrsmunna

Hi..! I am having a list of members in my database, which i want to display in my website. I am using php GET method, and the sample url is http://www.mywebsite.com/display.php?id=564 Can anyone please help me in getting url like http://www.mywebsite.com/munna_bharadwaj_564 I may not describe my question properly, but, hope …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for daley.vinod.5

Hai All, I have made a desktop application in Visual studio 2010( vb.net) with sql server 2008 as backend.I have made the setup of the project ,with sql database to be created using installer class and its all working well and fine. but i want to make my application in …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for de Source

Hi, i am making an asp application and in code behind file i am trying to bound drop down list from tbl_teacher in which i concatenate the first and last name by this query `string sqlStatement = "SELECT teacher_id, fname + lname AS Name FROM tbl_teacher";' and it is working …

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Member Avatar for kamil.metkowski

I want to update a colume using results from an select query but its not working :( my code: UPDATE goods SET goods.wagons_needed = (SELECT (goods.QUANTITY * WEIGHT) / max_payload as wneed FROM GOODS INNER JOIN wagon_type ON goods.wagon_type_id = wagon_type.wagon_type_id order by goods.goods_id) where goods.goods_id = goods.goods_id; Thanks for …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for somjit{}

this is the problem code : import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.io.IOException; public class Prepared { public static void main(String[] args) { try { readerHelper r = readerHelper.GET_INSTANCE; System.out.print("enter username: "); String user = r.is().readLine(); System.out.print("enter password: "); String pass = r.is().readLine(); Connection con …

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Member Avatar for krishnisilva

Hi , I am using C# to do my projects and I have connected to a MS SQL database file and I am using MS visual studio 2008 standard edition. I need to get all the users first name and the last name and display in a combo box when …

Member Avatar for curos
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hi, i have a drop down list populated with column names of tbl_student and a text box for searching specific value coresponding to the value selected in drop down list i do not have much knowlewdge about qureies might b m lacking there error is Incorrect syntax near '=' my …

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Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi Im working with a project, simple IM for our office... I have a Table in sql with column Status, if a user opens this application, the status column changes from 0 to 1, if it closes this app, the status turn back to 0. On my form load event, …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for haseeb001

Help Need Vb Emplyee Record Program With My sql Connection example employee record database program add button ,editbutton,delete button all work will bhe done thru sql table connections

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for gumbi17

I am moving from database from Microsoft Access to MS SQL and I have not worked with MSSQL before, can you recommend a good place to get some initial and then follow on training in SQL and MS SQL?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

I have been tryin to get this to work for the past week if not two >:( with no joy. Worst of all its such a trivial problem. The program asks you to choose a town name from a combo box when you choose the location you shoud be brought …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone, Sorry if these files seem familar. I have an issue with a certain date that won't change along with the rest. For example: "Sun., Sep 16th, 2012 6: 26 PM" that's the way the code is supposed to read but there is one section that won't change and …

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Member Avatar for Carpetfizz

Hello! I have PHP and mySQL set up on a server, and everything works fine. I am able to connect to the SQL database successfully, etc. However, I want to set it up so that a user enters their "ID" in an input box. Then, the php script will return …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for IT_Techno

Hi iam using sql server 2008 to deal with my DB, i have a column with 'int' data type when i insert number inside that column like "0025648" it return it to me "25648" without zeros why ? and how to solve this problem ? Best Regard IT_Techno

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Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all - use the curdate() or current date to look at newly added awards in the last 3 months The SQL table used to store the created date when an award was added is **tbl_net_centre.reg_date** and keeps throwing up an error on the <= If anyone can advise the …

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Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

hello friend, can someone help me, i want to learn how to connect my app database from another computer using code, i already try to change connection string = "Data Source=-SERVERNAME-\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SmartHome;Integrated Security=True" but its still same, someone please help me, im using win8, microsoft sql server 2008, Visual studio …

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The End.