2,568 Topics

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Member Avatar for eNnilla

I'm currently building a website for my friends and me, and I've decided to have the homepage use a news system. I have the page working with PHP to load articles from my MySQL Database, and that's working fine. My real issue is with the page that adds items to …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

I'm a bit of a SQL newbie so I'm wondering if you can help me. I've looked on Google it for some time, but maybe I'm not using the proper terms. Here is my question: I have TableA that has the following columns: ID(PK), location, departA, departB. I would like …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for lulu79

I want to perform an UPDATE query but i'm getting this error: ![errorHAVING](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL2Vycm9ySEFWSU5HLkpQRw%3D%3D/500 "errorHAVING") This is my Sub in vb.net: Public Sub changeStatus() Dim Sqlstr As String Dim connectionString As String = "server=xxxx;uid=xxxx;pwd=xxxx;database=xxxx" Dim strtTime As String Dim endTime As String strtTime = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") & " " & "06:15:00" endTime …

Member Avatar for lulu79
Member Avatar for FireBlah

I'm working on a database project. I avve to build a DB for medical record (hospital) but I'm not too familiar with hospital stuff. I have to come up with entity sets with their attributes, build an ER diagram and then do a Query with GUI included. What I need …

Member Avatar for FireBlah
Member Avatar for ksultan

I have a trigger(that prohibits the attribution of more than 10000 dollars to a worker that is not manager nor president) that i want to modify. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER restrict_salary BEFORE UPDATE ON EMP FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new.sal > 10000) DECLARE job ename.job%type; BEGIN select job into job …

Member Avatar for ORAfreak
Member Avatar for elenizi

Hi i am having problems designing a solution for this problem : I have a form where you can choose the items you wish and type the quantity and then add them to a listview item. The itema are already saved in a database ( i am using sqlite ) …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for shihab2555

I have created a table named student including column stu_id, stu_name & Blood_group.I created a delete button to delete rows and I used the following code when delete button is pressed.I take input using jtextfield.But this can only delete by taking input in stu_id.But now i also want to delete …

Member Avatar for shihab2555
Member Avatar for shihab2555

I have created a table named student including column stu_id, stu_name & Blood_group.I created a delete button to delete rows and I used the following code when delete button is pressed.I take input using jtextfield.But this can only delete by taking input in stu_id.But now i also want to delete …

Member Avatar for shihab2555
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi I have two tables Employee and Job, Employee's prmary key is EID and in Job there is a EID that is a foreign key to Job. job has another column as the status of the employee. first the employee is added to the database and then the job detils …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for CDRIT

I've inherited a small C# command line program that takes a date and creates several spreadsheets containing data pulled from a microsoft sql server database based on that supplied date and some names hard coded into the program. I'm looking to change the program to pull the data from a …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for sourabh.asu

Hello, I have the following table, for readability I broke down the after every manager for every case number. The last column is the cumulative sum of the second last column. Value for month should ideally run from 1-3 (Like you see for both the cases for Chicago). But from …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for hueylouis

Can anyone assist me. I keep getting and error stating that the Column count doesnt match row 1. I have counted all of my fields and referenced all of them but still no dice. $con=mysql_connect($host, $username, $pass); if(!$con) { die("Could Not Connect: ".mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($db); $CustLName=$_POST['CustLName']; $CustFName=$_POST['CustFName']; $CBR=$_POST['CBR']; $AcctNum=$_POST['AcctNum']; $CustCode=$_POST['CustCode']; …

Member Avatar for doubleN
Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone, So I'm starting a new thread because my other thread was solved and I had forgotten it was. Anyway, I am creating a forum stite from scratch as a side project and I have a main forum page that "includes" two tables that get data from three different …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for khair.ullah

Hello dear ALL I am working with a form in vb.net which have the follwing attribute i.e BOOK TITLE(text box) , CATEGORY NAME(combo box) ,YEAR PUBLISHED(t.box) and SAVE button .the CATEGORY combo pickup data from CATEGORY TABLE on cat_name . on back end (SQL SERVER) there are two tbl i.e …

Member Avatar for khair.ullah
Member Avatar for a2ulthakur

i have 2 dropdownlists and a submit button when i should click the submit button the selected values shold be taken as input parametres for filtering and populating the data in gridview?

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Member Avatar for aelton

I'm managing a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 for a client and after investigating some high memory usage, I discovered that the Windows Internal Database SQL instance is using over half of the server's RAM. Capping the instance's memory usage is easy, but unfortunately my user account (which is …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

so i now how to write quies and really really easy. its alot easier than being computer programmer. but sql salary are really high and computer programer which is alot harder is lower. why is this. a phd student told me that sql job are really boring. is that true??

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

hi trying to get a job where i have to write sql queries. i have writen some queries but i have to do a project. that way i can show the project to other people. any ideas of a sql projects?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone, So I'm doing a project just for the heck of it. However, I'm stuck on an issue. I want to query the database to select the last comment in the answers table so I can display it on the main forum page under the specified topic. How do …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I have a very nasty issue here where SQL values are changing but I haven't been hacked because the changes are just too abnormal. People vote for their servers and every so often the top few servers values roll back. For example at 03:00 a server has 66 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anova

I need help and thank you in advance for any advice. I'm new to Php and Mysql. I've put three drop down menus in one cell of a table and I want to display results of a simple query (4 fields per record) in another cell of the table. Only …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for phphit

I have two tables (points, pointsmatch) Table 'points' have following fields id (int) seriesid (int) team (varchar) points (int) id seriesid team points 1 9 Chennai 4 2 9 Delhi 0 3 9 Kolkata 0 4 9 Mumbai 0 5 9 Bangalore 0 6 9 Mohali 0 7 9 Rajasthan …

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Member Avatar for JukesK

hope i worded this well enough... :D trouble working out a query Table: weeklyrevenue Week Number||value 25||20 26||40 28||60 Table daily_totals Week Number||quantity 26||10 27||10 28||10 Need week 27 totals to be multiplyed by week 26 revenue not week 28 revenue as the revenue would have been generated by the …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for masocha

l need to generate a dynamic PDO update query. l am not sure of the behaviour where we have the same placeholder name in th update and WHERE clause for example UPDATE users SET name = 'Master User' WHERE name = 'Dev User' As you can see placeholder name will …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newuser17

Hi, I am new to mobile app development. I would like to know what is the best way to connect to backend, I have a database in sql server 2005, and a web application in C#.NET. Now I would like to have a mobile app of that application. But fairly …

Member Avatar for marcinperlak
Member Avatar for diafol

SELECT t.* FROM (SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE `status` IN (0,1,2,3) ORDER BY `status` DESC, job_datetime LIMIT 11, 20) AS t That's a cut down sample of my sql. It was more complicated, but I've pared it down to this just to see why I was getting some strange numbers …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for joslup9

Hello guys, i need a help slightly with this project of my university. my equipment are working with some components, 1. Radius Server - MySQL - OS Linux Ubunto 12.04 or OS Microsoft WindowsServer2008 - SQLServer. 2. Router Linksys Wrt-54g 3. Other Server with certification unit, which we need manage, …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for _tincho87

Hi, i have a Sql Server 2008 database, with a table that has around of 2.000.000 registers. The schema of the table is the following: idSpecie (PK, int) | Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family | Genus | Specie The kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I'm writing a VB.net application that runs off a SQL database. If the application can not connect to the database or the connection has not been set up I'm giving the user the option to create the database on the SQL server instance of their choice I then create …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello there, I need help to create simple rank system 1st thing I need is how to number the players in my database from 1 to ...... so if I create multipage in each page there is the actual rank for them 2nd : I need to create change indecator …

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The End.