2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for ninad.chandoskar

Hi guys, I'm a student and need to practice Oracle SQL queries since we have Advance SQL in our syllabus. I have Intel-based MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I just downloaded the SQLDeveloper for Mac and unzipped it. The application executed and started well. But I'm …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hey all, This website is a directory and the problem is authenticating users to edit a server, even after they've logged in. The idea is to stop any SQL mix-ups due to my weak code (I'm learning PHP). When they click 'Edit' next to the server after logging in they …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for lizetta

Hey guys I have a mysql database that has an events table. The events table consists of the fields Title, Date, Place and description. I am trying to display the table on the browser using php coding. it should list important events first according to the date. so as follows …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for color.shadow

In my page, there are 3 drop down menu. Dropdown 1 : for storing car model which retrieved from CarTab in database (SQL) Dropdown 2 : for storing username Dropdown 3 : for storing plate num The function of the all drop down menu, there are related to each other. …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

when i use sha 512 on password field then it says k pasword field cannot be empty but when i remove sha512 constraint then it works and with any other hash it also works why ? and plz suggest me some good secrity hash etc to apply on password field

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for Orange-Mongoose

Hi there, I have Page that goes to "sub categorys", but each time I upload a new product the subcategory gets duplicated each time, instead of having one "Vintage" category as I want I have duplicates. My current SQL query string is SELECT DISTINCT Picture, SubCategory, Categorie FROM Table1 WHERE …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for opspl_programme

Hi, I have a dynamically generated sql query that is generated in VB6 and then passed on to SQL Server 2005. The query joins(inner join, left join, etc.) multiple tables. If I were to execute that query in Sql Server Management Studio, I would get something like this: TrayID| TrayID …

Member Avatar for opspl_programme
Member Avatar for sphe_g

Hello hi. I am seeing flames with using FILESTREAM in SQL Server 2008! I have a table (Products), in which I wanna store a link to an image stored on disk, under the ProdPicture column. This is what the script looks like: CREATE TABLE PRODUCTS ( ProdID INT PRIMARY KEY, …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for logicaweb

I'm making a B2B portal that can see just loggedin business customers that I add to base, I finished almost all, but there is one problem. When customer add some goods to his cart, goes to checkout and confirm his order he will have a link to invoice.php?ids=156 and that …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for phphit

I am really in mess as I am unable to solve problem with Smarty Multi Dimension array. Below is the way I want to execute Smarty. First of all I will list all customers. Than I want list of all items purchased by that customer. I have two tables inside …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

In sql server 2008, i have a store procedure which has insert statement , now i want to insert multiple records at a time into table via EXEC. MY Store Procedure: insert into tblUser(fullname, email, loginID, password, DOB, question, answers,doc,roleid) values (@fullname,@email,@loginID,HASHBYTES('sha512',@password),@dob,@question, @answers, GETDATE(),@roleid ) Now how to insert multiple …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have this page in hard form and i need to make a table for it in DataBase (Sql Serber 2008), i tried alot but couldn't find any way to make table for it in data base. + i have also user table in DB, so userid should b also …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for nickg21

Hey Everyone, I am using the below query to try and group together values by the month of the date selected. the problem is that sometimes CTE2 will not have the same dates as CTE and those values end up omitted. Is there anyway I can just group these on …

Member Avatar for kkunodziya
Member Avatar for jane.frasier

I used the upsize wizard in Access 2010 to split my database with the table being on the SQL server. I entered this in the autoexec (was macro, I converted it) Function autoexec() oConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=JCPLMSQL01;Database=TestingConnection;Trusted_Connection=yes;" DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal autoexec_Exit: Exit Function End Function I don't …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi there, I've lost my password and username and am trying to log in using sysdba. It doesn't log me in and I would like to retrieve my username and password without re-installing the software. IS there a way of doing that?>

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I have read many articles here, but haven't quite found the solution. I have a SQLEXPRESS database that is used by my VB.NET application. I have packaged and deployed the application via an MSI file and everything works great except I cannot figure out how to include my database file …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for daniel36

i have writeen following query in my code. $tquery="SELECT questions.id,questions.date,questions.title,users.user_name,subjects.subject FROM questions INNER JOIN users ON questions.student_id=users.id INNER JOIN topics ON questions.topic_id=topics.id INNER JOIN subjects ON topics.subject_id=subjects.id WHERE subjects.id=".$_SESSION['sub1']." OR subjects.id=".$_SESSION['sub2'].";"; but when i am trying to echoing its result it is not displaying anything.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, Ever tried to make a change to a SQL database table only to get a message telling you it is unable to carry out the change as it would have to drop and recreate the table? This is one of these things that you encounter once, correct and …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ashishrkala_1

Friends, I am making Consultantwise patient report application using VB.NET 2005/08, SQL Server 2005/08. this application i am making for reporting purpose only. I have taken 2 datetimepicker(from date & to date) and one listbox to select the consultant name on my .net form. but i am confused where i …

Member Avatar for romanromeo89

I'm trying to write a simple sqlite query in c++ using visual studio 2010. My problem is that i can't use a c++ variable inside that query. I was not able to find the right syntax. `sqlite3_prepare_v2(handler, "SELECT * FROM grammateas WHERE username==X;", -1, &statement, 0);` where X i would …

Member Avatar for romanromeo89
Member Avatar for simplypixie

I am not new to OOP I am tidying up a very large site of mine and trying to create a much better structure (more in keeping with the whole point of OOP). I have decided to use mysqli (please don't suggest PDO as I have decided againast it) which …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi all, I have a .NET form where I want to connect to a table and then pass each defined (by query) string from the table into a string within the code. I have created a connection to the database already via Data Sources but I'm unsure about the syntax …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

I have looked into Cast and Convert, but I cannot find a way to do this. I need to convert four digits into an hour format. For instance, 0800 would become 8:00 or 1530 would become 15:30. I cannot use functions, I'm using a special form of SQL. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nickg21

Hey everyone, I am looking to write a query that I think can be solved a nested select but I am not yet that fluent in MySQL to be able to get the query working correctly. Basically what I want to do is this; SELECT count(*) from Inquiry Inner Join …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Sobakaa

Hello, I have 3 tables, user, role and userrole. Userrole stores user_id and role_id, so every user is associated with some role(s). So, when i use this query to view all users, and if user has several roles, i can see several rows with identical info and just role column …

Member Avatar for WayneZ
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have a signup form on my website for user registeration ....... so i want to make it secure , by secure i mean , Password should be encrypted etc etc.....or any other precautions for security i already used hash functions of MS SQL on password field through queries but …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for WDrago

All, I can't seem to find a good example of how to work with databases in C#. I'm using sqlserver and I can do simple things like insert and retrieve data, but when I am retrieving data I have to refer to the ordinal index values of the columns (reader[0], …

Member Avatar for Pamilerin
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi everyone, Trying to do a subquery to select the minimum price from table1, table what holds 15 million rows. I think that my approach is not the most suitable way of doing this. I want to select after oen_norm because oen_norm may have 1-10 rows per entry, but I …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for raji181

hai I want to know the particular field name using search the full word in mysql database and that field name using we want to retrieve the entire table in mysql database.... Next I want to know can we retrieve the php with mysql database in PDF report in front …

Member Avatar for raji181
Member Avatar for ckarlss0n

Hello! This is my first post here, hehe. Seems to be a great site. Anyways, I'm quite new in PHP, but it's fun and I think I'm learning quite fast :) There's appeared a problem for me now though, and I can't see what the problem is...? I have made …

Member Avatar for Atli

The End.