2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for phani1092

select e.employee_id from employees e where (select count(*) from employees f where f.employee_id < e.employee_id) < 5; The above query gives me first five employee id's. I want to know about the output produced by the sub query and explain. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for phani1092
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

Dear All I am using Vb.net to update a database running on SQL Server. I am using the following to increase the value of the NextPlan in the SystemControl table in a SQL database. Command.CommandText = "UPDATE SystemControl SET NextPlan = NextPlan + 1" Command.ExecuteNonQuery() Once the Command is executed …

Member Avatar for JohnKelly
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, I have a requirements to backtrack 2 days if the date fall as Monday. Why? We dont have any transaction from Sunday to Monday at 6:00AM that's why need to backtrack 2 days. i want to share with you my query. if you have any additional idea to …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Posted earlier in the wrong forum...update here: Hey there...my code below had tradtionally only updated 1 of 4 fields. Now I want to update 2 of 8, but when I enter two variables it crashes. Any help would be appreciated. Code is here if( isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit']=='Submit' ) { foreach($_POST['CFHL_A'] …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ritesh0104

an asp page of mine with server.ScriptTimeout=540 seconds this page is then executing a select query from a huge database table which is properly indexed BUT few times there is a SQL timeout because of conditions passed in query is there a way to handle the SQL timeout and display …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi i m just learning rails and i want to import my sql data to rails .. i have created database and i had run rake to create shema etc... i m using windows 7 thx

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for lewashby

I have a very small sqlite3 database with one row consisting of three columns but I can get the page to display the row to save my life. So far all I've been able to get the page to display is the first column of the one row that's in …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for NajwaMY

while (rs.next()) { System.out.println("Name: "+rs.getString(1)+"\n"); System.out.println("Age: "+rs.getInt(2)+"\n"); System.out.println("Address: "+rs.getString(3)+"\n"); } I just don't understand what is the meaning og getString(1)

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for ManthanB

Hi freinds i have developed a sync service by using MS sync SDK. It was working fine few days before but its not working. It does not showing any error in log. Please friends let me know if you are having useful suggestios to make the thing working. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the fourth annual [Web Application Attack Report](http://www.imperva.com/download.asp?id=419) from Imperva retailers suffer from twice as many SQL injection attacks when compared to other industry sectors. What's more, the United States remains the number one source of all web attacks. Other key findings of the report include the startling revelation …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I have a Jtable with six columns. I am displaying the contents of my database into my Jtable. Its working fine. But I am facing trouble updating the changes done in Jtable cells to appropriate database cell. In the below code when I tried to edit the First …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for DaniwebOS

Hi, I'm having some issues trying to figure out the way to find the percentage of parents with children inside my database. There is a table where all the parents are stored called XY and there is a table where all the children are listed called table Children. How would …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I have a page on my website that has three columns of images. I want to use responsive web design to resize it, so that when the screen gets smaller, it becomes two columns, and when it gets even smaller, the design should become 1 column. I want to use …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for woodenduck

Hey All, I think I messed up.. I went to PhpMyAdmin and clicked export and exported all my databases with the default options to a sql file. And I downloaded a bzip file with my sql file in it. If I open the sql file it looks like BZh41AY&SYò)É<91>^@B"_<80>P^Pz÷ÿúÿÿÿðÿÿßð`4^^òPÇ»w^Fç-îä»o11ãwÞ|ú^AÜ^Aëo¨ú½Ðî^Nï:.Ó§;Såñݱèó¦ô<9b>ÓÎÞe·<92>ó»7×Ú;<98>£§Nɤ)lÓFP<94>^Tå<8b>Û^T'<86>ǭܦî°:n±@÷Þ=öõôût[Àûî÷¼>D<94>}5D7¸ÏyÕ^]zâªR<90><<9c>$P@Ð^H^B50§<94>{Th&Ò<£F<9a>^L^SLF^F<99>^@¢<9a>(hh^Y^@^F<9a>^@^@Ð^@^@^BA$^R<9e><89>詵=ªm4<99>4^Y^@^OPô<9a>h^Z^@^@^Rz©(ÔÊz£ÔñA£&<8d>© ^M^@È^M^@^@^@^H<92>^P #!4ÒzL<9a><9b>Q<99>SÄ<8d>1<88><9b>@<9e><8d>C@ …

Member Avatar for woodenduck
Member Avatar for ourloop

The below code displays correctly, I need an "IF" statement that prevents displaying rows with 0% in the percent column and I've tried several conditions. None are working. I only want to display rows that has at least 1% in the percent column. Here is the code: $result = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for xHubesekesx

Im trying to create a Log in system, Using VB.net 2010, im having a hard time creating a query for the username and password, and also how to make it case sensitive. please help me,...thanks.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for de Source

Hi, i want to create a query which select three columns from a table on certain condition now i have got certain with three columns and i can bind this data to a datagridview but before this i want to add a column to dgv say col_new and fill its …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have 2 tables one tblAssociate and tblData. The link between them is one to many. My search will be based on date time range where if I find even one data in tblData between the set range then I want to show the tblAssociate data. So I …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

I need to get the value of the primarykey for the most reciently created entry in an h2 database only problem is i cant figure out how to call scope_identity() which is supposed to return a resultSet with the most reciently created key. Here is the function i am using: …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I am having a tablespace named Incident which has eight columns . The first column is index which i kept as auto increment. The columns are 1.index(auto_increment) 2.ticket_no (String) 3.date(String) 4.description (String) 5.priority (int) 6.state (String) 7.follow_up (String) 8.status (String) Now i tried to insert test row in …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I have a table in which there are two columns. One column is id and the other is value. When I try to retrieve the data that is not empty it gives me unwanted error. I have to apply join to some tables as well. My query is something …

Member Avatar for saadi06
Member Avatar for searchacar

Hello, I am doing some search in which my requirment is to search between specific dates. Like user can put start date and then end date. Once submit then it should find result between these two dates. [QUOTE]Select from table where date1>2001-01-05 And date2< 2001-02-05.[/QUOTE] Will this above statement will …

Member Avatar for angiesavio
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a database that contains multiple comments. Each comment has their own ID. I want to select 5 comments from the database, store the last comments ID into a variable and then select 5 more comments at a later time. When I collect 5 more comments at a later …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Several people have asked about storing binary data in a database. I coded up an example today that uses an ADODB.Stream to copy the binary data but after some fiddling I found a more direct way. If you are using MS SQL Server, the easiest way I have found is …

Member Avatar for ozstylo

Hi fellows i want to know how can i update all products once by using sql querry in opencart

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tieties

Ok so what i want to do is break up a string after the lenght of the string is = to 160, then i want to add a line break..but all this needs to be done in the Select...can anyone help me with this thankx in advance select case len(COD_P2_Q1) …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi Everyone, Been a few years since I had to post anything here so I'm glad to be back. I've been asked to do a report to show vouchers that have been issued and presented for July (this year and last year). I have done this SQL: SELECT tblOutlet.OL_NAME, Format([VI_TRANSACTION_DATE_TIME],"mmmm …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for nigelhow

The query is return an empty value on the frist row which means that the supposed value in the first row is in the second row , etc etc . How do i correct this? $query1 = "SELECT * FROM opentrades"; //You don't need a ; like you do in …

Member Avatar for stevie.whalen
Member Avatar for nigelhow

Okay i have 2 variable named bid price and offer price . I need to fill in the values into the variables through cases. For each row of data ,i want to retrieve the rates for the currency pairs (eg. eur/usd,audusd) . I have 2 values for each currency for …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Gen_1

I am a college student developing a local chat application using VB.Net and SQL 2005. I have multiple clients connected to a server via local ip. My first problem is, how will I know which users are online. Each user has their own username and password in order for them …

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The End.