2,568 Topics

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Member Avatar for davidlgj

Hi all, I'm using the PHP code below to get results to return to an autosuggest / autocomplete. The problem is that if an earlier SQL query takes longer to return from the database than the most recent SQL query then the results of the older query will be displayed …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for navinkumar

I have installed visual studio 2008 I have installed sql server 2005 Now the problem is i want to make a application in which i enter the product id in text box and i shud get all other details such as cost quantity in cost textbox and quantity textbox respectively.. …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for mcatominey

I have been searching the web for this but cant find it anywhere, i want to search my mysql database with php but i want it to find records if just one of the search term word are met. eg. Search term from form = "one two three" My database …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AndreRet

A reply on so many data and SQL questions, this attachment has 20 forms with all different connection samples and data related queries. This will put any beginner on the right track to successful coding in vb6. I have put together this sample from numerous others over the past few …

Member Avatar for jayroldvicencio

Hi there. Im new to asp programming. And I am doing a research project for my school. I'm create a website with MS SQL SERVER 2005 with ASP. But the problem is the right connection. I have searched the web almost 2 weeks but nothing happened. Here's what my code …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a new report, published today by SANS, the overwhelming majority of all cyber-security risks can be laid at the door of just two areas: unpatched client-side software and vulnerable Internet facing web sites. The report was compiled by Rohit Dhamankar, Mike Dausin, Marc Eisenbarth and James King of …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

some body help me.I want to know how to put the dropdown list from database at my textbox cursor. full problem definition is like this. I want to create a Hint system for SQL which will give the structure of of Query. for example if user enters trigger he will …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai
Member Avatar for tate-u

Can someone help and show me how to display using (VB.net) these two tables combined into one. I'm really struggling trying to figure this out after hours of work, I decided its time to ask for help! So in SQL Server 2005 I have the following tables... [B]Students[/B] PKId Cart_Id …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for m_shanak

hi every body. i have a stored procedure with a select statment that looped by a cursor . this is the code [CODE] DECLARE res cursor READ_ONLY for (SELECT DISTINCT GroupNo FROM ppu_MajorPlan WHERE (PlanYear =(SELECT majorPlanYear FROM ppu_Student WHERE (StudentNo = @StudentNo))) AND (MajorNo =(SELECT MajorNo FROM ppu_Student WHERE …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Today is [URL="http://www.saferinternet.org"]Safer Internet Day[/URL] 2009, apparently. Every year since 2004, one day in February has been designated as Safer Internet Day in order to promote a safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones. It is aimed primarily at children and young people across the world. …

Member Avatar for newsguy

It has been a long time coming, but Microsoft has finally announced the release to manufacturing of SQL Server 2008. "Microsoft developed this release of SQL Server with the customer in mind," said Ted Kummert, corporate vice president of the Data and Storage Platform Division at Microsoft. "SQL Server 2008 …

Member Avatar for newsguy

That, my friends, is the message being touted by the latest Security Threat report to emerge from [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL] which says that one web page was infected every five seconds (count them) during the first half of 2008. Last year it was only, and I feel bad enough saying only, one …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It’s that time of the year again, and the Microsoft Tech.Ed Developers Conference 2006 Europe has hit the beautiful city of Barcelona, capital city of Catalonia in Spain. Hot off the press news for today is the keynote speech by Eric Rudder, senior vice president of technical strategy with Microsoft. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Oxford, UK based database security specialists [URL="http://www.secerno.com/"]Secerno [/URL]databases are open to attack from growing insider threats that give employees carte blanche to access confidential data. Naturally, the company has a product to plug, a database assurance platform called Secerno.SQL, but to be honest I am more interested in …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

How much money does Microsoft need? As much as possible would appear to be the answer, considering that it has announced a $1.50 fee to download the Office 2007 Beta as from August 2nd. Claiming a requirement to cover server costs as a result of the 3 million people that …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Good question, but the answer may not be as straightforward as the announcement this week by Microsoft, and the ongoing online media coverage, suggests. The impression given is that Microsoft is supporting the Open Document Format in Office 2007 by sponsoring an open source based translator. This will take documents …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Reports of the death of PDF support within Office 2007 and Vista are not only presumptuous but wrong. Despite the high profile publicity given to a spat between Adobe and Microsoft over the ‘Save as PDF’ function seen in the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/getthebeta.mspx?showIntro=n"]Office 2007 Beta[/URL], there is no doubting that users will …

Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

Most people have had experience of, or currently use Microsoft Office, either at work or home, but I would think most people would find it hard to spot the differences between Office 2000, XP, and 2003. Apart from updated aesthetics on the latter, not much has changed through the generations, …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

The End.