2,568 Topics
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Hello, I am creating a page that displays sections of a database based on ClassTypeID, and using the following as my SQL statement: [code]"SELECT * FROM Classes WHERE ClassTypeID=" & request("ClassTypeID") & ""[/code] The user will select a category from the following menu: [code] <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=1">Care Management</a> </p> <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=2">Claims/Customer … | |
In my code, I loop through 3 random users, and I am trying to add 500 to their total number of credits. The variable $credits isn't being captured correctly, as it shows blank when I try to echo it. The odd part however, is $userid (primary key) is captured into … | |
Hello, I am trying to insert an html document into a modal window based on the results of a database query using plone/tal and jquery. What I need is for the "href records/rpc*_url" to be a link to the html document of the same name as the query result. i.e. … ![]() | |
Hi all. I am working on a small credit/debt management tool. I have a table that contains the main record for the debt: id, amount, client info, interest, paid back, etc Then I also have a "history" table where all operations on a debt are stored: when it was first … | |
Question: I just recently had a cut over for a web application using a SQL DB that was previously using xp_sendmail to dispatch messages to the users. In accordance with the cut over, xp_sendmail is no longer usable in Server 2005 and should be replaced with sp_send_dbmail. Previously, the emails … | |
I'm hoping someone can help me here. I have 2 tables in a access database. I'm trying to join certain data points from both, simple. I've done a few joins already for this site. But the problem I'm having is this one seems to be destined to annoy me. [code]sql … | |
Hi, I'm a recent IT graduate, I want to upgrade my skills from what I learnt at college to the SQL Server 2008 platform. I want to also get certified with Microsoft, it seems a lot of companies are asking for this now. If you have gone through the certification … | |
sql 2000 i have this sql stored procedure i want the last coloumn fAcc_Total to be updated when a record is inserted. the value in the [COLOR="Red"]fBill_Amount[/COLOR] should be add to the value of the [COLOR="Red"]fAcc_Total[/COLOR] in the same time the record is inserted if there is a value in … | |
basically i have a table which has different branch names recorded in the same column as other data. I cannot change how the data comes in so i have to find a way of extracting and matching data from this column. eg +---------+---------------------+------+------------+--------+ | Company | Branch | Tml | … | |
Yoe guys, need your help.. I want to know on how to setup my client computers and the server so they can connect to sql server 2005 Developer Edition. Client computers are Windows XP. Server is Windows Xp installed with a SQL Server 2005. They are on the same Workgroup. … | |
I'm trying to create login form in C#. I store username and password in SqlServer 2008 express using the stored procedure [CODE]ALTER procedure [dbo].[InsertNewUser] ( @UserName varchar(30), @Password varchar(30) ) as If exists(Select 'True' from Users where UserName = @UserName) begin --This means that the user name is taken select … | |
I'm making some sort of mistake in the following code: [CODE]use xPress_CR select * from (SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE ENDDATEANDTIME = null UNION SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE STATUS = 'Failed')[/CODE] Any idea what I'm doing wrong? | |
I have a client and a server - the client sends the server a message, and depending on what message is sent, the server will perform an action and then reply to the client. Most of the actions that I have implemented are working. I need help with one of … | |
I have a column in my database that has a list of keywords. sometimes the keywords are a couple of words and sometimes just one. Each keyword (can be more than one word) is separated from a comma. for example - this is my column - hi, how are you, … | |
Private Sub cmdsummery_Click() Set wss = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set dbs = wss.OpenDatabase("Gagedetails.mdb") Set rss = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblGage") 'Set rss1 = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblopeName") Do While Not rss.EOF OSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT OpeName1 FROM tblGage WHERE Date =" & SQLDate(txtdate.Text) Set rss = dbs.OpenRecordset(OSQL) MSQL = rss("OpeName1") NSQL = "INSERT INTO tblOpeName (name)" & " … | |
Hi I need to know, is there any option to use For loop instead of While and ForEach to retrieve the result. While Loop ----------- [CODE] $query = "SELECT name, subject, message FROM contact"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "Name :{$row['name']} <br>" . }[/CODE] instead to … ![]() | |
Hi I need to write a sql script to split a string in two or more parts. e.g. I have a string: "tag: key1, key2, key3" I would like to use the ":" as a seperator and thus end up with two strings: "tag" and "key1, key2, key3" Is this … | |
Hello ppl, I have a mysql db and i want to know how is better to use queryes on my website in the table favorite i have many rows with id (some numbers..) and fav ( img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 etc..) and a table named img where the first … | |
Hi I was wandering if sql tables can determine the order in which forms appear in a delphi application and if so how does it determine this order and will I be able to go in and edit the order. Thank you in advance | |
So, a single user application, all data is local, no remote access .... If a go with an Access file (DB), from the user's perspective, they simply install the app and they are good to go. Is it the same if I go with a SQL DB, or do they … | |
Boas. Estou com uma dúvida para o qual preciso mesmo muito da vossa ajuda. Criei um report que inclui dados de 1 trabalhador (id, nome, residencia, bi, categoria profissional, etc...) e preciso de fazer o seguinte comando SQL: [B]SELECT * FROM Trabalhadores WHERE id_trabalhador = ' + valor + '[/B] … | |
I have this long winded query [code=sql]select i.id,i.name, i.item_type_id, (select it.name from items it, relations rel, relation_types relType where it.id=rel.to_id and rel.from_id=i.id and rel.relation_type_id=relType.id and relType.name='CityCtountry') as cityCountry from items i where i.item_type_id=2;[/code] Cut the long story short, we inherited database from customer that hasn't been happy with other company, … | |
So far progress overall has been going well in general on my pet project I call the TAXA project (nickname for taxonomy). The heart of it is a botanical tree on all the woods of the world. Since viewing it can make it easier for any of you to understand … | |
Hi everyone, first of all, sorry for my english... I'm in this situation: I have a table in my database named products with the fields [B]id[/B] and [B]model[/B] in it. Now, I need to get 'all' the products but with different model names and each result represent a valid product. … | |
Hello guys! I'm trying to make a script for a school website, so the principal can send mails to all of his students, teachers or other admins, it should be very simple but the page just keep coming blank or sending me syntax errors. Right now it's showing the following … | |
Hello all...incoming newbie question. I'm new to building desktop apps after a couple of years using ASP.NET online. I'm using MS Visual C# 2010 Express to play around and learn with. In order to test something that would be of real use to our company I want to be able … | |
Hello guys! I'm trying to make a script for a school website, so the principal can send mails to all of his students, teachers or other admins, it should be very simple but the page just keep coming blank or sending me syntax errors. Right now it's showing the following … | |
Hello to everybody I have a problem with a MYSQL query and I almost got it but am stuck for a while now. I would appreciate if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction. I have 3 tables: [icode][B]t1 (products)[/B] id | name ---+------- 1 | … | |
Hi guys, I have a table that outputs all my contacts via a while loop from my database. my syntax is like this: [CODE]SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = $_SESSION['user_id'] ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 5[/CODE] that pulls out all my data and only gives me 5 results. Now … |
The End.