2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have a search a particular filename in my msaccess file . if i search through ID no , i am able to fetch the output . but if i am searching by comparing filenames then i am getting error [CODE] Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim key As String, str As …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for dschuett

Ok I am very new to the php mysql world so please bare with me. I have set up a database for an apartment complex with a table containing the following: [code] create table apartments (apt_num int not null, available varchar(5) not null, beds int not null, baths int not …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for rhonda2010

Hi! I am having a problem with the project I am working on. The project will have more than one query; however, I cannot get the simple one to work yet. I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I also have an Access database that I …

Member Avatar for JSS at MSSU
Member Avatar for webguy6

Hi all, I've been learning PHP and SQL slowly over the past couple of weeks for a project (so please be gentle!). I have a database, MEMBERS, as follows: [CODE] ID | Name | Job Title | Current Employer | State | Manager 1 | Joe Smith | Sample Title …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Damien0410

I have added case 9 into this document and added the appropriate entries elsewhere to make it work however i cannot get this to enter the checkboxes correctly. When i go to the form and I select checkboxes and i list the options and sav ethem, it goes into the …

Member Avatar for jerseydrex06

I need help in deciding which DBMS is best suited to fit my system, would it be MySQL or SQL Server Express. The system is a TPS,it stores and manages job applicants data (name, address, gender, educational level, skills, etc). Since I am only a student and this is just …

Member Avatar for ciint
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

Hi all, I am executing query for SQL Server 2008 like that , [CODE]myQuery= Insert into Employee(id,name)values(' 99 ' ,' Nitin Daphale ');Insert into Employee(id,name)values('77' ,'XYZ');Insert into Employee(id,name)values(' 88 ' ,'ABC');[/CODE] Here am Inserting 3 Records in an Employee table but the problem is, if any statement fails I can't …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for OsheRono

Greetings, I have been cracking my skull all weekend trying to find a solution to this, and I have no idea how to search as I'm not sure what to search for (I have performed a search, but it didn't show what I was looking for, hence, the post). I …

Member Avatar for jeffsbaker

Does anyone know why the following subquery is using filesort and scanning all rows in the table according to EXPLAIN? I am trying to get the total of the top ten scores and the result is fine. [CODE]EXPLAIN SELECT SUM( score ) AS top10_total FROM ( SELECT score FROM answers …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for rahulkrishnanr

Hi Friends, How can I change the Command Text based on a Control event like clicking a button? I want to change the sql query on clicking a button. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for rahulkrishnanr
Member Avatar for lsoon3

I am new to SQL query. I would like to join two SQL queries (MS Office Query and Computer Details Quer) into one. The tables output can be found at [URL="http://rapidshare.com/files/412276985/SQL_query.zip"]http://rapidshare.com/files/412276985/SQL_query.zip[/URL] Or, from [email removed] Thanks for your guidance, below are the query: 1) MS Office Query: ================ [CODE]select v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for jtok

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development. This is a web application using asp.net and vb.net with MS SQL Server 2005 for the database. I'm having some issues with inserted data being overwritten by the next transaction (if done within a relatively short amount of time, say, roughly several …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for jtok

I am running SQL 2005 Standard Server. I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development. Let me just say that what I have below works, I would just like to have some constructive critisism. Is this the best way? Is there a better way? Are there any things I need …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for nelliott10

I am currently producing a system in which I want the user to be able to select the product name from a drop-down menu and when selected I would like the barcode to appear in the barcode field. I would really appreciate any help, however great or small. The current …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for ud2008

I try to create a selection page, where different query are made, depending on selected checkboxes, and textboxes. It works for most the part but I a selection between zipcode ranges and year of birth range (between nbs_zip and nbs_zip2 and between nbs_contact_year and nbs_contact_year2). It works when I have …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for OsheRono

I do hope this is the right section (since VBA is so close to VB 6.0). Well here is my dilemma: I am trying to have Access return a customized report. The format I have been asked for it to be output as it the following: Machine type // where …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for elie_kfoury

Hey.. i'm making a java program with derby databse usin netbeans.. the problem is that when i crate table usin a sql query,netbeans automatically sort them by name..how can i let netbeans sort them by date of creation so i can switch between tables in order of creation??... thx for …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a project created in C# visual studio 2008 standard edition and I am using a Microsoft SQl database file. I took my solution project in a filer and tried to run the application, going to the project folder and to the bin folder -> Debug folder …

Member Avatar for leahrose87
Member Avatar for backendcode

how to insert last id value from one table to another plzzz help me... thnx

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for metalix

To view this tutorial with notes at [URL="http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php"]http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php[/URL] yes I am aware this is more php than mysql. howerver I get asked how to do it so often I thought I'd post it here aswell :)

Member Avatar for el_vala

I know, is a very basic question, but I am in the process of re-learning sql stored procedures, and this is what happended: I was practicing with some simple delete / insert routines, when encountered with this: if I ONLY insert records: 1. dog 2. cat 3. t-rex 4. llama …

Member Avatar for el_vala
Member Avatar for NH1

Im having a little bit of trouble with an update statement. if any one could take a look at it and help me with what im doing wrong that would be great. [code=c] private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Button6 is OK { ///////If Null///// if ((textBox1.Text.Length == 0) …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for zyrus001

I'm looking to write a program that should be capable of holding around 1000 records, each record will contain a varying number of fields and values. Usually, I'd create a list of dictionaries for something like this but wanted to know if that's the right way to go about it. …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for pritz01

Hi newbie here I’m currently making a hotel booking system in mysql/php, but I’m having problems with overlapping dates/double bookings. For example if a user attempted to book room1 from the 1st august to the 5th august, but the room is already booked on the 3rd and unavailable on the …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for happygeek

[attach=right]14422[/attach]File under oops. The website of The Telegraph newspaper has been defaced by hackers, apparently upset at a cult British television show and the newspaper itself for mocking their country. The 'Romania National Security' hacking group has claimed responsibility for the attack which hit a couple of third party services …

Member Avatar for hugoboss1
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hey team, i'm having a problem with this query, [code] "SELECT * FROM marketingDB WHERE company_name LIKE 'allied' & '*'" [/code] the program ive written runs fine and it doesnt show any problem with the query infact the exact same query works fine on access but when i put it …

Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle
Member Avatar for DrPhil

I am having a problem with the SQL INSERT command in VB. I am trying in move data from one table to another. The problem is I am going from a table with duplicates to one with no duplicates. Since there are duplicates the SQL statement bombs. Here is the …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for gmunk

Hi all, lets say for example I have the following code [CODE]char *fname = "John"; char *lname = "Doe"; char *query = "SELECT fname, lname FROM table_name;"[/CODE] The last statement won't work, so my question is how to pass the fname and lname variables to the query?

Member Avatar for aryan79
Member Avatar for shears

I am trying to create a C++ program that queries data from an ODBC data source. I am very comfortable with C++ and SQL, im just not sure how to set up an ODBC connection in C++. I have tried searching google and have not been very successful. Im using …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello guys . i am new to mysql and i really dont know anything about it so i need your help in creating a database that contains two places one is the username the the 2nd one is the password .So please tell me how to do it

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

The End.