2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for pallen

So I have a basic database of books set up. I am trying to use PHP to query the db and send back the results. I can sort of get it to work, but not working how I would like. The issue is that the search term that queries the …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for jimmiller96

Hi all, Fairly new at SQL, and running into the following problem. I am trying to create a query to count the number of unique fields in a column and display, but can't seem to get it right. For example, each day there are x number of entries from y …

Member Avatar for Brillig
Member Avatar for mickeyci

I have no problem connecting to database, and the form is okay i guess. ¿Do anybody see the problem in here? It keeps returning me ERROR! PHP code: [code=php] <?php mysql_connect("$host", "$mysql_user", "$mysql_pass")or die("Error connecting."); mysql_select_db(users)or die("Can't access to database."); if($id) { $sql = 'UPDATE members SET '; $sql .= …

Member Avatar for anojs
Member Avatar for olivebibi

Good evening, I'm trying to generate an xml file based upon the result of an SQL query. I'm making some good progress so far but there is 2 problems I can seem to solve. My php code is the following: [CODE]<?php require ("Connection.php"); $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); //load the …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for jackparsana

HI, pls help me in this.. How to import Excel Sheet data into SQL Server 2008.? i use Excel 2010. SQL Server 2008. how to import data? thanks in advance. jack

Member Avatar for Bruce100
Member Avatar for FlyByNight73

Hi All, I am working on a booking system for vacation rental properties. I have two (simplified) tables properties and propertyAvailability: properties:- propID propName propertyAvailability:- propID dayOfTheYear availabilityStatus Rather than use dates for the bookings I convert everything to dayOfTheYear (using ColdFusion) and each DOTY for each property has a …

Member Avatar for FlyByNight73
Member Avatar for DarkDot

So I have one page that basically reads the entries I have from my table and out puts them with a link around the date so that when clicked your supposed to be able to delete it. Problem is when I click the link nothing happens. Heres the code for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DarkDot

So I'm trying to have a relatively simple script. I want to just have one entry in the SQL table and when new information is entered just overwrite that same entry. For the table I have the primary key as the variable ID. I'm not sure how to just extract …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I am currently wanting to know how to find out two different dates from a list of dates for each customer. I can find out the first date for each customer but I need to know their 6 month and 1 year visit. But the problem is not all the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Dynamikz

Hi everyone, I'm a bit of a noob on the forum so please correct me if this is posted in the wrong area/or post is incorrect. I'm currently working on a new website ([URL="http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com"]http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com[/URL]) and currently stuck on the "sort by" section at the top of the page. What I'm …

Member Avatar for sugomat

Hi, I have the following problem: I want to update the column "UPDATE_VALUE" of table A with values from the column "SOURCE_VALUE" from another table B. Both tables have a timestamp column, and the value that should be updated in table A should be the one of the row of …

Member Avatar for tarwara

Hi I am using a list view to view the data between two selected dates i have two ways: 1. [code] "select * from mytable where mydate between '" + fromdate + "' and '" + todate + "'"; [/code] 2. [code] "select * from mytable where mydate >= '" …

Member Avatar for rohand
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

i have this code but it cant work in my hosting usualy the error is : The following errors were reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''comments' ( 'id' int …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for duke_swh

I have a table in SQL Server with the following structure: DateRated, Parameter, Rating, UserID Sample Data DateRated Parameter Rating UserID 10/01/2010 Flexibility Good User101 10/01/2010 Efficiency Average User101 10/01/2010 Value For Money Below Average User101 I want to create a query that will make it like this: DateRated Flexibility …

Member Avatar for duke_swh
Member Avatar for Shandelzare

Have you ever forgot or lost your SQL Server sa password? Did you hava any ideals to reset your lost sa password? Or choosed to reinstall MS SQL Server on your PC again? I once forgot my SQL sa password and I reinstalled SQL Server at last, because I failed …

Member Avatar for Shandelzare
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello fellas I'm actually developing some web applications in Ajax, and have been trying them in my Wamp server for Windows 7. I've been using the php_sqlsrv module since its release, because of its new features. The thing is, my office has a fedora webserver, and I'm looking for a …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Is it possible to pass arrays into a function and/or return an array from a function? I think it's possible but I don't really know how to go about it. lets say I have a function that returns a bunch of field from a database ex: [CODE]function a($sql){ $result = …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for ja0

Hi, I am just new using the Microsoft Application Blocks .NET. I am using a custom one... The problem is that when I call the SqlHelper parameter as "SqlHelper. " it only shows to me "Equals" or "ReferenceEquals". Why I can get the others...? [CODE]public void ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand sqlCmd) {...} public …

Member Avatar for awmantonio

I have program in VB.NET 2008 where I want to update the premamt cell value in the tblPrem Access table, where the premno is the maximum (autogenerated as 1,2,3...), but only within a specified set of common numbers in a column (contno) I am currently saving. This contno is from …

Member Avatar for awmantonio
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Experts, I have following tables: Table_1: C_ID Inst_No Paid_Dt 201 2 12/06/2010 [COLOR="Green"]202 2 13/06/2010[/COLOR] 203 3 12/06/2010 [COLOR="Green"]202 3 16/06/2010 [/COLOR] Table_2: C_ID Inst_No Today_Dt 201 2 12/06/2010 [COLOR="Green"]202 2 12/06/2010[/COLOR] 203 3 12/06/2010 [COLOR="Green"]202 3 16/06/2010[/COLOR] Now, from the above two tables I want to display only …

Member Avatar for Sinha's
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hi team, I've written a windows program and it works nicely but its really slow when it retrieves the data from the server. Program Overview: The program allows users to search through a database and add contacts if they want. Some of the fields on the forms fill up depending …

Member Avatar for maj3091
Member Avatar for Chris.Leah

Hi guys, I am using Visual Studio 2008 and have connected a database correctly as I have done a login that works fine, although when I try to insert information submitted in the text boxes a different table, it doesn't enter after I end program to check it still has …

Member Avatar for maj3091
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hey i need to know whether the below code is correct [CODE] string query = @"Select p.ID,p.Phase From Proposal as p, Negotiation as n,contract as c Where c.CID=con.CID and c.NID=n.NID and n.ID=p.ID and n.Phase=p.Phase (Select con.CID From Contract as con Where CStatus='Active')"; [/CODE] there is an error coming saying "Incorrect …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I have two databases, tvguide and episodes1. Both are InnoDB, and I use Phpmyadmin to edit them. I tried creating a foreign key between the "episode" field of episodes1 and tvguide, and this error message came up: Error creating foreign key (check data types) : episode How can I fix …

Member Avatar for whitestream6
Member Avatar for kianmiranda

hi please i need help with the query using the values from the combo box and the result will show on the data grid sp [CODE] ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_GetReservistInfo_ByDesignation] @Platoon varchar (50), @Company varchar (50), @Batallion varchar (50), @Brigade varchar (50), @Division varchar (50), @FirstName varchar(50), @MiddleName varchar(50), @LastName varchar(50), …

Member Avatar for watz_uph

hi all, i have a little issue with SUM query from this table UNIQUEID Date Production engine1 01/12/1999 1440 engine1 01/01/2000 6061 engine1 01/02/2000 5152 engine1 01/03/2000 5347 engine1 01/04/2000 4642 engine1 01/05/2000 5264 engine1 01/06/2000 5247 engine2 01/07/1995 561 engine2 01/08/1995 3066 engine2 01/09/1995 2133 engine2 01/10/1995 2282 engine2 …

Member Avatar for watz_uph
Member Avatar for apachex

[COLOR="Green"]ERROR : [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. [/COLOR] I made a admin side for editing roles and user passwords if necessary.. But since the default ASPNETDB,mdf have UserID and Password in 'Unique Identifier' …

Member Avatar for blackdragon1027
Member Avatar for ronparker

Hello all, To begin, I am working with a MySQL database using python. In the database, I am working with 3 columns: REF_ENTRY_TIME, REF_EXIT_TIME, REF_ENTRY_VALUE. My goal is to graph the net value position against time. For the time portion, both REF_ENTRY_TIME and REF_EXIT_TIME are random various times between 9:00 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for rahul8590

[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread305436.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread305436.html[/URL] accidentally i posted in the wrong forum.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have a search a particular filename in my msaccess file . if i search through ID no , i am able to fetch the output . but if i am searching by comparing filenames then i am getting error [CODE] Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim key As String, str As …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.