2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for kobekobe

I'm trying to set up performance dashboard in SQL Server Management Studio Express. I'm currently running SQL Server 2005 SP3 ('product level') and also have installed the Performance Dashboard add-on. A couple of forums I've seen said that I could access the reporting feature by updating the Management Studio Express …

Member Avatar for novedturn

I am trying to pull data from a table to fill a drop down list. Now, i got the fill part working, but am having an issue passing a variable value to my form post action. Code: $query ="SELECT UniqueIdentifier, LastName, FirstName FROM BrokerMain ORDER BY LastName"; $result = @mssql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for novedturn
Member Avatar for trilithon

Hi All, I need to use the results of this query as an array to exclude files from a tree. The file and folder names that I enter into $exclude work fine but I can not seem to add the results from the query to the array. Below is the …

Member Avatar for trilithon
Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

Im Writing a c# Code that Takes an Excel Sheet ,creates the Corresponding SQl table and Dumps the data in a new table in SQL. Now My problem is: In the " create table" command , i have to specify the DATATYPE for the column !i.e. CREATE TABLE "table_name" ("column …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, I want to know that how can we compare two hebrew string in MySQL database? I tried and search a lot on net but still could not found the answer. My website is dealing with Hebrew(main) and English as well. So please let me know How can I …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for jakizak

I seem to be having difficulties when using the following query: [CODE]$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `name` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR …

Member Avatar for n1csaf3
Member Avatar for kayjenx

So I have a small database for managing stationery orders (internally with my company - I order from the stationery dept). In the orders forms i have a subform with the list of items being ordered. I have the Item_ID, description, UnitsOrdered,UnitPrice, TotalPrice. What a code that will lookup the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for DioRani

Okay.. Currently i already had this code for my registration form [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace Thesis { public partial class Registration : Form { Form formParent = null; public Registration(Form par) { …

Member Avatar for muzikhera
Member Avatar for saadi06

HI Can anyone tell me that how to configure php.ini For $_FILES['name']['type'] I am trying to upload a flv video and it is uploading successfully but it is not showing me the type. But if i upload a .mp4 extension file it is giving me the type also and can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for romilnagrani

[ATTACH]17851[/ATTACH] Hi, Format my PC and installed SQL Server 2008. Setup hangs as shown in attached image. Installing on Win 7 64 bit OS. To install SQL Server SP1 is left to do due to this. FYI, the top text reads: Running post-Windows Installer configuration timing actions the bottom text …

Member Avatar for VB2008beginner

I add connections in server explorors. Then, I use AdventureWorks Person.Contact to set up a query by searching peter and mary ,but how to add it on form 1 ? and I type part of their names and by the way how to link a "VB label of text" or …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for emillion82

There's a query where I want to get the: - Username of the user attached to the current opportunity record - Sales Stage associated with each opportunity record - Dollar amount associated with opportunity record I want to: - Take the current SELECT IF STATEMENT result, and collapse it based …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Sahilsahni

hi am new in php, i have values like A,B,C,D in database all in one box. i made a dropdown for its search A B C D , i want if somebody select A or B and search it fetch the whole row from database. or in other words i …

Member Avatar for jogesh_p
Member Avatar for Yearner

How to connect to a WAMP server database (located in default MySQL database location in WAMP) using C# 2010? I tried... SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source = C:\\wamp\\bin\\mysql5.1.36\\data\\testdatabase; User ID=; Password=;"); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from transactions", conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "Transactions"); DataGridView1.DataSource = …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for dakaboguy

I am using VS2010 and SQL Server 2005. I have a query to search between dates. Depending on which date I select on the datetimepicker I get no results or limited results, but mostly not all the dates between the two dates I specify. For example, if i select 10/9/2010 …

Member Avatar for dakaboguy
Member Avatar for stonest123

Hi, I'm trying to query a database to pull out all results from the database where the location and server responsible are selected from a form on a previous page which are then posted over. I can manage to post the selections from the form, but when it attempts to …

Member Avatar for stonest123
Member Avatar for uzn

This is the error when i try to execute my code "Procedure or function 'Get Customer data' expects parameter '@Name', which was not supplied." [CODE]objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure objCommand.CommandText = "GetCustomerData" Dim ObjParam1 As New SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2000) ObjParam1.Value = ID.ToString() Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(objCommand) Dim dt As New DataTable …

Member Avatar for crapulency
Member Avatar for sindhila

hi i need an vb.net program for access database, in an sql query for append (single column) .txt file into existing .mdb table , i used this code but is not working [CODE] Pth2 = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath STTConn2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; Data Source=" & Pth2 & "\LugatWordsOk.mdb; User Id=admin; Password=;" STTSql2 = …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for stolikp

Where should I keep connection object to database like ISession or SQLConnection? What's the best solution and why ? Is it Application, Session or Items ?

Member Avatar for glennt
Member Avatar for think_new

hi, I am a SQL Guy, I like reading SQL Server books, Please suggest me some books which teaches advanced topics in SQL Server not just teaching the known things.

Member Avatar for gbraden
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... i've created one ssrs report it works good im my system.. i.e http://localhost/reportserver$sqlexpress but how should i execute in different system... if i enter the system name then it is showing page cannot be displayed.. i.e http://sys1/reportserver$sqlexspress (page cannot be found) please help me..

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.... as u all know about ssrs reports... now i'm using the crystal reports and i want to go through ssrs reports can anyone answer the following question. 1)what is the need of ssrs... 2)and why we should use ssrs.., 3)what are the advantages 4)what are the disadvantages 5)how it …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all the following code is to deploy the reports programatically... i've one problem .. by using the filestream it takes more time to load the reports.. hence burden on server.. is there any option or any solution to make less burden on server.... one more thing the records …

Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi... to all i've created ssrs reports local following is my code.. public void source(string tbname,string Rptname) { ReportViewer1.Visible = true; string myQuery = "select * from " + tbname; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(myQuery, myConnection); myCommand.Connection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(myCommand); DataSet dt = …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

I have a file uploader in a web page which allows to upload excel files only, hwat I want to do is in the code , to open the excel file and get the values in the excel file which Is in different cells to the mdf file in visual …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I am a bit (well, actually a lot) confused with how exactly I should use the Dispose() method on SqlConnection object in C#. First let me tell you what I have learned so far (I've been reading a LOT on the subject for the past 24 hours, and I'm still …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for jozz3

I have a query that has two counts in an if statement. I need the query to return all values even if they are null once equated by count. I have tried the NZ function to no effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]SELECT REPRESENTATIVE.Country_id, IIf([CONTESTANT.Team_id] Is Null,COUNT(*),COUNT(*)-1) AS …

Member Avatar for redous

Hi i have SQL query problem im trying to get x from my database using an array the code below works but does not tell the SQL which user name to get x from so it just throws string. can anyone rewrite the below code so that it includes the …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Borzoi

The joke: An SQL query walks into a bar and sees two table, walks up to them and says "Can I join you?" The riddle: Halloween == Christmas - Why?

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Member Avatar for tyson.crouch

G'day guys, My boss has just asked me to develop a small CRM system. Now, writing a simple SQL Insert is not something im a stranger to, however for some reason i cannot seem to get this working. I've included all necessary libraries, and tested the actual sql statement in …

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The End.