20,284 Topics
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I've been putzing around with this for awhile but I need to delete column B (minus the header) when ever it is empty. Does anyone have any idea on how to do this. If xlWorkSheet.Range("B2:B65565").Value = "" Then Dim rg As Excel.Range = xlWorkSheet.Columns("B") rg.Select() rg.Delete() End If | |
I have this vbs script that works great for adding a printer, what do i have to do to create this in vb 2010? I would just like to add a nice user interface, please help [CODE]PrnName = "Toshiba2830" PrnLocation = "Toshiba" PrnComment = "Toshiba2830 PCL6" PrnDrv = "TOSHIBA e-STUDIO … | |
Hey guys! I have managed to fix a previous problem but now I have a new one!The "Details" fields keeps repeating itself for example its showing it 4 times instead of one!this is my code [CODE]Dim crptdoc As New CrystalReport1 Dim mystr As String Dim myDS As New DataSet1 crptdoc.Load("C:\Users\ACP\Documents\Visual … | |
Hi, I'm writing a routine to import salesorders from an Excel sheet into Sage. The Sheet is broken down by product rather than by order so I want to use OLEDB to connect and run a query against it sorting by Order Number to get the items back per order. … | |
hello to all. I have a problem. I want to alter a table to add three columns whenever i click a button.But i want the name of the table taken from a drop down list, and the name of the three columns are also taken from either a drop down … | |
i've a problem with deleting record from datagrid. i have few columns in my datatable and all publish on to a grid and under "ID" column there are id nos and they are "NOT" unique. user able to search using this "ID" no. problem comes in deleting records since the … | |
Hi, I have this fileupload control which saves excel file on my server, but somehow, if the excel file is larger than 4 mb it does not save the file, i used this code fileupload1.SaveAs can you please help me on why does this happen? Thanks | |
Hello everyone. I have the following issue: I have a Windows XP computer with excel 2003 installed. we use several automation robots using excel. everything works fine, files area created and all that. but we have a problem. for some reason the document recovery pane of excel is getting filled … | |
I want to set up an array and have 100+ items in the array anyone know how to split the line Dim row() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} like this Dim row() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} | |
hello everyone i just wanna ask some help regarding on how to delete all datas in the data grid view from search result. i have a form which search data in specific date and show result in the datagridview, what i want is that when delete button is clicked all … | |
here's my code access webpage [CODE]WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://" + TextBox1.Text + ":8080/TopAccess/Administrator/Login/Login.htm")[/CODE] create folder [CODE]My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\" + TextBox2.Text) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000)[/CODE] access general page [CODE]WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://" + TextBox1.Text + ":8080/TopAccess/Administrator/Setup/General/List.htm") While WebBrowser1.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Application.DoEvents() End While[/CODE] save page as*************this is not working [CODE] Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient myWebClient.DownloadFile("http://" + TextBox1.Text + ":8080/TopAccess/Administrator/Setup/General/List.htm", _ "C:\" … | |
I have a website which has a section under maintenance with a button called create a new file - when you click on this button it does a backup and generate a filename on the same page called *.tbf - the filename changes each time you click on create a … | |
this is my query for displaying monthly business [CODE]select convert(varchar,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0),101) as 'months with date format', sum(inv_amount) as 'business' from invoices inner join customers on customers.cust_id =invoices.cust_id where fname+' '+lname='lala fazlani' group by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) order by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) [/CODE] So when I execute this command, It gives me this result [url]http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6492/sqle.jpg[/url] [url]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/538/chartv.jpg[/url] … | |
Hi I've got a 2 col drop down list that gets its values from an SQL Server DB Table called List. The field that the drop down list uses is called SurName this would only display the surname for each record in ascending order. I have now extended the drop … | |
Hey everyone, my issue is a little strange, I have a form that has checkboxes, and depending on the selection, a textbox might appear for further info. I want to loop through the controls that have been selected, if it's only a checkbox than just add the Value of the … | |
So i am currently working on a project about enrollment system and I am having a problem with transferring items from one listview to another. I've been stuck on this problem for a while now. And I'm wonder if you guys and help me out. Here's a photo: [ATTACH]23978[/ATTACH] I … | |
Hi, I am trying to split a single line of data into three separate parts so that they can be displayed in different textboxes. The data looks like this: item1_item2_item3 The code that I tried is: [CODE]Dim arrayLines() As String Dim record As String record = Subs.Text arrayLines = record.Split("_") … | |
I know how to set the tab order on the forms on VB.net. but i want to set such that when i press enter while on the form, the cursor will go to the next textbox based on the tab order set. | |
hi I have MS Access Data Base with tow tables table 1 has relashiship with Table 2 when I try edite tabe 1 error message shown tell me I can't edit table 1 do you have examble for this ? | |
can anyone help me please.. i'm stuck with this thing for 2 days.. i have try to find answer from one forum to another, and it is give me heavy headache. what i want is that my panel size in my form has a function as print area, in my … | |
The title says it all; I want to make a simple, not all-over-the-place HTML code. I'm asking for help since I'm still in middle school. I understand a lot of code, but if you give me a from college class explanation, it's not going to help until I get to … | |
This is my first post. I am a novice in VB.NET. I am able to hide form1 from from2. But I am not able to close the form1 or exit the application from form2. Is there any way in which I can exit the application except from the startup form … | |
hi ppl i need bit of help in my vb coding.. i've published data on to a datagrid from database. when the user enter id into textbox the record filtered out and published on to designated textboxes in another form. so far everything works fine. this "ID" is not unique … | |
Hi.. I'm developing a website for the first time in visual web developer using asp.net and sql sever database. I have designed my pages and master page. I have created my sql server database too. Please could you help me how to connect the database to asp.net master page? Also … | |
I downloaded one type of free code 3 of 9 font but the barcode scanner doesn't read it and the other fonts that I downloaded are not compatible to the crystal report and it says "True Fonts only"(not exact but just like that) | |
pls can any1 help me with the code for a reminder(where a user can select a day in the future and the exact time). | |
very hard regex extraction for me :( im trying toextract JOHNDIGEDY which is a variable HTML String: [CODE]<a onclick="showPersona('persistentNation'); return false;" href=""><span>Welcome,</span> JOHNDIGEDY <span style="color: red;">(Unverified)</span>[/CODE] any one help? ive tryed [CODE]Dim Regex As New Regex("</span>\n\n"".*""\n<span style=", RegexOptions.Multiline) For Each M As Match In Regex.Matches(data) Dim Description As String = … | |
[CODE]Private Sub cmdOut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOut.Click If txtempno.Text = String.Empty Then MsgBox("Insert first your employee number.", vbExclamation) lblIN.Text = "" lblOUT.Text = "" Exit Sub End If Dim ssql As String ssql = "UPDATE tbl_timerec SET TimeOUT=@lblOUT WHERE EmpNo=@txtempno" Dim com As New SqlCeCommand … | |
Hello overyone, I have a question about web forms. I've set up a web service and i'm now trying to make a registration page. The one thing I couldn't figure out is how to handle events. For example, I have a simple button with id="Register", how can I handle that … | |
Is there any way to get the token so i can continue to POST on the Vbulletin forum when logged in? As login security Token = Guest but when logged in its a long code. I need this to POST string If it saves it to the cookies how can … |
The End.