20,279 Topics

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myqry = "UPDATE tblReceive SET " myqry = myqry + " ProductName = '" & txtProd.Text & "'," myqry = myqry + "' Quantity= " & txtQuan.Text & "'," myqry = myqry + " Quantity Unit= '" & ComboBox3.SelectedItem & "'," myqry = myqry + " Category = '" & …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for artemix22

hi everyone.. can anyone help me please.. i have a datagridview with 4 columns (id, name, ticket_number, destination), i just want that datagridview on column "ticket_number" to display ticket_number from mysql database and another 3 columns for user input. thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for artemix22
Member Avatar for ndraycott

Hi I am trying to pass the datatable of a search query to another page and bind it to a listbox. The problem is the the listbox just displays system.data.datarowview and no results. I have listed the code below. Thanks First page SQL and session store: [CODE]Protected Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As …

Member Avatar for Phasma
Member Avatar for Lle26

This is my first time to do visual basic program Please help me about this problem... When I run the program with maximum attempt of 3 with correct username and password, Illegal user will pop up,,,i really dont know what to do..illegal user must be pop up when i already …

Member Avatar for makdu
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

How can I detect the click event of the close (X) button at the top right corner of the control box of a form/window? Please note, I don't want to know about CloseReason, FormClosing, FormClosed or stuffs like these, unless they are inevitable. I exactly want to detect if the …

Member Avatar for makdu
Member Avatar for Eniekko

Hello, currently, what i want to do is, add a column in a table "default" during runtime. Well, I've got that covered already. The problem is, the column names are actually taken from the users input through a textbox or drop down list and of course, if the same column …

Member Avatar for Eniekko
Member Avatar for madao

I would like to retrieve the ID number for that row that was just inserted into the database. [CODE]Dim Enrollment As New Enrollments With Enrollment .Student_ID = CInt(lvwStudents.FocusedItem.Text) .Enrollment_Date = CDate(dtpDate.Text) End With EnrollmentBAL.Save(Enrollment) [/CODE] I have this code to save it from the database, what I want to do …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for reds8

My problem is after I created 5 rows of text boxes, I want to add random numbers to all of the text boxes in one time when I click the button. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?? Here are my coding to create text box dynamically: [CODE] Private …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for Aleksej

Hi. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 so I didn't know where to put this topic. This is my problem. I made a qucik search program so when I browse for a text file, it adds that text file to a listbox1. And then when you search result will be placed …

Member Avatar for Aleksej
Member Avatar for pfaleite

How to get HARDWARE properties in VB Express 2010 like video card name and memory type? Hi, need some help with the above problem, i'm a noob with programming so any help will be ultra cool.

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for angknown022

Hi! this is my first thread here. Please help me. I have no clue how to start monitoring "another computer" in vb.net. I want to make a program just like a "cafe client" that monitors and manipulate another computer. Should i use Winsock? because I had red that winsock is …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for anuradha1

Hi guys!I'm currently making a database project and I want to update an access database. I connected the database using this sql command 'select*from word' And I tryied to update the database using this code ds.tables('word').rows(0).item(1)=”cat” Dim cb as new oledb.oledbcommandbuilder(da) da.update(ds,”word”) da is a data adapter ds is a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Headshot_Harry

Hi all, first post here, please excuse the newbieness!! I am a complete and total beginner to web development in all forms other than mediocre HTML and CSS. Please be gentle and use small words!! :-) I have recently installed Microsoft's Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in order to have …

Member Avatar for Headshot_Harry
Member Avatar for Mr Cluee

[B]2. Write a statement or a set of statements to accomplish each of the following:[/B] a. Sum the odd integer between 1 and 99 using a while statement. Assume that variables sum and count have been declared as Integers. b. Sum the squares of the even integers between 1 and …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for poojavb

I have created a project for clinic in vb.net... So I have one exe file for it.... But I want VBnet installer and Crystalreport runtime installer to be packaged along with it... As to when the user will click the exe file the VB.Net installer shud first install then the …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for networkmancer

How can I obtain the first row value. ex. Table ID NAME AGE 1 peter 14 2 Jogn 13 3 Luke 6 If i click peter I will get 1. I can get the clicked value but I do not know how to get the first item in the selected …

Member Avatar for networkmancer
Member Avatar for tenorjazz

I have a simple vb.net app and I'm trying to update a one row Access table with data from some textboxes. This is a learning exercise for me as I am coming back from not programming for almost 10 years, and know there are lots of other ways to manage …

Member Avatar for Phasma
Member Avatar for acepeda

Hey guys! I need a little help with Crystal Reports!The Report keeps repeating the details.I tried to group it by the reference number but it keeps displaying it four times!Also how can I order the report by reference number?Please help me its the last thing for me to finish my …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for networkmancer

The problem is that it will show 2 the same result but with different employee fname. How to have something like this . "Employee.employee_id has employee.fname " It will show also lots of result if I will not use distinct. Select distinct TRANSACTION.TRANSACTION_ID ,CUSTOMER.FNAME ,CUSTOMER.LNAME,PET.PNAME,Employee.Emp_ID,Employee.fname,TRANSACTION.DATESTART,TRANSACTION.DATEEND from(TRANSACTION) INNER JOIN CUSTOMER ON …

Member Avatar for networkmancer
Member Avatar for dilse4sk

hi every one i just need some general ideas about a booking system. I have already done login and registration processes. And i am gna have customer registration and booking aswel which i can add,delete or update. its a vb.net application with sql server 2008. Can you give me any …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for PutingPanday

I want to Have a Fix File path for my Flash Animation Flash Screen.. Is this possible ?coz VB doesnt allow you to upload a Flash File In resources... This is my path: AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "C:\Users\Nat\Desktop\Sudoku tactics(Pencil)\finished products\SPLASHscreen.swf" It's not fixed...If you switch PC it wont work anymore...

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, I am messed up with the below query [CODE] Try Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand myCommand = New OleDbCommand("select sum(tmt.total) as Total from Appointment appt, TreatmentMaster tmt where appt.patientid='" + txtPatIDBill.Text + "' and [tmt].[treatid]=[appt].[treatmentid] and (Format([appt.ApptDate], 'Short Date')) between '" + dtpFromBill.Value.Date + "' and '" + dtpToBill.Value.Date …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for easygi

Is it possible to reload a form of the running application from one computer when I executed a function from my other computer with the same application? co'z I want to see the changes of data on my datagrid view

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Member Avatar for jairuz21

Hi, Can anyone help me in showing multiple items from listview to my crystal report. Or something like after searching some items, the results are the one to be displayed in crystal report. I don't have any codes yet. I'm using OLE DB Connection. Any help would be appreciated. Thank …

Member Avatar for jairuz21
Member Avatar for bry090911

by the way. this is now my problem. THIS IS FOR TIME IN... [CODE]Private Sub cmdIN_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdIN.Click lblempno.Text = txtempno.Text lblIN.Text = lbltime.Text & lbldate.Text MsgBox("Log in successful!", vbInformation) lv = ListView1.Items.Add(lbltime.Text) txtempno.Text = "" txtempno.Focus() End Sub[/CODE] THIS IS FOR TIME …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for moone009

I've been putzing around with this for awhile but I need to delete column B (minus the header) when ever it is empty. Does anyone have any idea on how to do this. If xlWorkSheet.Range("B2:B65565").Value = "" Then Dim rg As Excel.Range = xlWorkSheet.Columns("B") rg.Select() rg.Delete() End If

Member Avatar for moone009
Member Avatar for jd2369

I have this vbs script that works great for adding a printer, what do i have to do to create this in vb 2010? I would just like to add a nice user interface, please help [CODE]PrnName = "Toshiba2830" PrnLocation = "Toshiba" PrnComment = "Toshiba2830 PCL6" PrnDrv = "TOSHIBA e-STUDIO …

Member Avatar for acepeda

Hey guys! I have managed to fix a previous problem but now I have a new one!The "Details" fields keeps repeating itself for example its showing it 4 times instead of one!this is my code [CODE]Dim crptdoc As New CrystalReport1 Dim mystr As String Dim myDS As New DataSet1 crptdoc.Load("C:\Users\ACP\Documents\Visual …

Member Avatar for acepeda
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I'm writing a routine to import salesorders from an Excel sheet into Sage. The Sheet is broken down by product rather than by order so I want to use OLEDB to connect and run a query against it sorting by Order Number to get the items back per order. …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Eniekko

hello to all. I have a problem. I want to alter a table to add three columns whenever i click a button.But i want the name of the table taken from a drop down list, and the name of the three columns are also taken from either a drop down …

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The End.