10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for pao286
Member Avatar for thundercat

anybody know the coding for searching by primary key? example: i have database name "FAIL", table name "Fail" and i want to search by field name " Nama Fail" i really need the help to finish my project

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for REB

I have absolutely no VB experience. Just yesterday I taught myself some basics enough to code a series of prompt boxes following a model in an Excel textbook. I'm at work and I need some help. I built a work book that takes inputs, calculates and then produces an output. …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for cybuster

hi im just starting to design a database using adodc but I have a problem... can someone give me tip on how to create a search code for ADODC... thx in advance

Member Avatar for PVBert
Member Avatar for hussulinux

I have some questions related to printer object: 1. I am painting a Picture Box image on the printer object and then printing it. How can I shrink the Image so that It fits to page of the printer? 2. I am generating reports which are in HTML files displayed …

Member Avatar for modom

I'm trying to do something in this thread but I might have posted it in the wrong forum so forgive me for asking the same question in 2 areas but this problem is kicken' my tail. See here please [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/post380764.html#post380764[/URL] Any help would be mac-daddy great!

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Member Avatar for anud18
Member Avatar for anud18
Member Avatar for anud18

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim dbUserName As ADODB.Connection Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command Dim rsUserName As ADODB.Recordset Set dbUserName = New ADODB.Connection dbUserName.ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Persist Security Info=False;" & "Data Source = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\db1.mdb" dbUserName.CursorLocation = adUseClient dbUserName.Open after this wen i run the with command it gives an …

Member Avatar for PVBert
Member Avatar for joshnya

I first touched VBscript 4 days ago and so far so good except for one issue I am having. I have written a scheduling form for Outlook that takes 4 names and then sends out about 20 meeting invites. The problem I am having is directing the program to schedule …

Member Avatar for leoimperial

Please help me to solve this problem beacause it is not working the form2 dont show when i click the NO button please help me. if you have any suggestion about my code please tell me!! Form2_Unload() box=msgbox("Do you want to exit",vbYESNO,"Exit?") if box=yes then unload me else form2.show end …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
Member Avatar for paramasivan

i'm exporting a chart into jpg with the following code... [B]oExcel.ActiveChart.Export FileName:=App.Path & "\chart.gif", FilterName:="GIF"[/B] In XP it works fine... But in Vista, it gives the error [B][COLOR=Red]ERR 70 - Permission denied"[/COLOR][/B] please advice on this... Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for anud18

can anyone plz help me out by giving the lines of code which will hwlp me establisg a connection with my access database usin ADO ......

Member Avatar for anud18
Member Avatar for walba
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for walba

pliz assist in showing how to link visual basic 6.0 and ms access following all the correct procedures. i have used data 1 for linking but still not working.tell me how to link vb with access

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for pbrookee

Hello all... I set a key in the registry with a name as Database, the Value consists of a Database name "PBC_DB.mdb" My hopes are to use the key in my program (I am using vb6) to find the database; in the connection string rather than having it read ex: …

Member Avatar for AV Manoharan
Member Avatar for Kcin

Hi, could anyone help me by explaining what Lib means i have come across these lines of code in a book and i could not understand what theses codes mean. Thx in advance [CODE]Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, _ …

Member Avatar for davidcairns
Member Avatar for akphilli

I'm trying to create a database for an operator to choose values from a dropdown list. However, the source of these values are calculated (in a different query) in different columns (long story). I need to be able to choose any single value from multiple columns. I have tried to …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for cguan_77

[B]Hi,[/B] [B]Can anyone help me, how to determine selected control from an array of listbox? Anyhelp is greatly appreciated. Thanks.[/B] [B]cguan[/B]

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for pbrookee

Hello all! I have a flexgrid and everytime a user would click in a cell to edit it, an error occurs "Run time error 5 "Invalid procedure call or argument"" Here is my code: 'simple sub routine to fake the edits Private Sub EditFlexGridCell(PassedText As String, Optional CpBoard As Boolean) …

Member Avatar for pbrookee
Member Avatar for Jithan_palakkal

i am a beginner in vb 6.0 i like to use crystal report in vb 6.0 insted of data report i serched in vb 6.0 for crystal report but ican't found Please help me.....

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for shahriar2403

Let, i have a database in ms access with two field named-"name" & "roll". I also have a combo box or list box in vb containing those names. I have to select a name from that list and appear the corresponding "roll" from that database in a text box in …

Member Avatar for pbrookee
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hi, there, all fellow programmers I need a help on this. I have a code in vb6. It acts when a click action is made on 'X' on form1. Here is the code :- private sub form1_unload(cancel as integer) dim confirm as integer confirm=msgbox("Sure to exit ?",vbyesno+vbquestion,"Confirm Exit") if confirm=vbyes …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for VENUSKARTHICK

[B][COLOR=green]dear friends i need visual basic tutorial & books on pdf or video formet plz post for me i am biggener for this ..........[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]thanks......... in advance........[/COLOR][/B]

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for johntech

I'm working on the game of Concentration. When you match 2 squares I want to blink a label caption "MATCH" say 3 or 4 times then hide it. The problem is I want the program to stop until the blinking ends then continue. I use a timer to make the …

Member Avatar for johntech
Member Avatar for leongaj

Can anyone help me to convert the following BASIC langauge into Visual Basic source code? Please help. I'm new in programming. Thanks alot. ----------- NEW 10 REM Test Program Four - RG 9305.11 11 REM Walking Program for BORIS Connected to PC Parallel Port 12 REM Control from numeric keypad: …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for pbrookee

Hello all! :-/ I am creating a program which reads data from a database. How can I change the connection string to format anyone who would use this program on there computer? My current connection string is made to specifically read from my folder(s)... conn.ConnectionString = "C:\Documents and Settings\servername.\Desktop\Pamela\CheckReader\Database\CheckInfo.mdb" Thanks …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for LordCover

Hi, It's my first post in this site I need a system-wide hotkey in vb6 so, anywhere the user is, if he pressed the hotkey respond to. GOOD BYTE, LORDCOVER

Member Avatar for Fungus1487

ok ive just started work for a company and second day in they have asked me whether its possible to convert there entire VB6 applications suite to asp.net making it available to run online for their clients. This is my first job outside uni and having played around with asp.net …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades

I heard that using VB 6.0 I can disable the start button. But I've search to found what code to be put but unfortunately i cannot found one. I also know that code for win98 differ from XP OS... So pls some one teach me... Thanks a lot..

Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades
Member Avatar for jov_damo86

Kindly please help me on how to make a VB6.0 EXE To run when there is no visual basic 6.0 installed on a computer! Thank you! or what can i do to run a visual basic program to the computer where there is no vb software installed!

Member Avatar for jbennet

The End.