10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for arunprabhakar

i want an eps file image to b grayscale i cant get it please help me to get 1: opening a eps file 2: changing a color mode to grayscale 3: saving it 4: this has to done in a command button click MY CODING -------------- Private Sub Command1_Click() Fldr …

Member Avatar for gsraonrt

Hai all, This is Srinivas. I Need help to create an Application in VB 6.0 with Access in 3-tier architecture model. Please give me one small example with souce code. [COLOR=red]You can mail it to :[/COLOR] [EMAIL="gsraohyd@yahoo.co.in"]gsraohyd@yahoo.co.in[/EMAIL] It is very urgent. I want to convert a project into 3-tier architecture. …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for mg1969

Hi all, first post. I am working with excel files which get their data from htm files on the same folder location. Every time I open the xls file I get a prompt "Some of the files in this web page arent in the expected location. Do you want to …

Member Avatar for mg1969
Member Avatar for bendertez

I'm trying to create an overwrite save command within MS Excel 2003. I'm saving the active work book as a new file: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="c:\Test\testfile.csv" I need to run this macro on a regular basis and sometimes the file will be already held in the location above and sometimes it won't …

Member Avatar for shasur
Member Avatar for gsraonrt

Hai all, This is Srinivas. I Need help to create an Application in VB 6.0 with Access in 3-tier architecture model. Please give me one small example with souce code. It is very urgent. I want to convert a project into 3-tier architecture. Thank you.

Member Avatar for nloding

Alright, here's what I'm faced with, and I'm not a VB coder (I'm the guy who does PHP and some C++, so VB is quite a new ballgame for me). What I have is a very large network environment where we are replacing some proprietary software, and it requires reinstallation …

Member Avatar for ReeciePoo

I put a Browser into my application and I was curious, can u change the Left and Top positions of the browser and make it wrap around the flash object? probably hard to understand so i did a picture: [URL="http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/6148/spankoduw1.jpg"]Click Here[/URL] to view it.

Member Avatar for dkmaurya

I want to record a wave file by using "mciSendStringA". The output audio file should support telephony and can be used to play greeting message on PSTN line Telephone. Please help how to set required audio format parameters to wave audio device. The following code produces an error in the …

Member Avatar for usavguy

I have a database (myDB1.mdb) that contains related data in seven tables. Using vb6 existing in a separate application, I would like to find a way to archive this data into a new database (myArchive1.mdb) located in the same location as the main database. I understand how to use the …

Member Avatar for usavguy
Member Avatar for mevanga

I'm new with VB and I need to write a code that will calculate days starting from a start date (x), adding (y) days per month till the present date (z), subtracting given days (i) and finally giving remain days (j). Can anyone please given some examples.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ashish4172

Hi everyone! i am developing a application that has 2 areas- admin & user respectively. admin app is on server while clients are users.there is a form in user screen that uses a frame which needs to be enabled on button click present on admin screen. in short admin will …

Member Avatar for shasur
Member Avatar for bilgees
Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for marwaafifi
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

i have one Problem, please tell me what should i keep in mind, about the following Errors "Application uses Value of wrong type for the current operation" This is th errors in vb6 Set prmNum_key = ComNum_key.CreateParameter("Num_Key", adBigInt _ , adParamInput) Set prmExtension = ComExtension.CreateParameter("Extension", adBigInt _ , adParamInput, , …

Member Avatar for Kees Baltus

Windows Explorer gives extended information of pictures such as Width, Height, Manufacturer, Cameramodel, Exposuretime, Picture made on, Date created, Date changed and so on. How to get access to these parameters in VB6.0? Thanks in advance Kees Baltus

Member Avatar for PVBert
Member Avatar for Metalpalo

Hello I'm looking for some free cryptography library under VB6, concret 3DES encryption. Can somebody hep me ? Thanks

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for ReeciePoo

Im using the MS HTML Object Reference to do this [CODE] <a href="stockmarket.phtml?type=buy&ticker=VPTS">VPTS</a><br> <a href="stockmarket.phtml?type=profile&company_id=126"><font size=1>(profile)</font></a> </td> <td align="center"> 9 </td> <td align="center"> 9 </td> <td align="center"> <font color="black"><b>0</b></font> </td> <td align="center"> 1,000</td> <td align="center"> 15,000 </td> <td align="center"> 9,000 </td> <td align="center"> <font color="red"><b><nobr>-40.00%</nobr></b></font> </td> [/CODE] Ok i need …

Member Avatar for ReeciePoo
Member Avatar for Phreak

Hi guys, Can anyone tell me if there is a variable for .vbs files that will allow the code to find the llogged on user? Ill explain a little better... I have a code that copys files and folders to a network drive, however it only works when i am …

Member Avatar for mcgyver201c
Member Avatar for ivy
Member Avatar for vikter

Hi, I'm trying to create a VB application based on a mysql database, and would like to know if there is a way i can integrate the database itself within the Deployment Package so that when i install the application on another computer, i dont have to manually install the …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for 2thestart

I am using the shell command to go out and access a wav file to play on my forum. i amd usig the code id = Shell("C:\Program Files\Replay AV 8\mplayer.exe /play /close g:boxw.wav", vbHide) i cannot stop playing the file at any point. any suggestions or comments would be great.

Member Avatar for 2thestart
Member Avatar for vikter

Hi, please help me on how i can rename my database tables using .rdn file extension...

Member Avatar for ReeciePoo

Ok im trying to grab the information after [code]<input type="text" name="[/code] and before [code]" value="">[/code] so that it only grabs the information name="" holds Any one offer assistance as to how i do this?

Member Avatar for ReeciePoo
Member Avatar for sravani

I currently have to set up the ODBC configuration using Control Panel/ Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC)/User DSN etc in Windows 2000. This means that when I distribute the application I will have to get other users to go into Control Panel, and configure the ODBC and set the DSN for …

Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm getting ready to take a summer class on VB6 and I was wondering how hard it would be for me to keep on track with the rest of the class while using 2005 express or something of the like? I would really like to go ahead and …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for pranto157

can any body help me? how can i use reguler expression in vb code? i want a reguler expression program that maintain the ip address. plz send me full code of ip addressing with reguler expression.

Member Avatar for shasur
Member Avatar for DenisOxon

I have a customer who is running Outlook 2003 connected to an Exchange server. He has a large number of files, mostly Word documents in the Public folders. I have written VB code in Outlook to parse though all his folders and produce a list of the files. However I …

Member Avatar for jeiahonz

Im a first year students, its my first time to use vb i know less about vb. Were already having grraphics in our class and im not good at it. Will you help me draw a simple see saw, cube, and a self profile :lol:

Member Avatar for dawit
Member Avatar for ReeciePoo

Im creating a Databased; based program to of course send and recieve data from/to the database but never have I use MS Access before. can anyone recommend a simple tutorial for me?

Member Avatar for ahmed elweshahy
Member Avatar for pranto157

in my project i used vb6 and oracle. the connection method is DAO. i can execute query by writing --- Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from patient_profile", dbOpenDynaset, dbExecDirect, dbOptimisticValue)--- but when i am going to execute -- Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select max(id) from patient_profile", dbOpenDynaset, dbExecDirect, dbOptimisticValue)-- it gives …

Member Avatar for pranto157

The End.