10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for kthompsn

Have been asked to convert a set of programs from QBASIC to VB6. Any real pitfalls that i should watch out for? FWIW, my BASIC experience is mainly GW-BASIC and earlier. And yes, i WILL be RTFMing. tke

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Embeza

Hi there, I am Embeza from ethiopia,Mekele Here i got a problem! It says " file path not found" while i was working on vb 6.0 in my lab on files the following was my code and can you fix plz [CODE]Option Explicit Dim var as string Dim inputFile as …

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Member Avatar for Zill

Hi, im having trobles with excel how I can chance the color of the text in a specific cell from vb?? any help??

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for SamY

How can one use a Rt box to display formatted text. Imean to display different texts colors,size location and data from records:?:. Even images. Please help. I mean a texbox like this one

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for skpalla

Hi All, Please help me in printing Visual Basic 6.0 form directly to the printer. I am using 'PrintForm' method of the form to print a form. I took the height of the form in pixels i.e. 17000 pixels, normally the default size of a form will be 9000 pixels. …

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Member Avatar for jchaike

:?: Hi, I am wondering how to create a mini-program in visual basic that will place an icon in the task bar(where the startup icons are.) :?: Thanks for the help :!: jchaike

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi There, Can anybody help me with the following: 1. I am trying to open an excel file using adodb connection but i got a run time error on the rs. open. Here is my code Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection, rs As New ADODB.Recordset cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\temp\XLS.XLS;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" …

Member Avatar for maheshsayani
Member Avatar for maheshsayani

Hi all, I am doing one Hotel Management Project There is one EPBX and all the Telephone calls information regarding roomno and telephone no and call cost will stored in that machine which can be connected to system by parallel port The Concept is When the Customer Is Vacating the …

Member Avatar for Payman

hi. API: StartServiceCtrlDispatcher This API use to run services. but i cant use it in vb6. Please help me.

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Member Avatar for vjeshemv2000

hai all, i have created a vb project in vb6 and reports using crystal report 10. my query is follows. in the project there is a form contains a combobox and in it i load the list of faculties from the faculty tabele at the time of execution. my requirement …

Member Avatar for vjeshemv2000

dear all, i craeted a Vb6 project and desinged report using crystal report v10. now i want to call the report from VB6. one of the members suggstion he says that "place the crystal report control and select the report name" but where i get the crystal report control? i …

Member Avatar for xardoz
Member Avatar for Lalo1985

Hi, I've been looking for a solution to this all over the web, and although I've found some approaches to it, none of them seem to really answer my question. Basically here it is: I currently have an application with a GUI in VB6. It's a pricelist Inessence, and the …

Member Avatar for Shefali

Hello all I need to solve a equation using excel solver from visual basic 6. i did it manually in excel and recorded tha macro. however when i trid to automate excel using vb, an error message is displayed. it highlights the solverok function and says function not valid. can …

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Member Avatar for b.janahi
Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for snengos

has anyone ever really worked on Cubes i gotta come up with a cube and a number of virtual cubes asap

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Member Avatar for ejp001

I need a function to draw a park with any other control. I have a database with 25000 which is divide by garden, section, and page with these parameters I make a query to select a number of records. then I need to draw each record with a textbox or …

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Member Avatar for Ramabhadran

hi there i am trying to write a general formula function in vb6 forexample a = 40 b = 50 c = 60 i need to evaluate the string "A + B + C" which has to return the summation of the string in terms of value can some one …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for vtechno42

I've never coded in vbscript before in my life, but I need to trim some text with it. So it's basically like this... script sits on a page and if it sees a certain definable text string, it removes it. I.E. IF: "blahblah" = true, then DELETE THE FRIGGIN' CRAP …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for b.janahi

if i have this text [tex] INPUT STRING: شمس LOOK-UP WORD: $ms SOLUTION 1: ($amasa) [$amas-u_1] $amas/VERB_PERFECT+a/PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS (GLOSS): + be headstrong + he/it <verb> SOLUTION 2: ($amisa) [$amis-a_1] $amis/VERB_PERFECT+a/PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS (GLOSS): + be sunny + he/it <verb> SOLUTION 3: ($am~asa) [$am~as_1] $am~as/VERB_PERFECT+a/PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS (GLOSS): + expose to the sun + he/it <verb> …

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Member Avatar for racerrunner

is it possible to write a vbscript to automate task ? What I mean is recording the keystroke. If it is possible, can anyone please guide me. Thank you. I.E 1.Starts Application, 2.Click on combox, 3.enter date in(dd/mm/yyyy) in a textbox and 4.click on the command button Thanks

Member Avatar for stevemckann
Member Avatar for SamY

I really have a[COLOR=Black][B] BIG [/B]problem in making control arrays. The following is what i fed to the PC [COLOR=SandyBrown][COLOR=Blue]sub form_load() const n=15 dim Sam(n) as textbox for n=1 to 15 sam(n).text="SamY" next n end sub It won't work.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR]

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Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

Hello to all developers out there. Just wanted to know if i can embedd my existing VB application in a browser window so that when the link is loaded the application runs and accepts the input from the user. If it is possible i would really be grateful if you …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Syphus

I first like to thank the site creator and all the members for creating this kind of place for code writers to share their experties.:mrgreen: I wanted to know what are the components used in vb6 to play sound. and if I want to manuplate a wave how do I …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for BombAppetit

greetings i am doing a database system in access and has certain function of creating and modifying an excel worksheet. i keep getting this "Run-time error '462' : Remote server machine doesn't exist or is unavailable" or sometimes "Run-time error '1004' : Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed".. it points …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for b.janahi

i'm trying to open a txt file and write the text included in a texbox so how can i get the open window to choose the file i want to open :o thanks

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Member Avatar for SamY
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Member Avatar for robertlees

I have a 5 column flexgrid. I want the user to click a column and get the grid sorted by that column. Works fine for non-date collumns. For date columns, I firstly loop through all rows changing them from dd/mm/yy to yy/mm/dd. But the sort doesn't do anything.

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Member Avatar for timzukas

I am using VB6 to poke data into Word 2002. Even when I open Word minimized, it maximizes when the poke executes. I can can execute a word macro to minimize word again, but it maximizes on the next poke. I have tried turning word screen updating off before the …

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Member Avatar for shalini_roy
Member Avatar for ninnay

hello friends .i am troubled in to carry the tables in one computer to another computer. i want information about that: i did the project in VB with back end Oracle. i want to carry tables to another system. i dont know how to carry the tables to another system …

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The End.