10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi, I could not help a friend of mine when shew asked me this .- She on creating a database and tables opted for encryption and she is now complaining that she is not finding it encrypt as she is able to get the data in not- deciphered form ... …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for bybruno

hi, i try to build a aplication in vb for detect on real time which files are under utilization like antivirus software do. any one can help me? thanks a lot bruno

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Member Avatar for cheng

Write a script which run on each user's PC on login, and will append the current date and time (on separate lines is easier) to a text file stored on the server. The text file's name will be the same as the user name of the current user. Write a …

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Member Avatar for patmac_100

I'm new at a company and one of my first tasks is.. 1. storing jpg images in a database 2. retrieving an image seperately and placing it on a pdf file. 3. the pdf file must then be able to be edited by text etc. I can do no. 1 …

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Member Avatar for texandude

Hi, I have to compare 2 vaues in a procedure. One is the current change done by the user and one from the database. Here is what I have a logic understanding problem. Business Logic: A form let's say [I]form1[/I] opens with textboxes. There is a field [B]Vapor %[/B] which …

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Member Avatar for llabelle

I am desparate, please can someone tell me how I can change a report title in an Access 2000 report from within my VB6 code? I did something like this but it is not changing thye title [code] Sub PrintReport(TheReport As String, TheCriteria As String, TheHeading As String) '------------------------- If …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for agrothe

I'm developing a custom instant messenger for the office as we have need of rather unique IM needs. So far I have two groups of users: Group and Individual. The group users can comunicate with their group and all other types of groups. Individual users can only communicate with one …

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Member Avatar for Smooth_411_2000
Member Avatar for jchaike

[FONT=Comic Sans MS] :?: Ok, I am a pretty good with visual basic, i have almost mastered the basics and thoght it would be cool to make my own personal os, the way i want it, updating it whenever i feel, i am not sure if it is possible, but …

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Member Avatar for cabp

Hi all I have a problem in my application when load a form, I get runtime error 7 out of memory, the applicaton works in my computer (P4 2.8 Ghz 736RAM) until yesterday, today i got that error, i did uninstall styleXP from my computer and after restart it the …

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Member Avatar for bushlink
Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector

Is there an equivalent to Visual Basic for Linux. Is there a cross compiler that will take my old source codes?

Member Avatar for yavista
Member Avatar for RayWigley

Hi, I have a multipage rtf file called Invoice.rtf that I want to cnovert into single page rtf documents called invoice1.rtf, Invoice2.rtf etc etc. Can anyone suggest a way to do this please.

Member Avatar for sosco
Member Avatar for ArNy

ok iam new to programming software,so iam a bit confused.is visual basic the same thing as c++.iam guessing it isnt. does visual basic show you what your creating or??what? -thanks

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Member Avatar for RichardSchollar

Given the following two code snippets, how come I get different output? [code]Sub test() Dim str As String Dim b() As Byte str = "hello" b() = str str = "" For i = LBound(b) To UBound(b) str = str & b(i) & " " Next i Debug.Print str End …

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Member Avatar for arunbnair

Hi Friends I Want to start the Menu's of my application from Right to left in Visual Basic 6. Is there any way for doing that. Please replay me Regards Arun:cool:

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Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi Everyone, In DAO there is an tabledef object where you have the ability to find out all the names of all tables inside an MDB file. Can anybody show me a code on how to do that in ADO. Thanks in advance. Newvbguy

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Member Avatar for Smooth_411_2000

How Do I make Visual basic click on other icons in other programs. Like The next and finish and Install cmd buttons. Is it possible to copy text out of a text out of text boxes and Enter them into a program. Kinda Like COPY AND PASTE

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Frens, I want to check in my hard disk whether a file is exist or not by using the VB. I have to check mainly the text files created by sequential access method. I used the dir() method with if condition but it unable check that so plz help me …

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Member Avatar for arunbnair

Hi Friends I Developed one application in visual basic 6.0 Now i want to convert it to another language.For this how can i change the windows message boxes and menu bars fonts programatically so that it will affect only the application. Please give me guidance Thanks Arun:)

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Member Avatar for Maroll

Hi there...im the new member here and the beginner in vb application im from Malaysia...can u all show me the [B]format of the vb scripts or the one example of vb scripts[/B]..Im really need it... Thanks and Regards Maroll

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Member Avatar for naramis

hi there, my task is to do the automation of consolidated database (MySQL). i have to upgrade the previous Consolidated Database (CD)programming. so far, i have already designed a timer. but my problem now is on how to plug in this timer to the previous CD source code. the previous …

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Member Avatar for softwarecaz

Hello I have an exam on Tuesday about client server, my tutor has given us a revision list, I don’t understand the some of the list, could someone please help me understand what he wants, or better if you give me examples The question is: Compulsory 1 Diagrams + description …

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Member Avatar for Dazpenn

Please Help!! I am designing a program in vb6 that is to be linked up to databases in both access and excel. The problem is when I try to link up the database's using the data control I get the following message: "Couldn't find the installable ISAM". I am kinda …

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Member Avatar for Captain Haddock

Hi, I have developed an application in Excel 2002/XP to handle a spreadsheet.In order to make the execution faster I want to compile the VBA-code into mashinecode. The

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Member Avatar for INI

Good Morning All, I am trying to write a code that will allow me open up a powerpoint file and an adobe file in VB. I have checked the Microsoft Powerpoint library under "references". Please could anybody give me code that can do that? Thanks. Ini :-|

Member Avatar for mungelwar

Hi friend, Is anybody interested to do the following work in VB6 1) Print large form or picturebox like A1, A0 size. This form includes some usercontrols. 2) Convert large picturebox or form into jpg, gif or bmp file. 3) Create drawing tools like line, circle. user can draw shapes …

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Member Avatar for bibo1978

I want to allocate a large array of data "three mega bytes" and I don't know how to do this in VB after allocating this array I want to pass a pointer to it to C++ DLL what is the appropriate pointer knowing that it is not an array of …

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Member Avatar for purplegerbil

Hi, Is it possible to open a M$ Word doc in a RTF box? I thought of opening the doc in word and saving it as temp.rtf then opening that file in my rtf box, this would be a poor way of doing this. Any other ideas? pG

Member Avatar for sosco
Member Avatar for bkelly

How do I display then hide a progress box. I don't want any input or check boxes, just show the user that the computer is alive and working. A counter will be nice. When the task is done, the codewill remove the box. Thank you, Bkelly Oops, I forgot to …

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The End.