919 Topics

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Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

I made a Roguelike game with SFML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and got it to compile fine in both configurations. However, when I run it in Debug mode in either, I get an error message. Debug says: [quote] This Application has failed to start because the Application configuration is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for epicasian

First off, sorry if this is the wrong section, but sense I'm working with graphics, I thought it would be more appropriate for the game dev topic. Okay, whenever I start debugging from VC++, I segfault. But when I run my program outside of VC++, it runs perfectly fine. If …

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for nozzers

hi i have a problem, trying to set a form to open a new window, this is what ive got ... private void newWindowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.browser.NewWindow(); } any ideas why it isn't working?

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for maria_mj

How to deploy asp.net (visual studio 2008) web application on a remote server? I am developing a web application in visual studio 2008. I want to deploy the application on a remote server. I have try a few ways on how to do it based on reference from internet. But, …

Member Avatar for abhinaba
Member Avatar for gershom

Hello, I have opened Visual studio 2008.And I clicked on View-->Other Windows-->Macro Explorer.Then I got a macro explorer window.I then clicked different options present in that window randomly .Now the code is not generating any color.And i am unable to copy the content of code.Even the solution explorer is not …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for iXmerof

Hi, I have to write a little game for school. I am new at C++, but I have to do it on SDI. My idea is to make something like this one: [url]http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Dthen/3801[/url] I have some questions for you: 1. How to remove the status bar from Main Window of …

Member Avatar for sdhawan

how can i redirect from one form to another in visual studio.Or even better would be if i can just change few panels in the form when i click change or save button for eg. Thanks

Member Avatar for sdhawan
Member Avatar for basma.lm

hi, i'm working on a windows application with sql server compact edition3.5 database. i was working with visual csharp 2008 express and now i have installed visual studio 2008 professional edition. the problem is that i can't open my database to see tables, i get this error message" the operation …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for arshad115

Hi,I want to make a program to search for files in a particular Directory,can anyone please tell me the basic functions to open directories and files(not txt files) in Visual Studio 2008.How to open a directory,and check the files in that directory,etc? I can do this in Unix by using …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for bladethebric

Sry about the last post :D my braind failed on me .. so here is the deal .. i need a litle help .. half of the program is done .. there are just mising parths .. if somone can fill them ? ( im just a begginer.. ) rest …

Member Avatar for bladethebric
Member Avatar for vaps

Hello again I've been working in visual studio 2010 since it's final release. But I live in Beglium so I use the azerty keyboard layout. And visual studio keeps changing it. If you press Shift+alt a few times it's back to normal. But how can I stop visual studio changing …

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for sdhawan

hi , i am trying to compile a project in visual studio but its asking me to update source control.Can anyone help me with this. Thanks

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, how can i open a excel file form visual studio 2008 and open a file and read certain cell values from the file and save it tot the database? how can i do this, thanxxxxxxx

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for yayaza

I am supposed to create a c# based visual studio application called "TaxCalApp"The purpose of the application is to determine the tax that a person has to pay based on his taxable income. i have done my homework and head cracking.....i cant run the program right.what is wrong with my …

Member Avatar for yayaza
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hey All I've been programming in C# for a while, but thought I'd get back to my C++ roots. Was wondering, does visual studio have a shortcut for automating the "->" operator? I'm so used to C#'s intellesense, I'm afraid I may go crazy. Many thanks Cam

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shazzy99

Hi, I've been trying to capture video from webcam using openCV functions and openGL for rendering. The code is working fine and I can acquire and display both the cameras. Now I'm trying to record the captured video's and saving them to a file using openCV createvideowriter object. I can …

Member Avatar for shazzy99
Member Avatar for rambok4

What is the problem with the following login code? [code] Dim conn As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Data Source=RAHUL-034890AF0\SERVER2005;Initial Catalog=user_accounts;Integrated Security=True") conn.Prepare() Dim command As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("select", conn.Connection) command.Parameters(1).Value = txtusername.Text command.Parameters(2).Value = txtpass.Text Dim i As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery conn.BeginExecuteNonQuery() If Page.IsValid Then Response.Redirect("~/salesbill.aspx") Else Lblerror.Text = "Username …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for KatyHex

I have been using VS 2003 forever. I am just starting to use VS2008 and I am about to just trash it. It will not render the start up form which is now in a partial class. It uses it to build because I use the objects defined in that …

Member Avatar for KatyHex
Member Avatar for hassal

Hello, Using visual studio 2008 environment, i would like to change a classic windows application design, so i'm wondering if there is an idea a bout this. i've find some skins like irriskins ([url]www.sunisoft.com[/url]), but i'ts not what i'm looking for. is anyone have any idea, any help will be …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Daffodil_Thursday

I am trying to run some code originally written for Visual Studio 6 on Visual Studio 10. The compiling is flagging up strcopy and saying I need to define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS if I want to use this. Having googled and looked on site, it looks like people are adding this to …

Member Avatar for ankurtandon

Hi All I have “Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition” and “Crystal Reports XI Developer edition”. I have to integrate crystal reports in my application. I am fine developing the reports using the “Crystal Reports IDE” but not sure on how can I integrate those reports into my application. I have …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for toocoded

Hi everyone, I really need to figure out how to manipulate the Multiview control with a dropdown list control. Also, what is the C# equivalent to this VB Code [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue[/CODE]The following does not work... [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue; [/CODE] Anyone please help, i'm coding with C# and …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for phabion

in C++ Builder we have SpeedButtonAdd and SpeedButtonDel, what are the same things in Visual C# Studio 2008? Thanks in advanced!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Phoenix127

We have a MDI main form, which contains a main menu and holds the properties and routines to - select, read and write a selected DAT-input file, and to convert the data to and from a MS-Access database - open forms like grids and specificly an InpMatrix (which shows INPUTMATH …

Member Avatar for Phoenix127
Member Avatar for busy

he below code works fine with dec c++ compiler but when run on visual studio gives the error at fseek[code]#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; char *stringBuff; int i; int epi = 0; long lSize; fopen_s (&fp, "sequence.txt" , "rb" ); fseek (fp ,0 , SEEK_SET); lSize = …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for DealthRune

Okay, I'm in need of MAJOR help. I'm trying to get my own private server up, but in order to do so, I need Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition. I've went to the Windows homepage and found a download for Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition. When I click …

Member Avatar for rachS25

Hello, I am currently working on a project for my degree using asp.net, C# and Sql. The problem I am having is with my connection.cs file that I have created, the code I have is as follows: [CODE] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Xml; using School.SchoolCore.Core.Domain; …

Member Avatar for rachS25
Member Avatar for yuriythebest

Right basic question - I downloaded these source files, however there is no visual studio project file (sln) - how do I compile these in visual studio? [url]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/5796/sourceu.jpg[/url]

Member Avatar for noey699
Member Avatar for Galois77

Hello, I'm working on a project that involves making two dlls: one of them is in Borland C++ (file1-bc.dll), the other one is in Visual C++ (file2-vc.dll). Right now I'm prototyping and trying to make them as simple as possible and to see data being exchanged from one side to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Anterko

Hello. I have a nested GridView inside of a DataList. I need to enable the paging control of the GridView, but I have no idea where to put the code for it to work. Also I would like to create a function which will do the following: when a user …


The End.