919 Topics
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I made a Roguelike game with SFML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and got it to compile fine in both configurations. However, when I run it in Debug mode in either, I get an error message. Debug says: [quote] This Application has failed to start because the Application configuration is … | |
First off, sorry if this is the wrong section, but sense I'm working with graphics, I thought it would be more appropriate for the game dev topic. Okay, whenever I start debugging from VC++, I segfault. But when I run my program outside of VC++, it runs perfectly fine. If … | |
hi i have a problem, trying to set a form to open a new window, this is what ive got ... private void newWindowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.browser.NewWindow(); } any ideas why it isn't working? | |
How to deploy asp.net (visual studio 2008) web application on a remote server? I am developing a web application in visual studio 2008. I want to deploy the application on a remote server. I have try a few ways on how to do it based on reference from internet. But, … | |
Hello, I have opened Visual studio 2008.And I clicked on View-->Other Windows-->Macro Explorer.Then I got a macro explorer window.I then clicked different options present in that window randomly .Now the code is not generating any color.And i am unable to copy the content of code.Even the solution explorer is not … | |
Hi, I have to write a little game for school. I am new at C++, but I have to do it on SDI. My idea is to make something like this one: [url]http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Dthen/3801[/url] I have some questions for you: 1. How to remove the status bar from Main Window of … | |
how can i redirect from one form to another in visual studio.Or even better would be if i can just change few panels in the form when i click change or save button for eg. Thanks | |
hi, i'm working on a windows application with sql server compact edition3.5 database. i was working with visual csharp 2008 express and now i have installed visual studio 2008 professional edition. the problem is that i can't open my database to see tables, i get this error message" the operation … | |
Hi,I want to make a program to search for files in a particular Directory,can anyone please tell me the basic functions to open directories and files(not txt files) in Visual Studio 2008.How to open a directory,and check the files in that directory,etc? I can do this in Unix by using … | |
Sry about the last post :D my braind failed on me .. so here is the deal .. i need a litle help .. half of the program is done .. there are just mising parths .. if somone can fill them ? ( im just a begginer.. ) rest … | |
Hello again I've been working in visual studio 2010 since it's final release. But I live in Beglium so I use the azerty keyboard layout. And visual studio keeps changing it. If you press Shift+alt a few times it's back to normal. But how can I stop visual studio changing … | |
hi , i am trying to compile a project in visual studio but its asking me to update source control.Can anyone help me with this. Thanks | |
hi there, how can i open a excel file form visual studio 2008 and open a file and read certain cell values from the file and save it tot the database? how can i do this, thanxxxxxxx | |
I am supposed to create a c# based visual studio application called "TaxCalApp"The purpose of the application is to determine the tax that a person has to pay based on his taxable income. i have done my homework and head cracking.....i cant run the program right.what is wrong with my … | |
Hey All I've been programming in C# for a while, but thought I'd get back to my C++ roots. Was wondering, does visual studio have a shortcut for automating the "->" operator? I'm so used to C#'s intellesense, I'm afraid I may go crazy. Many thanks Cam | |
Hi, I've been trying to capture video from webcam using openCV functions and openGL for rendering. The code is working fine and I can acquire and display both the cameras. Now I'm trying to record the captured video's and saving them to a file using openCV createvideowriter object. I can … | |
What is the problem with the following login code? [code] Dim conn As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Data Source=RAHUL-034890AF0\SERVER2005;Initial Catalog=user_accounts;Integrated Security=True") conn.Prepare() Dim command As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("select", conn.Connection) command.Parameters(1).Value = txtusername.Text command.Parameters(2).Value = txtpass.Text Dim i As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery conn.BeginExecuteNonQuery() If Page.IsValid Then Response.Redirect("~/salesbill.aspx") Else Lblerror.Text = "Username … | |
I have been using VS 2003 forever. I am just starting to use VS2008 and I am about to just trash it. It will not render the start up form which is now in a partial class. It uses it to build because I use the objects defined in that … | |
Hello, Using visual studio 2008 environment, i would like to change a classic windows application design, so i'm wondering if there is an idea a bout this. i've find some skins like irriskins ([url]www.sunisoft.com[/url]), but i'ts not what i'm looking for. is anyone have any idea, any help will be … | |
I am trying to run some code originally written for Visual Studio 6 on Visual Studio 10. The compiling is flagging up strcopy and saying I need to define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS if I want to use this. Having googled and looked on site, it looks like people are adding this to … | |
Hi All I have “Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition” and “Crystal Reports XI Developer edition”. I have to integrate crystal reports in my application. I am fine developing the reports using the “Crystal Reports IDE” but not sure on how can I integrate those reports into my application. I have … | |
Hi everyone, I really need to figure out how to manipulate the Multiview control with a dropdown list control. Also, what is the C# equivalent to this VB Code [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue[/CODE]The following does not work... [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue; [/CODE] Anyone please help, i'm coding with C# and … | |
in C++ Builder we have SpeedButtonAdd and SpeedButtonDel, what are the same things in Visual C# Studio 2008? Thanks in advanced! | |
We have a MDI main form, which contains a main menu and holds the properties and routines to - select, read and write a selected DAT-input file, and to convert the data to and from a MS-Access database - open forms like grids and specificly an InpMatrix (which shows INPUTMATH … | |
he below code works fine with dec c++ compiler but when run on visual studio gives the error at fseek[code]#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; char *stringBuff; int i; int epi = 0; long lSize; fopen_s (&fp, "sequence.txt" , "rb" ); fseek (fp ,0 , SEEK_SET); lSize = … | |
Okay, I'm in need of MAJOR help. I'm trying to get my own private server up, but in order to do so, I need Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition. I've went to the Windows homepage and found a download for Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition. When I click … | |
Hello, I am currently working on a project for my degree using asp.net, C# and Sql. The problem I am having is with my connection.cs file that I have created, the code I have is as follows: [CODE] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Xml; using School.SchoolCore.Core.Domain; … | |
Right basic question - I downloaded these source files, however there is no visual studio project file (sln) - how do I compile these in visual studio? [url]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/5796/sourceu.jpg[/url] | |
Hello, I'm working on a project that involves making two dlls: one of them is in Borland C++ (file1-bc.dll), the other one is in Visual C++ (file2-vc.dll). Right now I'm prototyping and trying to make them as simple as possible and to see data being exchanged from one side to … | |
Hello. I have a nested GridView inside of a DataList. I need to enable the paging control of the GridView, but I have no idea where to put the code for it to work. Also I would like to create a function which will do the following: when a user … |
The End.