3,282 Topics

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Member Avatar for greenlantern15

I tried doing the steps regarded in the read me thread by PhilliePhan, but was unable to get to the pages. I get pages taking a long time to load or they won't load at all. I can connect to my games, and ventrilo. Firefox and Internet Explorer both won't …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for maz1955

I can access any site except att.yahoo.net or [url]www.att.net[/url]. I have Verizon DSL. AT&T claims it is my firewall/DSL provider blocking my access. I installed nothing new on my PC and all of a sudden I can't get to those two sites. I ran a trace route from my router …

Member Avatar for happyguy142
Member Avatar for musikluver4

Whenever I try to load a java applet from an html file, with the .class and .java files in the same directory, I load the html applet file and the only thing that gets displayed is NOT the applet, but the html code.....how do I enable java applets in my …

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for jlewis_cardsfan

Hiya, I saw a similar question on a c++ page, figured that maybe this would help out. I'm trying to write a program that automatically connects to a web site (Yahoo) inputs the screen name and password, logs on and then automatically goes to other spots under my Yahoo. It's …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for yeagermeister84

I am having one heck of a time trying to login in to my hotmail account, facebook account, and my school e-mail account. I can login in to any other websites except for these three. I have ran Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, RegCure and nothing is working, considering my school e-mail …

Member Avatar for lebalnc
Member Avatar for Bliksempie

Hi everyone, I have an issue with IE7 not responding as it should after a log-in to a website I built for a client. This same problem also affects the add to basket or add to wish-list functionality, the checkout process, and all other Ajax requests. Here is a breakdown …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=left]16673[/ATTACH]We got the news in our Firefox browsers this week that a beta release of the next version of Microsoft's stodgy Internet Explorer is due out September 15th. In Redmond's classic trying-too-hard style, the launch will come at an invitation-only event in San Francisco, according to [URL="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2367787,00.asp"]PC Magazine[/URL]. The invitation …

Member Avatar for cisamitesh
Member Avatar for nuorder

Hey all, I have read through quite a few of the threads on this forum and I cannot quite figure out what to do. I have window's XP and I have 2 user accounts for my xp setup...I have my user account and my wifes. Anyway, a few weeks ago …

Member Avatar for edomwaka1
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=LEFT]16647[/ATTACH]On Friday, the world’s largest online marketplace announced the launch of its U.S. exclusive eBay Bucks Rewards Program. The cashback incentive gives the consumer a 2% return on most items available for sale on the site. "We're giving eBay's most loyal shoppers something special in return -- money to spend …

Member Avatar for PhilipCohen
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I'm currently at work and updating some pages on our website so they work on both the current and new site. I am trying to view the changes I've done to the current page I'm working on but IE8 won't hard refresh and display my changes on the new site. …

Member Avatar for Jade379
Member Avatar for scotttheath

I asked this in Google's chromium-discuss list, and nobody replied. I thought this group might have someone who can help. My original post: [B]Persistent values stored in opener.[variable]? [/B] [INDENT]How can I determine what Chrome considers the current page's 'opener'? In all other browsers, assigning a value to a javascript …

Member Avatar for scotttheath
Member Avatar for fladei

<!-- IMPORTANT: Fill out the "Subject/headline" box above. Then go to your wiki's [[Special:Version]] page and note your software version info below. --> * MediaWiki version: 1.16.0 beta3 * PHP version: 5.3.3 * MySQL version: 5.1.41 * URL: localhost <!-- Now, please report your error, or ask your support question below. (You can …

Member Avatar for fladei
Member Avatar for fladei

* MediaWiki version: 1.16.0 beta3 * PHP version: 5.3.3 * MySQL version: 5.1.41 Hello. I've been trying to develop a loader project in C#, but in order to upload a file, the user is supposed to be authenticated in the Wiki website. For now, all what I've got is to use "[[api.php?action=query&meta=userinfo]]", but …

Member Avatar for fladei
Member Avatar for mshukla
Member Avatar for yammy
Member Avatar for Cyber 14

Hello, Recently, I've run across all of the contraversy about Internet Explorer's supposed hole-filled security. Now, I won't say that it is completely secure. I understand that with ActiveX controls and other such things, there is some risk if precautions are not taken. However, I don't understand the vitiolic hate …

Member Avatar for fred sheehan
Member Avatar for LadyLexa

Ok this is strange andI'm not sure how this happens but here goes... I got an email in my hotmail account that when I click on to open flashes a black screen up really quickly (I managed to read the words 'remove' and 'disable') & makes my PC restart. Hotmail …

Member Avatar for samgoober
Member Avatar for baruchM

My school assignment is to use browser detect to get the name and variation of a browser. I have been looking for detectible features, but the codes are way long. Document.all is good for seeing if this is explorer 4+, but what is a good thing for finding explorer 7? …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for fudgy

I have 10 navigation tabs in my website. Iam working on retaining the selected value from the drop down and should change the corresponding divs throughout the website....meaning based on selected value the content on all the pages should change...which should not let the user to select everytime ... I …

Member Avatar for fudgy
Member Avatar for Evilmanta

OK this is a strange situation. I live in a college dormitory and i bought web space, hosting, domain name. and i used to be able to access my web site. (the only working page atm is [url]www.evilmanta.com/stringcamp2005[/url] ) Well for whatever reason a couple weeks ago, i've been unable …

Member Avatar for fred sheehan
Member Avatar for EricFlamm

OK - I'm struggling with the same sort of positioning issue as discussed in numerous other posts. Here's the page I'm dealing with: [URL="http://fiftyeightadvertising.com/bio.html"]http://fiftyeightadvertising.com/bio.html[/URL] The design is a mixture of tables and divs, because I picked it up after the original deployment. I really don't like the background shape, but …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for jackabascal

Say I wanted to open test.html in Firefox on the click of a button. How would i do that assuming Firefox is not my default browser?

Member Avatar for saravind84
Member Avatar for kdgeiger

I have completed my applet code and it compiles fine - when I try to open it in explorer I get my welcome message but the applet does not fully open - all I get is the little box with the red X in top left corner. Help! Here is …

Member Avatar for kdgeiger
Member Avatar for rajeshborn4u

The Internet explorer doesn't allow the dropdown list to show downwards.Hi, I am trying to insert values into a dropdown list with a for loop. I have a dropdown list like. [code] <div style="padding:200px 0"> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlno" runat="server" > </asp:DropDownList> [/code] In the coding part, I have this. [code] int …

Member Avatar for LakinRann

i cannot send an e/mail or reply to an e/mail with my hotmail account. This has happened ever since they changed things last week. please can anywone help I am partially blind and rely on my hotmail account king regards lakin Rann [email]lakie1951@hotmail.co.uk[/email]

Member Avatar for civic

hello. about 3 days ago, IE couldn't load up myspace, imageshack, deviantart and a handful of other sites but i urgently needed to retrieve a picture that i left on my friend's myspace so i used a proxy to try to get it. i did but then because proxies block …

Member Avatar for ratu01
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16331[/ATTACH]A [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383530439838568.html?"]Wall Street Journal report today[/URL] suggests that for Microsoft, customer concerns about privacy came a distant second behind ad revenue when designing browser software Internet Explorer. When Microsoft initially planned the Internet Explorer 8.0 browser, they intended to offer users functionality that would allow them to avoid being tracked …

Member Avatar for avernon2

When I use Conditional CSS for Firefox (Gecko) the styles do not change. I'm trying to align the icons with the menu in Firefox. [URL="http://jaelmarketing.com/index.php"]http://jaelmarketing.com/index.php[/URL] My code: [if Gecko] #nav-icons ul li { padding:20px 0 1px 30px;} What am I doing wrong? Please help? Avernon2

Member Avatar for bernardo-b

Hello Yesterday I downloaded this: [B][COLOR="Red"]Infected Executable File Removed[/COLOR].[/B] My Panda antivirus didn't see anything wrong with it, but it is some sort of spyware or trojan. Since I ran it last night, my IE opens up sometimes with an IQ test page '=) Today I ran a quick scan …

Member Avatar for bernardo-b
Member Avatar for jmaddy10

I am trying to set up the code so that the it takes the user from one form to a thank you page, then to another form and have some of the info from the first (last name, first name, email) into the second. I managed to get the code …

Member Avatar for jmaddy10
Member Avatar for jensensd

Here's my hijack.log file... Please help me in deleting any spyware!!! Thanks in advance! Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 7:38:03 PM, on 1/9/04 Platform: Windows 98 Gold (Win9x 4.10.1998) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSGSRV32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SPOOL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MPREXE.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\mmtask.tsk C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SYSTRAY.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STIMON.EXE C:\PROGRAM FILES\GRISOFT\AVG6\AVGCC32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\QTTASK.EXE …

Member Avatar for jenifergilbert

The End.