3,282 Topics

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Member Avatar for rishi90

All proxy sites have been blocked &as i try to access them message appears "this site is in the list of url translation sites" plz give a concrete solution that really works. i already have tried 1- samair.ru 2- anonymizer.com 3- anonymizer.ru 4-indosurf.info -----------------------------------------------------and many more hope you'l give me …

Member Avatar for MFHM
Member Avatar for pops2010

I create a swf and try to use for site with width and height 100%. It is OK in firefox but when I open it in IE...It's the problem of height. Please see the link in both browser:(i.e. firefox and IE) [url]http://excededesign.com/demo/tsb/[/url] somebody pls help me..........

Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, Just working on this page - [url]http://www.rjt-online.com/photos_titletest.php[/url] In Opera, the dynamic resize of the iframe isn't working correctly. As you can see in the code, I have set a minimum height of 200px so the iFrame should always be a minimum height but if the content requires it …

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, [URL="http://www.rjt-online.com/video_latest.php"]http://www.rjt-online.com/video_latest.php[/URL] Any idea why this page displays as it should in IE, FF, Safari etc but not in Opera? I'm sure it's something simple but I've been fiddling with it for a while with no joy. Thanks!

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for sadjonvee

We are looking for the most secure method of creating a single sign on that provides access to websites that although appearing to be a single entity are actually being run and supported by separate entities. So for example: [url]www.imanidiot.co.uk[/url] (my site) - sign in here username and password, goes …

Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16065[/ATTACH]Aza Raskin, head of user experience at Mozilla’s Lab unit, revealed their new project, Tab Candy, today. He believes that it will shift the way we use, and think about browser tabs in future versions of Firefox. The goal of Tab Candy is to manage all of your tabs within …

Member Avatar for vikrampareek
Member Avatar for WingedEagle

Hello all, Recently I discovered Anti-Malware Doctor on my computer. It said there were 32 viruses, etc but I didn't remember installing it so I got out Norton 360, found it was the virus, and got it deleted. However, now Firefox works and Norton doesn't... And I am at a …

Member Avatar for wcushing

All my Favorites have a generic icon. When I try to open one, I get a File Download - Security Warning screen that asks me if I want to open or save the file. This began sometime after my PC was infected with a Trojan. My machine has been disinfected …

Member Avatar for XtremeDeveloper

Hi guys I have made an advanced vb webbrowser and I'm hoping for you comments its in beta stage do you have any suggestions/feedback. features I didn't list: 1. Non ie based webkit based 2. supports file downloads. 3. User Login based supports multiple user data configurations 4. Supports Theming …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16048[/ATTACH]What do you do when you're creating new features so quickly that your software can't keep up? Speed up production, of course. Google has announced that they plan to introduce a new version of their web browser [URL="http://www.google.com/chrome/"]Chrome[/URL] every six weeks in order to get new developments as quickly as …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Security researchers have been looking at Safari, the standard browser for Apple's Mac computers, and have found a troublesome security problem. It seems that there is a feature that could reveal your personal information. The problem is with the Auto Fill feature which is designed as a part of the …

Member Avatar for edup_pt

Hi, Im having problems when using the header("Location: filename?args") function to act as a swf file. It works with firefox but not with Internet Explorer. [CODE] <object id="flashfile_obj" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>" width="900" height="500"> <param name="movie" value="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>"/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="base" value="_dir" /> </object> [/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for edup_pt
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Maybe you're among the few who have seen the changes already; Google Images is getting a facelift this week. Google announced Tuesday that the familiar landing page for an image search will be changing and the site will offer more sophisticated technology for the 10 billion images it has indexed. …

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

How do I make it so that if the webpage requires you to open a new tab, it would open in the same window instead?

Member Avatar for alkeels

Hi Guys, Wondering if you could help out at all, i am getting random DNS errors while browsing the internet in I.E, i am yet to try another browser. The problems is on my main PC, my Laptop and games consoles don't recieve any problems. I will try another browser …

Member Avatar for albertbori
Member Avatar for kellyA

I designed my webpage in PS and sliced, optimized and saved it as images and html. I imported it into dreamweaver CS4, aligned it in the center and so far it displayed correctly. Then I added a new div tag to create a new CSS style sheet where I changed …

Member Avatar for darc.mosch
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hello ! Why the following fallback for IE [icode]color: red;[/icode] does not work ? In IE7, the color is black rather than red. [URL="http://jsfiddle.net/JryG2/1/"]Live demo here[/URL] HTML: [code] <div> <span>Hello</span> </div> [/code] CSS: [code] div { width: 200px; height: 100px; background-color: blue; text-align: center; } span { font-size: 2em; color: …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, I am having issues attaching the following if statements in the head of my page to show the correct CSS for older versions of IE. I am using : <!--[if lte IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/mainiesix.css" /> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <link href="/css/mainieseven.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> <link …

Member Avatar for _mike_
Member Avatar for michaelcp23

Hello I am having trouble with my spry drop down menu shifting to the right when I hover over the navigation bar. It is only the submenu's that shift, not the actually nav bar itself. The error is only visible in IE6 & IE7. I do not see the problem …

Member Avatar for Caps

This is very annoying, and it only recently started happening, and I'm not sure why. Everytime I go to open a new link by right clicking it, and pressing "open in new window", the window that opens, opens the webpage, but the window size takes up the top 4th of …

Member Avatar for Frustrated by w
Member Avatar for jhalak

hi My environment is windows xp professional and internet exploror7. i am having problem during surfing internet, my web page automatically changes to another site, its happened if I pause for some time to surf net. Looking for your help thanks

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The W3C validator site is not working right for me. A few other sites (but not many) also say the file I sent is blank. Other sites are working with no troubles, and receive uploads normally. The facts: - Two different computers are doing the same thing. - Both computers …

Member Avatar for david00potts
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15718[/ATTACH]After a brief delay, Firefox 4 Beta 1 was officially [URL="http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-beta.html"]released[/URL] to the public for all operating systems this afternoon. Mozilla has deviated from their all too predictable design and created a browser that owes more than a few nods to Google’s Chrome, the fastest growing browser on the market. …

Member Avatar for Member 785127

I use fire fox and only fire fox I have not run IE in months and this has just started to happen. Here is my HJT log file. Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Scan saved at 5:13:53 PM, on 7/6/2010 Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have written a small script in order to check the browser of the user and find that the code isnt working , even if i open the php page in IE its still outputting Mozilla [CODE] <?php $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ; echo $browser. "\n\n"; ?> [/CODE] Output in Mozilla: …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Beastmanh

Google has just released the beta of its brand new web browser called Chrome. I have used it a little bit now and I really like it. All of the extras it offers are very cool, but the best part as far as I've seen is the AMAZING speed that …

Member Avatar for halfa
Member Avatar for spivey

I have a assembled a background image for an online book club to make a bookshelf. In Firefox, the sides line up properly, but in IE7+8, they don't: Here is the site: [URL="http://www.westlakelibrary.org/emilysbookshelf"]http://www.westlakelibrary.org/emilysbookshelf[/URL] Here is the relevant css: [CODE] div#emilybookclub #galleryblock table.view-grid-emily_gallery { background: transparent url('/sites/www.westlakelibrary.org.emilysbookshelf/files/images/woodgrain.jpg') repeat; margin-left:10px; } div#emilybookclub …

Member Avatar for gaurang4
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft got some good news this week when new data showed they had gained market share on rivals Firefox and Chrome last month. It might very well be a temporary data glitch, especially when news came out today that [URL="http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/070110-ibm-employees-use-firefox.html?source=NWWNLE_nlt_daily_pm_2010-07-01"]IBM was recommending that its 40,000 employees use Firefox[/URL] instead of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for jb00786

The JS starts with: <script> var tblId = 'TBGenericRecs0'; var nTable = ""; then later: function mapTable(){ nTable = document.getElementById(tblId); nRows = nTable.rows.length; Firefox says nTable is not a function and the code does not work. IE sees it as a variable and it works. What's up? Is there a …

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Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi This is really to do with HTML coding, I think. I have an Affliliates account with Amazon. What is happening on my website is that the Amazon code is picking up individal names and finding something to sell related to that name. A link is generated when the browser …


The End.