3,282 Topics

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Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, I have [B]roundcube webmail,phpBB forum & wiki[/B] hosted on one machine using [B]apache virtual hosts[/B]. The problem is i have to log into each of the services(mail.domain.mu , forum.domain.mu ,wiki.domain.mu) to get access. All of the 3 sites uses LDAP for authentication and hence a user provides same …

Member Avatar for J217

I have beautiful floating number effect, written in JavaScript, which is not working on website under Firefox 3.x. It does work in any version of Internet Explorer. Can anyone help me fix it? Here's my site: [url]http://home.wlu.edu/~feldmann/[/url]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for slfisher

About a year [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220410.html"]ago[/URL], three girls fought charges of child pornography -- of themselves -- for refusing to attend 10-hour class on pornography and sexual violence after they were arrested for taking pictures of themselves [I]en deshabille[/I]. Now, the district court not only barred the district attorney from initiating any …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for johnafrimas

I am new in building website, but I have an issue with the navigation bar menu display. when I open the page in firefox, the sub menu of of the navigation bar appear fine, but when opened in internet explorer, the sub menus show all the way on the left. …

Member Avatar for RyanOnline

Hi, I have Cable internet and for the last week my internet has been running very slow. It's perfect when downloading or using downloading programs such as Kazaa. but when i'm browsing in Internet Explorer it is really slow. I have three computers on the network and the other two …

Member Avatar for keveenanderson
Member Avatar for slfisher

As the saying goes, a man (and presumably a woman) is known by the company he keeps. In fact, last [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story224479.html"]fall [/URL]some MIT students did a study where they demonstrated that they could tell someone's sexual orientation by the sexual orientation of their friends on Facebook and other social networking …

Member Avatar for martin18

Internet explorer will not close om my pc,ive got winxp sp2 with norton av 2005, ive run adaware but i am still getting the same problem,i can only close a open web page by pressing ctrl-alt-del and then ending task,can anybody please help-is this another sp2 problem?. Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the annual Pwn2Own hacking event due to kick off tomorrow, Mozilla has confirmed that Firefox 3.6 has an unpatched critical vulnerability. The fact that Pwn2Own competitors will not be able to exploit this vulnerability to claim the Firefox hacking prize will be of no interest to the millions of …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for PHPclown

Hello guys. Can someone give me an simple example, how to make when someone register in to my game, to set him in some place on the map. I dont have map right now, and thats my question. How to make browser game map ? Some kind of tutorial or …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for taffylad

Hi everyone. My friend asked me to have a look at his computer the other day because he cannot view certain web pages that he visits (ebay being one of them). Well I thought it might be some spyware or browser hijacker or something so I tried running adaware, spybot, …

Member Avatar for characteredu
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Microsoft's decision not to support Windows XP users with the next version of its browser, IE9, will raise a few eyebrows. I can't speak for the position in the US, but over here in the UK very few corporates migrated to Vista, and it's the corporate engine that drives IT …

Member Avatar for characteredu
Member Avatar for jfstyle

Can get my hotmail from my outlook program with no problems but if I try to log into hotmail by [url]www.hotmail.com[/url] if constatly clicks from one log on to another every half second.whats wrong

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for loligator

IE tells me there's an error on line 17, which is the onload method of the body tag. So here's the code... [code] <script language="javascript" type="application/javascript"> function startUp() { setFocus(); } function setFocus(){ document.frmSearch.txtSearch.focus(); document.frmSearch.txtSearch.select(); } </script> [/code] And here's how it's called: [code] <body onload="startUp();"> [/code] I tested this …

Member Avatar for loligator
Member Avatar for happygeek

The MIX10 Microsoft Developer Conference is always good for a laugh or two, but just who was rolling on the floor after the IE9 preview code was revealed? Certainly Microsoft is deadly serious about Internet Explorer: The Next Generation. So serious that it has apparently created a new development team …

Member Avatar for edDev

Ok, I've got this code that needs to load a .wmv file - the client is adamant about using .wmv files and not Flash files - and the client insists that it use variables for the width and height parameters. Thanks to a couple of you, I've now got the …

Member Avatar for jasonc31
Member Avatar for Aaron Robinson

I am looking into using JQuery cookies to keep track of a menu when the page is reloaded ([url]http://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie[/url]). I am using GET/POST to change the content section of my website layout. My question is about session-cookies. They are only destroyed when the browser closes, not when the user leaves …

Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

Hi everyone. I, like the majority of us web developer's, despise internet explorer. So on my site, i want to put something in just for the fun of it that detects IE and says something. Right now i have just a plain alert asking to please change to a different …

Member Avatar for alexhernandez
Member Avatar for 0xbadcode

Hello mates, I want to dig deeper on WebBrowser Control programming, I searched in Microsoft's MSDN for advanced WebBrowser Control, But I didn't find the one that I want to take-up, It's about Converting Web Objects to its own type, let's say Flash Embed object to type of Flash will …

Member Avatar for ada_a

Hey there community, I recently designed a new blog layout and in the designing process, the html, css and javascript worked perfectly on all browsers. However, when I uploaded it onto my blog host (blogger), the layout became messed up and my div entitled main 1 was pushed to the …

Member Avatar for digital29
Member Avatar for Kurtismonger

Hopefully this is the right forum for this. I remember reading about two tools for assisting with remote tech support and I can't for the life of me remember the URLs. Can somebody jar my memory? The first was a website you could direct your user to to record a …

Member Avatar for slfisher

The issue of teens taking naked pictures of themselves with their cell phones and sending them to other teens has been an issue of increasing [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220134.html"]concern[/URL], with teens being [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220410.html"]slapped [/URL]with child pornography charges, simply by virtue of the fact that the subject of the picture was under 18 -- …

Member Avatar for mddv

Hey i have a problem that i thout that you moght be able to fix. The link [url]www.webmasterglobal.com[/url] which is my site is unviewable on my computer i cant see it in my browser on my computer. But the link works on other computers but mine. What might be the …

Member Avatar for wormguy
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] [URL="http://code.google.com/p/chromium"]Chromium OS[/URL] version, Free, 3GB image. I took Google's Chromium OS for a spin yesterday for two reasons: One, I thought that it looks interesting and, two, I wanted to see how it runs in real time on my netbook. I've used Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/chrome"]Chrome[/URL] browser for sometime now …

Member Avatar for greenknight
Member Avatar for 0xbadcode

Hello mates, I want to dig deeper on WebBrowser Control programming, I searched in Microsoft's MSDN for advanced WebBrowser Control, But I didn't find the one that I want to take-up, It's about Converting Web Objects to its own type, let's say Flash Embed object to type of Flash will …

Member Avatar for maddogsprofiles

Hello, I just upgraded my laptop to windows 7, my computer stats are as follows: [CODE]Toshiba Satellite P205 Laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, Intel Core 2 Duo x2, 32 Bit Operating System 3.00 GB RAM, 200 GB Hard Drive[/CODE] I have been a long time user of …

Member Avatar for wyogie
Member Avatar for DoomS

Hey I've been having this problem of my browser redirecting randomly after a search on google and yahoo. It would even pop out an internet explorer window when I have nothing runing or clicked. This all started after picking up a XP Guardian Pro or so type of fake anti-spyware …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Steve Ballmer, [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/mar/03/microsoft-bing"]speaking[/URL] at the [URL="http://searchmarketingexpo.com/"]Search Engine Marketing Expo[/URL] this week, credited Google with being the first company to get internet search done right. Google certainly wasn't the [URL="http://searchenginewatch.com/2175241"]first internet search engine[/URL]. Yahoo!, InfoSeek, Excite and Alta Vista to name but a few, came along long before Google emerged in …

Member Avatar for 3oltan
Member Avatar for jasystweb

My page is not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer. Its displays properly in all other browsers. The issue: Internet Explorer When the page is loaded-- Internet Explorer places DIV tags between the the <LI> elements on my page and in other areas of the controls which have been dynamically added …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Angelvoice

Hello, New Friends! I'm new here. What a marvelous world you all have here! Thank you for this fantastic resource! I am honored to be part of your community! /me tips my halo to all. 0:-) I need help getting my desktop shortcuts to work again. I've got the latest …

Member Avatar for doreen2k
Member Avatar for DICKDOUG76

I Recently purchased a new computer which is running windows 7, at the same time i upgraded my previous laptop to windows 7 as well. on the same network the upgraded laptop works correctly, however the new computer I purchased has random web pages that are unaccessable. Ive reset and …

Member Avatar for gerbil

The End.