3,287 Topics
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It's started already. I suppose we all knew it would but were hoping they wouldn't, at the last minute. I'm referring to the Chinese authorities and the journalists' ability to [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7532338.stm"]connect to the Internet[/URL] at the Olympics. You remember the Internet, the thing that was going to set us all … | |
Stocks are up this morning - up 56 points a half-hour after the open - thanks to a higher-than-expected durable goods report. In real-speak, that means that heavy equipment and bulk manufacturing buyers broke open their checkbooks last month and bought more bulldozers and crates of metal than Wall Street … | |
According to the official Microsoft Developer Network [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/default.aspx"]IEBlog[/URL] Internet Explorer 8 will come packed with a whole host of new security features. These will include the SmartScreen Filter which replaces the Phishing Filter in current versions of the browser. Eric Lawrence, Program Manager for Internet Explorer Security says that this … | |
Yes, I'm afraid it's true; Firefox is the most popular browser out there. Standing at this moment at over 11.5 millions downloads since its production release Tuesday, June 17. How can I make such a sweeping statement? It is the most popular browser ever because of the number of voluntary … | |
It's up there now and according to the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7457503.stm"]BBC[/URL] its makers want it to be the most downloaded software in its first 24 hours ever. [URL="http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/"]Firefox 3[/URL] is now available for public download, although the final release candidate has been so close to commercial standard you wouldn't be able to … | |
Not my sentiment but that of Johnathan Nightingale, the Firefox security interface designer no less who has [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-10789_3-9967829-57.html"]gone on record[/URL] as saying that "we didn't want to put in something that was half baked" when talking about how the privacy button might interact with websites and mashups alike. Which might … | |
Following announcements at the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/events/teched2008/itpro/default.mspx"]Microsoft Tech Ed IT Professionals 2008[/URL] conference in Orlando this week, it would appear that Internet Explorer 8 will concentrate on getting things right for the business user. This means a focus on deployment issues, a focus on improving compatibility and updates to the IE admin … | |
A few months ago, I did an "On the Desktop" article for Linux Magazine on [I]Getting to Know Konqueror[/I], the default Linux web browser, file manager, and remote protocol client. Until I saw FireFox version 3, I had never really been very impressed with it. I actually submitted a little … | |
Google Gears are now available for the Firefox 3 Browser, or so it says on CNET - understandably there's some reluctance to confirm in advance of the formal release of the browser itself (although the release candidate looks pretty clean). The final version of the browser will be around later … | |
Andrew Cuomo, New York Attorney General, has been fighting one of those fights that you sadly cannot win: to rid the Internet of child pornography. Believe me, as a father of four I would love to say that it was possible but as a technology journalist with some 20 years … | |
There is a really very interesting article in the online edition of Vanity Fair called '[URL="http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2008/07/internet200807?printable=true¤tPage=all"]How the Web Was Won[/URL]' and subtitled 'An Oral History of the Internet' which recounts through the comments of those involved the first fifty years of Internet history. Sure, you are probably thinking that the … | |
Set a Firefox world record on Download Day is [URL="http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2008/05/28/set-a-firefox-world-record/"]the message being trumpeted[/URL] loud and clear from Mozilla HQ as the launch of the Firefox 3.0 web browser gets ever closer. It seems that the Mozilla people are serious as well, with talk of an official Guinness World Record ratification … | |
Virtualization of operating systems is all the rage these days; the benefits to software developers and testers are clear. What if you could virtualize applications? According to [URL=http://www.xenocode.com/]Xenocode[/URL], you can. The company today released [URL=http://www.xenocode.com/Products/Studio/]Virtual Application Studio[/URL], a US$40-per-seat environment that turns an application into a self-contained executable, able to … | |
The Mozilla team says its latest browser is stable, and has posted [Firefox 3 RC 1](http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-rc.html) on Saturday. Apart from more than 900 enhancements the team claimed were [delivered in beta 4](http://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/2008/03/10/firefox-3-beta-4-now-available-for-download/), Firefox 3 RC1 also includes the so-called AwesomeBar, a beefed-up location bar that anticipates destinations as you type … | |
The Opera client used to be universally recognized as the alternative browser to Internet Explorer, and then along came Firefox and stole all the alternative browser thunder - and how. But the fat lady is still singing, and to prove it has released the [URL="http://www.opera.com/dragonfly/"]Opera Dragonfly[/URL] to debug web pages, … | |
One of the best known soccer clubs in the world is tackling the phishing threat and has placed a penalty on the head of those who might try to con their fans on the web. As the annual InfoSecurity Europe show kicks off, so Manchester United has launched the implementation … | |
Following on from the RSA security conference the other week, where PayPal published a paper which included comment from chief information security officer Michael Barrett that suggested 'unsafe' web browsers would be banned, the eBay owned payments company has now appeared to backtrack somewhat. Online media channels, and in particular … | |
Firefox 3.0 Beta 4 has been released and brings with it more than 900 additional enhancements [URL="http://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/2008/03/10/firefox-3-beta-4-now-available-for-download/"]according to Mozilla[/URL]. These are said to include improvements to stability and performance, memory usage and general usability. The latter including stuff like full page zooming and a new downloads manager. | |
Well, it looks like the latest installment of Microsoft's browser, IE8, is now [url=http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/ie8/readiness/Install.htm]available for download[/url] in beta status. While I'm not daring enough to give it a go myself, word on the street is that, while Microsoft boasts it passes the ACID2 test, it renders most sites rather awkwardly, … | |
[URL="http://www.opera.com"]Opera Software ASA[/URL], the company behind what used to be the alternative web browser of choice until Firefox came along and changed all that, has urged Microsoft to give consumers a genuine choice of standards-compliant browser clients. It has filed an official complaint with the European Commission which describes at … | |
[URL="http://john.jubjubs.net/2007/11/27/mozilla-firefox-market-share/"]According to John Lilly[/URL], the Firefox web browser has 126 million unique monthly users. A figure extrapolated from an Active Daily Users number of 48 million, itself a massive increase on the 23 million ADU figure from this time last year. So who is John Lilly and why should we … | |
Firefox ticks many boxes, but the one big cross it has had to bear over the years is the memory leakage problem that many users have experienced. Here's how it works: user has Firefox browser open and visits websites, Firefox slurps up some system resources, user continues to keep Firefox … ![]() | |
According to figures relating to the audited financial statements and tax form for 2006, [URL="http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mitchell/archives/2007/10/beyond_sustainability.html"]posted at Mozillazine[/URL] by Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker, the project is doing pretty well with revenue up and outpacing rising expenses. "Mozilla remains financially healthy: we're able to hire more people, build more products, help other … | |
[URL="http://www.mozilla.org"]Mozilla[/URL] has hit the 400 million downloads mark for the Firefox web browser client since it was officially launched in November 2004, a rise of 56 percent in the last 12 months alone. Of course, updates, reinstalls and trials are all included in download figures which have little real world … | |
Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker has [URL="http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mitchell/archives/2007/07/email_futures.html"]admitted[/URL] that Thunderbird is to be booted out of the Mozilla camp in order to allow “the Thunderbird community to determine its own destiny” apparently. Put through my patented BS translator this produced “Thunderbird brings us no revenue, gets a bad press whether compared to … | |
Steve Jobs is always good for a surprise announcement, although usually the media has got an idea of what is about to be revealed. Not so at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference 2007 in San Francisco today, where the Apple CEO shocked everyone by announcing that the much loved Safari web … ![]() | |
Today I received an email from "Halifax bank" that contained the following: [quote]Dear halifax customer, During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your billing information. This might be due to either of the following reasons: 1. A recent change in your … | |
Just a week after Mozilla made the Release Candidate 1 version of the Firefox-alike open source email client available for download, comes the news that the final version is now [URL="http://www.getthunderbird.com"]here[/URL]. Mozilla Thunderbird 2 brings lots of new features to the table, most notably: [LIST] [*]Message Tagging - Organize emails … | |
In an effort to bring Firefox users closer together, Mozilla has released a conceptual design dubbed "Coop" that would give Firefox the ability to share "photos, news stories, links" with other users, reports [URL="http://www.computerworld.com"]Computerworld[/URL]. Mozilla of course, says that this is purely conceptual, and that this is as far as … | |
Microsoft is aiming to broaden your web surfing horizons with their new "Deepfish" software available for the next version of Windows Mobile. Among other large improvements over the previous browsers used on the PDAs, this one includes a thumbnail view, which will allow you to view content in a scaled-down … |
The End.