10,643 Topics
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Ive got my form layout, but I would like to add a really cool background image to make the form snap. But it will not show up. Here is my style and html, had to validate strict. Thanks in advance.... [CODE]<head> <title>John Rogers Web Design</title> <link href= "./styles/formstyle.css" rel= "stylesheet" … | |
[CODE]<form> <table class="spon_info"> <tr><td> <label for="add_street" style="font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:2px;">Street</label></td><td> <input name="add_street" type="text" style="vertical-align:middle" value="" size="35" maxlength="50"/> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="add_city" style="font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:2px;">City</label></td><td> <input name="add_city" type="text" style="vertical-align:middle" value="" size="35" maxlength="30"/> </td></tr> <tr><td> <label for="add_state" style="font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:2px;">State</label></td><td> <input name="add_state" type="text" style="vertical-align:middle" value="" size="5" maxlength="2"/> </td></tr> </table> </form>[/CODE] I have this table and in that table has … | |
Hi: I have a dropline nav menu that works great in all standards compliant browsers and DID work perfectly in IE8 until I applied some Safari CSS hacks. The dropline menu has only 2 sub-menus under Company and Expertise. The issue is: prior to applying the Safari hacks, when hovering … | |
Whats the best way to use a special character as a bullet for lists in CSS. I'm trying to use "»"? | |
hi I'm trying to solve this problem without success for two days i have a problem only in google chrome (in other browser it's fine) the text of my scrolling news is cut off on the right side. [URL="http://31116710-dup.dpages.co.il/"]http://31116710-dup.dpages.co.il/[/URL] help please.... | |
Anybody got any recommendations for review software a la Amazon style for a website. I am looking for a systems that uses 5 Stars or similar. Any recommendations / ideas welcome? | |
So I'm new to CSS. But I went through a CSS course on lynda.com! I made this website with the new knowledge with CSS. [url]http://www.hackstavastergard.com/[/url] But now for the other links (gästhem, bed&breakfast, uthyrning,stipendium, ledarskap, möbler and kontakt), there will be a whole new look. As in not the same … | |
I wonder anyone here know any online site checker can possibly tell the site is created by like: wordpress, joomla, drupal etc | |
Hello all, This doesn't seem that it should be terribly difficult to do, but of course it is (for me anyway). I own a golf site, and I would like to insert the world rankings, which is in an XML format file into an existing html file. I have applied … | |
How do i accept picture uploads unto a php webpage from a user? | |
Hello guys, I am like very new with the html, scripts and stuff like that. A friend of mine showed me a thing that really caught my attention. It's about this listing. [url]http://newyork.craigslist.org/jsy/ctd/1994392622.html[/url] The guy has a picture in that ad with all the needed information but when you try … | |
I'm trying to get 3 child div's to display inside a parent div. This is part of a navigation menu, where I'm using jQuery on the div's. So, I have the first child div, which when clicked on, the 2 child div's will appear. The parent div keeps control of … | |
I'm trying to create a graphical button with custom images and text on it. My approach was to split the generic button image into 3 parts: (The img tag doesn't seem to work (?) so here are links to the 3 images) [url=http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8263/buttonleftdg8.gif]button_left.gif[/url] - [url=http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4167/buttonmiddlecz4.gif]button_middle.gif[/url] - [url=http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8982/buttonrightnp6.gif]button_right.gif[/url] Then create a … | |
Hey guys, I've a problem. I want a layout that looks like the layout.jpg (left) attachment in this post. I use this css code: [CODE=css] .contleft {background:#f2f2e6; clear:left; float:left; padding:10px; border:1px solid #fff; font:14px/17px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-color:#fff #666661 #666661 #fff; text-shadow:none; margin-top:-25px; margin-bottom:36px; width:500px;} .contright {float: right; clear:right; background:#f2f2e6; … | |
Hi! I am trying to embed a flash video in my html, and my problem is: The damn controls wont show! This is my code hope someone could tell me were i went wrong. [CODE]<object width="352" height="288" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0"> <param name="salign" value="lt"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="scale" value="noscale"> <param name="wmode" … | |
Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller? | |
Hi I have a session variable I wish to display in the title of a web page. This works well with IE. However, when I switch to Firefox it only works on my personal server. And not when I go online using Firefox. Can anyone tell me why? [CODE]<?php echo(ucwords($_SESSION[fullname])); … | |
Hi there, I have a print button on the bottom of my page so that the user can print the page. I also have a print css style sheet so the images/colors aren't visible and the user can just print the text. [url]http://www.e-squareddesigns.com/websites/pacsoc/pacsoc_design.html[/url] When I click the button in Safari … | |
| I want to put my own "twang" to certain elements on my website. For instance I'd like to have a image for say the a file attachment, instead of the normal box with browse after it. Can I do this? How can I do this. I'd like to apply images … |
Hi, I have a very simple html page that loads an embedded object. It [URL="http://www.leibovich.org"]works great[/URL] in FF and shows nothing in IE. [CODE]<html> <head> </head> <body> <object style=""> <embed style="movie" width=100% height=98% src="http://picasna.com/widget/gallery.swf" FlashVars="xmlPath=picasna.com/widget/xml/&an=PlacesIVeBeenPicturesITook&ps=1024&un=effyl01&ts=163&cpad=20&tpad=20&cscheme=0&bt=0&ct=1&nick=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"> </embed> </object> </body> </html>[/CODE] | |
The footer on my website is raised 1 pixel too high. #footer { clear: both; margin-left:0%; height:40px; font-size: .8em; width:100%; border-top: 1px solid #81C5A0; background-color:#FFFFFF; z-index:1; margin:0; Padding:0; | |
[COLOR="Navy"]hello ppl .. :o I am trying to make the other table stop acting funny since the day before yesterday but i failed :confused: .. The thing is that I have two tables with "fixed" headers .. and the content of both tables is scrollable .. the problem is that … | |
hi all, i dont know how to get the right title of this thread.actually i wanna create a web-based system.i want to combine php n java.but for ui,i want to use html.anything that could help me like tutorial,example of web page code or any else? i appreciate if sumone could … | |
Hello, How do you show your design to your clients? For example: lets say you've done a mock up or a PSD, how do you get the client feedback? Do you email them the design and you just go back and forth until you agree on the details or do … | |
Hello daniweb designers, I'm a programmer who is working with a mockup for a site I'm building. No, correction, I am a JUNIOR programmer. And I've never worked from a mockup before. I'm doing this particular build on my own for work. I've been able to get all parts of … | |
I would like to someone to tell me how the picture of the man in the flash header was made to look like this. Here is the [URL="http://www.delmcneal.com/"]link[/URL] | |
I'm a newbie trying to update my old FrontPage 98 rendered web sites and bring them up to date. I've gone through some self-help books and web tutorials and gained enough confidence to buy Expressions4 and started the learning curve, only to find the CSS "hover" is NOT available in … | |
When I view my website, it properly displays the header, nav, and footer. But it doesn't display the main section of the page. My domain is gavicoind.com Thanks for your help! | |
| For some reason I'm getting these dotted lines under my tables in all browsers- Heres what I'm talking about Blah blah Content ............................. Blah more content ............................. Heres a little more ............................. I have my table border set to 0. It dont go all the way around it just sits … |
Hi EVERYONE! Does anyone know a good simple FREE CRM for a Wen Design Business. I have spent days looking for one (when i could be coding one of my own). I've looked through sourceforge but no luck. I need something that can do what SNIP does. Thanks for your … |
The End.