348 Topics

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First I apologize to the moderator, I am not sure if this is more than a WINDOWS 7 topic or IIS or a ASP.NET topic. MY SETUP: WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE + IIS 7 + WEB PLATFORM INSTALLER + XAMPP MY IIS7 : RUNS in PORT8080 MY APACHE RUNS in PORT8070 …

Member Avatar for aakaashjois

Hi guys, I just got myself a Philips 20" TV Monitor(20PFL4122/98), but its resolution is too less(640X480). I have Windows 7 and everything comes really big! Is there any way I can increase the resolution?? I have a nvidia 7100GS graphic card.

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for newsguy

Some people like to get their free Microsoft products by adopting the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4255.html"]eye patch and a parrot approach[/URL] via sites such as The Pirate Bay. Some of us, however, rather like the idea of getting Windows 7 totally free, totally legally, and direct from Microsoft for good measure. Yes, I …

Member Avatar for philetus
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

It's supposed to be Windows 7's big week, but other news just seems to keep getting in the way. And it's not just competitors like the news coming out of Apple this week, it's big announcements coming from inside Microsoft too. You would think that Microsoft could at least keep …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for r430t

I installed the new Windows 7. One big problem, I can't open more than one window in Internet Explorer. If I am online on a page... and if I click the IE icon to open another site, it just reopens the same window I am already in. Anyone know of …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Keeping pace with Microsoft's latest releases, Xenocode this week unveiled Virtual Application Studio 2010, an update to its virtualization engine that supports Windows 7, simplifies app-publishing to the Web, and permits deployment to multiple platforms using a single executable, the company said. Microsoft this week began shipping Windows 7, and …

Member Avatar for EddieC

With the price of Windows 7 topping out at US$320, Microsoft will be handing shoppers less cash at the end of its [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UzmsUtoo4Q&feature=player_embedded]"I'm a PC" commercials[/url]. Price advantages of Windows-laptops over those from Apple evaporated further today as Microsoft's latest operating system hit store shelves and OEM factories. In typical …

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With the release of any new OS release, the question facing developers is whether or not to port existing applications. Often the answer hinges on two major factors: Will the operating system be widely adopted and what's downside of doing nothing? In the enterprise the decision is often made for …

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Member Avatar for rajivkumar900

hi please anyone help me in this i want to download .net framework 3.5 sp1 but i cant find any solution please suggest me where i can download it and how to run it. Thanks. Rajiv

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Windows 7 is coming next month. That's hardly news to any of you, I'm sure, but have you considered that this major OS release could be the catalyst to end the recession? I'm guessing not many of you have come to that conclusion, but consider this: Many, many companies steered …

Member Avatar for cosuna
Member Avatar for kaninelupus

Like many I'm sure, I'd heard a little of the Free Software Foundation - their petitions to the US Govt recently (and a public march if I remember correctly), brought a bit of a laugh. But I recently stumbled upon a new campaign being run by the FSF, entitled the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

There ain't no such thing as a free Windows 7 upgrade. At least that's what it is starting to look like for the majority of people, despite the 'free upgrade' vouchers that are being handed out with new computers as part of the Windows 7 Upgrade Option scheme. A scheme …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

The Microsoft Windows embedded product portfolio has just been given a hefty push into the limelight with the official release of Windows 7 technologies over to what Microsoft refers to as manufacturers of specialized devices. During an industry address at the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston yesterday, Microsoft announced the …

Member Avatar for redserpent7

[B][COLOR="Red"]Important:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Please read the whole question before answering.[/COLOR][/B] I would appreciate it if someone can guide me to the new MS APIs necessary for modifying/controlling the Windows 7 Action Center. What I need to do is integrate the Backup notification messages in my application which is a backup application in …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It's always fun to stand and watch as two big names slug it out, and they don't come much bigger than Microsoft. Sophos, it has to be said, is no small fry either when it comes to the world of IT Security. So when a Sophos [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/07/17/guest-blog-xp-mode-demonstrating-security-microsofts-priority/"]blog posting[/URL] from it's …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

It is either a clever bit of strategy or a shambolic u-turn depending upon your view of the company, but Microsoft has now formally abandoned plans to sell the controversial Windows 7 E edition in Europe. Windows 7 E was going to be the special edition, for [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1655.html"]European customers[/URL] only, …

Member Avatar for khess

I'm having a rather traumatic experience with certain [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] products lately. My problem is that I'm trying to "get to know" Microsoft's Hyper-V for my virtualization column over at [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL]. The problem is, that to manage a true Hyper-V system remotely, you must have a Windows Vista or Windows …

Member Avatar for dandart
Member Avatar for happygeek

Isn't it amazing just how attached so many people are to Windows XP given that it is relatively old and [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/25484/53/"]relatively insecure[/URL]? I will even admit to having a netbook which runs very nicely on XP thank you very much, and have no plans to 'upgrade' this to Vista or …

Member Avatar for dannyblaze
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft has made a double whammy of Windows 7 update announcements. The first concerns a hotfix for a bug that could "cause some application failures on the English version of Windows 7 Release Candidate 32-bit Ultimate" while the second brings news of the arrival of as many as 10 'fake' …

Member Avatar for happygeek

With the Windows 7 release code out there and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4283.html"]available for download[/URL] right now, and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4317.html"]free to use until 2010[/URL] for good measure, the last thing Microsoft will want to hear is bad news about potential security risks for users of the new flagship OS. But that's exactly what researchers …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There has [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4259.html"]certainly been enough speculation[/URL] about when the Windows 7 Release Candidate code would actually be made available. Right here on DaniWeb [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4182.html"]we confidently predicted[/URL] that the big day would be May 5th following a slip up, or more probably a deliberate leak for marketing purposes, on the Microsoft …

Member Avatar for happygeek

May 5th should prove to be an interesting day for tech fans, as it would appear that both the much hyped Windows 7 operating system and the HTC Magic Android mobile phone will be launched to the waiting public. Neowin [URL="http://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/04/18/windows-7-rc-coming-to-msdntechnet-soon-public-may-5"]spotted[/URL] that a Microsoft Partners [URL="https://partner.microsoft.com/US/40084742"]web page[/URL] (now replaced with …

Member Avatar for LHandley
Member Avatar for happygeek

Will you be moving to Windows 7 during the next year, or will Vista disappointment, economic doom and gloom or compatibility concerns keep you away like 84 percent of business folks surveyed have said? The [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23795/53/"]Windows 7 Release Candidate[/URL] is nearly with us, complete with plenty of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23084/1231/"]reported security problems[/URL], …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Microsoft has been active lately, showing some signs of spunk. I reported last week that Steve Ballmer was going straight after Apple at the McGraw Hill Summit (as I wrote in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4155.html"]Ballmer Wastes No Words Going After Apple[/URL]). This week we see the release of an [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2009/03/new-microsoft-ad-goes-after-high-price-of-apple.html"]ad campaign comparing Apple …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for newsguy

Although there has been much speculation that the Windows 7 Release Candidate will finally arrive in April for testing, it would appear that actually it won't be until a month after that. Who says so? Microsoft, that's who. According to a page published at TechNet, albeit briefly, Microsoft will be …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's not the users for whom I feel sorry. Yes, they'll have to learn a bit more about how they're going to interact with - sorry, use - their computers when multitouch comes into significant amounts of hardware with Windows 7.0, but if it's as easy and intuitive as some …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Microsoft is tweaking the number of features that can be turned off in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3766.html"]Windows 7[/URL], with the latest beta build adding [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2606.html"]Internet Explorer 8[/URL] to the killswitch list according Microsoft Product Manager, Jack Mayo. In the official Microsoft Windows Engineering Blog, Mayo [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/03/06/beta-to-rc-changes-turning-windows-features-on-or-off.aspx"]says[/URL] "If a feature is deselected, it is …

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Steven Sinofsky, the Senior Vice President for the Microsoft Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, in an attempt to quell a beta tester rebellion over a perceived lack of feedback concerning bug reporting has made an astonishing confession: Windows 7 has at least 2000 bugs. Sinofsky [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/02/25/feedback-and-engineering-windows-7.aspx"]states[/URL] that more than …

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Alex Kochis is the Director of Product Marketing and Management in the 'Genuine Windows' bit of Microsoft. Which means he knows a thing or two about the 'product activation experience' when it comes to Windows 7. Specifically, he knows a thing or two about product activation for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3766.html"]Windows 7 …

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The End.