14,380 Topics
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G'day everyone I've been having a problem with my Windows folder showing as 10gig bigger than it actually is. It's reading as 14.6 gig at the moment. The files and folders in it (hidden and unhidden) amount to about 4.2gig. I can't find a specific folder which is misreading. Anyone … | |
i'm using Outlook 2003 to manage my appointments in a commercial store. is there any advanced way to the reservation instead of just entering the data in the calendar. what i need is to have a two values already stored the staff member and the service type. for example: client … | |
I have been trying to install my Palm on my XP machine but every time I try to run the CD the machine goes to the BSOD. I took the machine in for warranty work back in March and ever since I got it back I have been trying to … | |
How can i make a boot disk for running CHKDSK on a sata HDD on a raid ??? | |
Turned on my computer to find my computer screen tiny and all my icons jammed up taking up the entire screen. Computer is telling me it has found new hardware......a video controller. I installed no such thing. I tried to raise the screen res under properties/settings but i can't move … | |
Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. EventType : BEX P1 : svchost.exe P2 : 5.1.2600.2180 P3 : 41107ed6 P4 : netapi32.dll P5 : 5.1.2600.2180 P6 : 411096ac P7 : 0000a3c0 P8 : c0000409 P9 : 00000000 … | |
Ever since I installed service packs for Windows XP for Word 2000 I have had problems downloading my email messages in Outlook Express. I tried getting help from my local telephone company and they told me to check settings which I did but it didn't work. Any suggestions, please? I … | |
Hi everone, i came to this site for help because i am really unsure of what is going on. I had a working computer (to put it one way but it had an out dated motherboard, recently i bought a new one and installed it with a new AMD dual … | |
I have a 15GB HP Pavillion with Windows XP Pro installed. I have lost access to my "Z" drive. I cannot remap it. When I try to remap to the original configuration it says it doesn't exist. When I click on My Computer the Network Z Drive doesn't show up … | |
Hi, Can anyone help. Something has taken hold of my machine. It drops focus on a window and I keep getting virus tk58 trojan virus message from AVG but I can't find anything thats doing this? Here is the Hijackthis log file. Thanks for anyhelp that can be offered. Regards, … | |
Hi everyone, I have been trying to fix a problem with Red X's in boxes instead of text or pictures. This happens for each box in Print preview, as well as some websites, including Microsoft.com/windows/IE/community. I have tried several suggestions such as: Empty the cache Reduce the size of my … | |
I just tried out hijack this..please help thanks Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 8:52:51 AM, on 3/5/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe C:\Program Files\Symantec\DeepSight Extractor\ccExtractorService.exe C:\Program Files\Norton Internet … | |
windows xp recovery feature wont kick off. It says press R to start recovery and the the windows director comes up like this 1: Windows/ so I press "1" and then nothing happens. so i tried pressing enter after that and it goes back to c:/windows and nothing else happens. … | |
I keep hearing a static/popping sound from my speakers. I used my headphones and I still hear it so I don't think it's the speakers. If I put a movie on the pc I can hear it but, the static/popping sound is louder. I unistalled and re-installed the audio software … | |
We have a win2k machine in our quality lab here at work and we cannot boot it up because we get the error message in the subject line of this post. I have already looked all over the microsoft site and made the 6 windows xp boot floppies and then … | |
Hey guys, i seem to be having this problem with my keyboard. It's like everytime i use it, in five seconds it just freezes or slows down and then comes back and i have no clue why. This was happening before i sent it into the Edsys Computers to fix … | |
Running XP home, sp2 on Dell workstation. etc. etc. All hardware and software fully functional and fully updated. Starting to rebuild a website I ran a while ago. Had saved tons of image files (pictures, drawings, graphics, etc.). Now when I go to search for them I have to look … | |
We have a win server 2003 with two network cards. From the server we connect using a vpn client from cisco to another server. When we do that we can NOT RDC to our server because it inherits the remote IP from the vpn connection. We installed an additional NIC. … | |
I made my server into a cluster. I want to UNCLUSTERIZE it. There is nothing in the ADD/REMOVE or REMOVE COMPONENTS. I removed the server from the cluster, but the server still has that CLUSTER element in it. I want this server to act as if it never got clustered. … | |
I use XP. When I insert CD/DVD into any of the drives the system hangs - It seems that system waits for some data from this recently inserted CDs/DVDs, because after about 15~20 seconds everything is ok again - this time is necesary for system to get access to CD/DVD … | |
Hi ! I would like to export to .csv or .xls format information concerning my AD Groups' membership. The ideal would be to have a utility to select an OU and from there to export group membership ( group => nested group => users ) ... Is anyone know which … | |
I need some help. I wanted to edit some home videos with Windows movie maker but everytime I used it the program perfomed an illegal operation, it used to work fine but I thought what ever and I downloaded Colorful Movie editor 4.0. But this did the same thing everytime … | |
Hey! I have a small problem. Video Edit Magic isn't working for me right now because when I try to import pictures (not video files) the program closes without warning. I have lost entire projects because of it (and had to redo them, which takes HOURS) Also sometimes when I … | |
I load about 3 to 5 systems a day (windows XP Home and Pro) and all of a sudden I can't download windows updates. I have had no problems for the last year and a half over this connection, and up until now no problems. To start, I have tried … | |
y'no how when you go to the hardware settings of a dvd drive and it says you can only change it 5 times, is there a way to change it? and whats the best region to put. im in australia but wont play any of the dvd's i rent from … | |
is it usual for norton to make your pc sluggish even on 1gb ram aslo how do i shut norton fown what is the process name cheers:) | |
y'no how rapidshare only allows 100mb upload at a time. well there's a program on there its in .rar but split in 2 both .exe's does any1 know how 2 join them or any other files on rapidshare. | |
I was just wondering how I can remove old start up files from MSCONFIG. I'm running Win XP Pro | |
Just installed fresh copy of windows xp on my friends dell and everything works fine except when i try to connect to the internet. XP doesnt detect the dsl modem.. it only setups dial up. During install options it also prompts me to type in area code etc., never happened … | |
I have a 2003 Server network of about 40 PCs. Yesterday, for no apparent reason, the password protect on the screen saver stopped working, on both the primary and secondary domain controllers. The screen savers come up as usual after the delay period. The "on resume, password protect" box is … |
The End.