861 Topics

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Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

iPhone and more can automatically recognize phone numbers and make them an active link to click and initiate a call to that number. I can do this on many webpages, but not in myTinyTodo task list. Anyone know what might be preventing the phones from being able to recognize the …

Member Avatar for John_142
Member Avatar for Antony_5

Hi, Wondering if you lovely people can help me; my career goal is to succeed in IT but due to family issues I had to drop out of my degree. With this being networking and dealing with Microsoft Windows Server I would love to complete the MCSA. However, in a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ishtiaq_1

How can I allow a non administrator domain user account to enable/disable network adapter. I have many users in my company domain named as mycompany.org who are using Dell laptop with windows 7 professional. I am using Windows Server 2008 R2 as domain controller. On priority, my users need to …

Member Avatar for Ishtiaq_1
Member Avatar for Jessica_16

I got a server 2012 R2. Is it possible to restore my system from last week settings??I don't have a back up. Theres a problem with the program that i'm doing so i want to restore it like in windows 7?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for waves

Hi all I have an old windows server 2003 (32bit) with a shared folder containing an executable. The exe is old and I think possibly 16bit. I am trying to run the exe on a networked pc through a mapped folder / network location. The pc is running win 7 …

Member Avatar for waves
Member Avatar for andgar56

I am going to launch a startup in India for that i need a great hosting with nice customer service. I am going to buy a dedicated server for my site with unique IP from here bigrock.in/dedicated-servers.php. Actually i am trying to build a community of Charted Accountants in India, …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for commando1200

Up until recently whenever someone on the network went to a site that required an SSL certificate it would say that there is a securuty risk confirm exception blah blah blah, I managed to fix that but only after confirming the first time. Lets use gmail.com as an example, every …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for RudyM

Hi all, I am trying to schedule a Task that will run a vb script to open a browser, send some keys, and finally close the browser. The task starts, but seems to hang. The task is created as follows: `schtasks.exe /Create /RU "SYSTEM" /SC "DAILY" /MO "1" /ST "23:00" …

Member Avatar for ankitjaswal5044
Member Avatar for Rushikesh_1

I have one html file which contains mp4 video on file server. when I open that html file and try to play the video it does not play on IE, but same plays on Mozilla and chrome. And when I copy html file and the video on local system ex …

Member Avatar for Rushikesh_1
Member Avatar for az_ez

Hi, I hope I've posted this in the right place, please just tell me if not. I've been having an issue with connecting to a database from a website and have recieved this as an error message: *Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => IMSSP [SQLSTATE] => IMSSP [1] …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for HuePig

Hi, I'm new to system administration, I have a standalone WSUS meaning it's not part of a domain and 3 clients that is in a domain. How can use WSUS to update those 3 clients? The WSUS is able to communicate to the 3 clients and vise versa.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SDiBen

I have a series of stand alone business computers that are not allowed to be connected to the internet but yet I have to keep up with MS updates. Downloading the Microsoft monthly Security updates on ISO is helpful, but installing them on 7 PC's , one at a time …

Member Avatar for Bilal_3
Member Avatar for SDiBen

Yes.....we are sort of still on Novell. However, I am new to the Active Directory world and need to create my first Active directory Forest. My test server is built, but haven't installed/initiated Active Directory services, etc. Any resources as on how to plan and create?

Member Avatar for SDiBen
Member Avatar for berserk

I have modified permissions, edited config files, and rewritten my code several times and no results whatsoever. I am at a dead end and I have no way around this that I have come up with or been able to find online though countless help forums. The error that I …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for hollinar

Hi.. I have a big problem, hope that you can help... I have windows 2003 server with CA brightstor 11.0 (Build 2670) and is making backup to all my SQL Servers. so I need to restore a database where the MDF file is 4 GB and the LDF file 111 …

Member Avatar for marimeli
Member Avatar for Ivan_8

Esteemed readers After updating multiple times a server with W2k8R2, the Security Update for .NET KB2894854 becomes available over and over again in WU (control panel). Apparantly it's installed 4.5.52022. Thanks for your time. Faithfully, Ivan

Member Avatar for IT_Techno

Hi , i have server HP Proliant ML350 with windows server 2012, i have connect my network to it, and every things is ok, after two days when i restart or close then open the PCs all the new data or files or folders removed from desktop or the drivers, …

Member Avatar for bongskey
Member Avatar for md.Rayad

I have a powershell script in that script i am using datagridview. My script is working fine. All looks ok to me. My issue is i want to get the first column value of selected row. To fulfill this i need to add event (cell click/cell content click/cell mouse click). …

Member Avatar for DanielJohns

The disk C was formatted. By means of R-Studio pulled out from it the ntuser.dat and Outlook.pst files. Through regedit I exported from ntuser.dat all branch [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem] to the .reg the file. I placed in the virtual disk the received file of the register and base with …

Member Avatar for DanielJohns
Member Avatar for Radio2006

Hello all. I am having an issue with the dual NIC's on my Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5. I'll start from the beginning to give as much info as possible. I had Server 2008 R2 installed and was given a copy of Server 2012 R2. Both NIC's were present in 2008 and were …

Member Avatar for Radio2006
Member Avatar for Radio2006

Hello all, The issue I am having involves a user that uses a CAC to log in to a network. When the account is created, a 10-digit number printed on the CAC is associated with the users account and replaces their User Logon Name in ADUC. This users number was …

Member Avatar for Radio2006
Member Avatar for ikeleher

We have three Windows Domain Controllers (2012 R2 and 2008 R2 mix), all DNS servers. Split-zone DNS scenario. DNS resolution is working for all internal subnets except over User VPN. All network connectivity appears to be uninhibited. Users connected to Cisco AnyConnect IOS SSL VPN are unable to resolve internet-facing …

Member Avatar for karimkagawa
Member Avatar for toxicandy

With windows server 2003 losing support in the coming weeks we have upgraded our 2003 servers to virtualized 2008 servers. The only problem we are having at the moment is with Group Policy and mapping drives. Previous to this upgrade we used a logon.vbs which "worked" but was nearing 10 …

Member Avatar for toxicandy
Member Avatar for fsuren

I read somewhere that i can have a Win2008 Host Server running AD,DNS and DC services + I can add a Virtual machine on the same server running Linux for setting up a File Server. Win2008 Standard has limitations for POSE and VOSE??? I think its 1 PoSe and 1 …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

Which 12 year old operating system which is still running on 11 million servers is about to die? Yep, that's the one: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 reaches 'end of life' status on July 14th. One of the longest running discussions on DaniWeb asks the question [Why does Windows XP refuse …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for se25

I have a 2008 server 1U, it is a very powerful bugger, 2xQuad/32GB and 2x500GB on RAID1, for the past year, I have been using NAS drives for network users to store, but I think I can do better with a proper storage server attached to the server as part …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Samerases

hello every body...... How I can make some user account in active directory server 2008 that be login in one pc, not many PCs in same time, if he want login in another PC in another place in same network in my institution must be logoff from the first PC …

Member Avatar for jean122
Member Avatar for kwesi Yaro

please my am runing a virtual server 2012 which is my domain controller and the time keeps changing, i tryed to change the zone but it coundn't help, this have affected all my client machine that are joined to the domain. please can some body help me????

Member Avatar for kwesi Yaro
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I'm unable to add IIS Apppool\<pool_name> into Permission for both Components and Folders. When using Check Name: seems like there was no matching Apppool name. My system: IBM server - Windows Server 2003. Beside, I have no experience for Win 03, but have always success with Win 08 - Really …

Member Avatar for franceee

I have 3 windows server 2008 r2 64 terminal servers in a farm should all have the exact information, but when a user logs in to the farm they will get onto one of the three servers on two of the servers the desktop is exactly the same but when …

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The End.