337 Recommended Topics

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Member Avatar for supercomputer

I recently reinstalled Windows 10 on my laptop, since then it has been randomy not sleeping properly. After I had shut the lid of the laptop, I'd come back and find the laptop was 'on', as in the fan was running very quietly, the power lights and hard drive lights …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for Dani

Soooo I unfortunately had to close my coworking space, DaniPad, for who knows how long. #coronavirus With no income, I want to temporarily suspend the $600/mo we are paying for business-class Verizon Fios. The online portal says you have to call on the phone to make these kinds of account …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Dani

My boyfriend got me an Oculus Quest as an early birthday gift, and while I love it, he loves it wayyyyy more. Does anyone have any game recommendations? Unfortunately, the Oculus Quest does not share a marketplace with the Oculus Rift, and since the Quest has only been out since …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Lightninghawk
Member Avatar for holisticgroup19
Member Avatar for MickeyD

What with limited formal education and an IQ score only moderately above average, I have no trouble discerning the manipulative tactics of Microsoft. Their kindergarten psychology used to keep you attached to, and dependent upon, their proprietary products is less than amusing. This tit for tat, childish approach Of MS …

Member Avatar for Palebushman
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello does anybody see any error in this? [!] Unable to find the Xcode project `/Users/macbookpro/Desktop/project/platforms/ios/C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project.xcodeproj` for the target `Pods-C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project`. I copied my project from my PC to my Mac in a usb drive. THERE IS NO C:\Users\Simos\ directory on mac. Why ai i getting this?

Member Avatar for ilaureano
Member Avatar for chirag_11

The End.