tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I started at age 9 in QBASIC writing .bat files and making small programs with them. I know about 7 different languages, including but not limited to C++, Ruby On Rails, PHP, and ActionScript 2 and 3. I am still perfecting my C++ by taking a college course, so I will be at my best.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

While you can make games with dragonfiresdk, it hasn't been kept up to date... I hope to see some major updates soon. The only IOS 4.0 function is retina graphics. There is no support for game center.
There are some buggy functions or functions people avoid, because they cause issues in the long run. If you use DFSDK you need to use the WTF template on top of it. It is free. Try out AlICE. You can do some cool 3d game design with that!

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

What are you supposed to do with this input? That is the biggest question. Just read it and then shut down the program or output it to the screen?

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Vernon thank you for answering my question. Sky Diploma, I am thinking about using CGI and XSL for the front end.

I am an app developer for Apple. My apps can easily be ported to android. So I think it would be good to make my site as an app in C++, release it for mobile phones and then if that is succesful make the website.
Most Website usage is via mobile phones nowadays.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

What's the need to reinvent the wheel? Do you have some special project that doesn't fits in any web oriented base language?

For example PHP is open source and based on C, so why not building the web site on that language?

That is just it fantasma, PHP is BASED on C. Layered languages are usually like onions in my mind. I've used PHP, I've used rails. I believe it is better to write a project from scratch, not use something pre-packaged like PHP. That is purely my own belief and I am not going to force it on anyone else.

Ancient, Wordpress is written in C.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Hey Vernon,
Yes, I will have to mess with CGI. I will do it as Fast CGI with C++ for now and possibly convert it to pure C++ later.

I was hoping there were some tutorials or some really good documentation on this. I've been reading the documentation for fastcgi++, but the more you learn the better.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I've decided to write a Website in C++. I am sick of dealing with languages that layer on top of other languages, so I just want to write it in C++. I know about CGI++, but I was wondering if there were any other tools or methods used for writing a site in C++.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Ancient Dragon: Visual Express studio 2008. Windows Vista. I am using a SDK called Dragonfire SDK. We can write iPhone apps in C++ that way.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I am making a game where I need to take one image and make it into multiple images. then when I click on the image, I want one to dissapear at a time. I believe this can be accomplished via arrays. I am still pretty new to C++, so I am not sure exactly how to feed an image to an array and work like mentioned above.

Any help is appreciated.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Okay, first off I've never played Medal of Honor. I have played Halo online. I was quite tired last night when I made my second post. I know that games like Halo and GTA depict violence, but what seperates them from this new level of medal of honor is that
(1 the versions of Halo online that I played weren't set in any era. I also would like to state that while I have played Halo Online I didn't like it and quit after a few days. My cousin wanted me to play it.
(2 we are currently in the middle of a war on terrorisim & Medal Of Honor allows people to be the enemy that we are currently fighting.
There is a rating above M, it just isn't sold at retail stores or at least I've never seen it.

I will admit that GTA case does indeed have to do with the players mental stability, but There is a big difference between books and Movies.

I've never watched the movies you listed, because those aren't my type of movies. Games that have shooting like guild wars are fine IMO, because you kill monsters & ghosts. I am not a fan of PVP in games like that, but even then you are a fictional character with powers. What I find wrong with this new Medal Of Honor is the fact that you can play as the enemy and fictitiously kill are own …

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I'll say it again: this game is wrong on so many levels.
The human mind, especially the teenager mind is very impressionable. This game should be banned or at the bare minimum have everyone be over 18 & carded & sign sometype of legal agreement. I am sure some stores will refuse to carry it while others see the dissatisfaction of their customers and stop selling it. Seriously, what were the game designers thinking? I design games & I leave anything to do with politics out of my games. Yes, this has to do with politics and so much more like morals and ethics.
Ding my rating all you want on here. I still won't change my comments.

Ancient Dragon commented: Agree +0
tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Google announced about Google Instant Search and there has been some concern on the twittersphere that this will eliminate SEO. I am not one who believes that SEO will be eliminated, but it does sound like we may have to make some adaptions to our techniques. Feedback welcome!!!

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I am so glad Ancient Dragon was here to defend those who serve and have served in the military.
My dad,my uncle, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my great-great grandfather all served in the military. I am so glad that the government banned the game from being sold on the base. I think that this level should be banned altogether, but it is freedom of speech so it is allowed even though it is sickly warped, morbid, vile and Anti-Earth. Letting people play as the Taliban might give them the wrong impression. I keep seeing references to grand theft auto and how it didn't cause any problems. I know that a major fact has been ignored by gamers that GTA was the cause of at least one Real Life issue that I remember reading about off the top of my head. Three cops died because of an 18 year old who killed real cops after playing the Grand Theft Auto game. A long time ago when GTA was new a friend said this is a cool game. I put it in my system turned it on and as fast as I turned the game on I turned it off. I highly discourage the company from releasing this anti-american, anti-british, anti-earth level and if they do I highly question their judgment. You can give me negative ratings all you want. I know what is right and what isn't and this is not right!!
When I say anti-earth, I am NOT …

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

GrimJack: I say 'Kiai' a lot. Than again that might be, because I am taking Tae Kwon Do.
Things you hear the most in Tae Kwon Do are Challiat, Chunbi, kunia, and hamasakeda.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

To the person who started this thread, I highly reccomend that you use the Databases that RoR works best with, which are My SQL, SQL Lite, and PostgreSQL. I've never heard of anyone using any other database besides these three. Anything is possible, but it would probably be a nightmare to get it to work. Check out the official guides for Ruby on Rails that explain how to configure the three main databases that are used in testing and as far as I know launch. I prefer MY SQL over any of the others.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I am not familiar with Tmail, but I am familiar with the issue of those who try to program Ruby on Rails in Windows. You will have great pains and woes trying to program in Windows(trust me, I already made that mistake.) What you need to do is make a partition or designate an entire drive for Ubuntu which is an amazing free Operating System which is great for RoR developing purposes and personal use. I use it mainly for developing, but I may start to use it more and more for personal stuff. Please read the forums sticky on RoR. You can always submit an issue over at github about tmail. I am assuming that's where that gem is hosted, since basically almost every gem is hosted at Github.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Hey Ron,
You know I am a big fan of your articles. What you said is correct on the most part. I have experiemented with Apple claiming that if youHold a RIM phone to tight it will make you drop a bar or two. I was amazed that this is indeed correct. I can youtube this, if you would like. I hold a RIM Blackberry Curve 8310 on the sides tight and it drops, I hold it via the top and the bottom and I am at full signal. I would like to point out that in my tests you have to grip your phone very firmly with your left hand for this issue to occur, than again ones firmness could be anothers softness. I wrote an article about the iPhone 4, because I didn't see yours.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Here is some info I left out on Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is basically like Microsofts .net, except rails is an extension of the Ruby language. Some say that you should learn Ruby before learning Ruby on Rails, I say do whatever works for you.
If you want to develop Ruby on Rail Apps you can do it in windows but it is a pain and really, really annoying. I would suggest installing Ubuntu on a seperate hard drive and downloading the newest stable version of RoR from www.rubyonrails.org. They have step by step instructions for installing RoR. If you decide to use Windows, despite my warning you will have to use a much older version of rails.

Simple do and Don't rules for Ubuntu and Ruby on rails
Do not use apt-get that is not the right way to install RoR.
All you need to do is install the latest RubyGems file then go into the terminal and type gem install rails. Walla, you now have RoR.

Simple tutorial: Building a simple app.
I have copied this small section of text from the official Ruby on Rails Guide on getting started
Note you only have to use the $ sign in the following example if you are using windows. Ignore it if you are using Linux.
"Open a terminal, navigate to a folder where you have rights to create files, …

tallship commented: A great launchpad to Ruby resources :) +0
tiger86 16 Posting Pro

If you don't want your iPad may I have it? You pay the $800 of course :P I'll just use it for you. LOL. JK. :P :D

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Than I am guessing that my help solved the issue? Could you please mark the thread "solved" if and when your issue is solved?

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I don’t write articles much anymore, but today I felt that this really deserved to be written about. A Website software called Clicktale is quite creepy.
What Is Clicktale?
Clicktale, is a product designed to record everything you do on a Webpage to the website owner who has paid for the service. Only Websites that use clicktale's JavaScript are recorded. However Clicktale does make it very clear that your use of the site will be revoked if you do not exclude information that is deemed sensitive by Clicktale such as Social Security Numbers, Credit card numbers, etc. If you do type text into a box and submit it, the user will be able to see what you typed, excluding passwords. If you don’t hit submit the video does not record your text.
Clicktale has a free option, but from what I’ve read you get better results by using their paid version. The Clicktale site says the software is to figure out exactly why users leave your site, etc. They also say in the terms of service that they do not record any Identifiable information that isn't submitted voluntarily, my interpetation of their use of the word voluntarily is that you supply it to the website.

Isn’t This An Invasion Of Privacy?
In my honest opinion, yes this is an invasion of privacy and shouldn’t be used unless the site has something similar to monitored phone calls in the United States, like a mandatory pop up …

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

This is not an advertisement, this is purely a thread telling people about resources that I've found, well resourceful.

For those who are stuck with Ruby on Rails or need to learn the basics you should check out the free videos by Ryan Bates at www.railscasts.com, they've helped me a few times and I've heard that they help a lot of other people. Also if you ever need help right away you can always go to the #ruby irc on freenode or if you are a ruby on rails programmer go to #rubyonrails also hosted on freenode. I know for a fact that #rubyonrails is the official help irc for anything related to RoR. Everyone on the #rubyonrails chatroom are usually very helpful and can help you when your stuck.

Well I hope that this post helped!

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Welcome to the wonderful, simple world of RoR. I've never heard of Tracks and that's saying a lot since I've used a lot of gems and plugins. Tracks isn't marketing itself as a gem or a plugin, which is very,very odd. The way you can get Tracks onto your server is by downloading the .zip file from the tracks website, unzipping it, than upload the unzipped version to the server and it should work.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

The possible problems are listed below along with the solution
(A a gem that is required is no longer on your server
(B your server provider upgraded their Ruby and one of your gems isn't compatible with the new version
All you have to do is check to make sure you have all of the required gems, and if you do make sure you haven't updated one of them lately, sometimes you have to change your code a smidgen when you update a gem. If that's all fine there, then contact your server provider and see if they've updated the Ruby version, if they have find out what version they upgraded to and what you need to do to your script to make it work.

If this is a third party script that is updated, their may be a newer version that is already compliant with an updated Ruby version. If this solved your problem, please click problem solved.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I got help from the SDK guys. I used sprintf. Also I was putting my code above other images so it wasn't appearing. Anyways, if you want to output code using Dragonfire SDK it is real simple, you just have to ask or read the topics.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I am getting the most interesting... error or glitch now that I've removed my background. I see a red square, but that's it. I am using the DragonFire SDK to develop apps for the iPhone if that helps at all. I was struggling with some of the things not offered in DFSDK, so I am trying to learn what c++ has to offer that isn't in the DFSDK manual. I've discovered that C++ has a world of stuff to offer, I am just really struggling. I really want to get this done by Wednesday. If I don't get it completely done by Wednesday, oh well.

Anyways any tutorials that can help me learn c++ basics like getting print output to work properly and even the post your points on a website part would be really helpful, actually any help would be helpful. Thanks!

>If that isn't possible than I'll just forget it.
Well certainly thats possible .

well i dont know how your game is designed , but i faced an analogus problem in the past , where in the data was actually being printed , but i was also coming out of program immediate which made me unable to see the output.
so , i guess if you could ask the user to hit enter ( or any other character ) to exit the game or something similar , ur last output will still stay on the screen.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Thank you for bearing with me Rahul8590. Yes, all I want to do is print the words score points and then have the counter increment by one each time a certain task is completed. Thankfully I got that code finished. My issue is that I am still not seeing the printout on my screen. Please note that I haven't been programming C++ for even a week and that I have a concussion, so if my question doesn't make sense just ask me to rephrase it.

As stated above I just want my counter to increment by one and print that. I was hoping that I could get the final score of the game and be able to have people optionally post it onto a website. Like an ending screen that says "You won with 500 points! Want to see if your friends can beat it? Than post it at http://enterlinkhere.com."

If that isn't possible than I'll just forget it.

well ... i am kida baffled .
i guess u want to print the counter which increments by one .

all u gotto check is the variable assg shouldnt exceed the max points you set .
and while thats true , keep incrementing the counter .

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I am simply trying to output text to my project screen that has a counter which increments by one, than prints it. Here is my attempt.

int abovemaxpoints = 1001;
// this works for any scoring for the game.
    while(std::cin >> abovemaxpoints)

std::cout << "star points" << counter++;

All I need is the screen to output the counter increments and then later be able to retrieve the value of the increment so the points can be showed at the end of game and then posted on a website if you wish to click a link. How would I do this??
Actually I would be happy if you told me how to make my above code to just output to my screen properly without posting it to a website, since I haven't been able to get it to appear on my screen.

Help, please and thank you.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I think Dani and her designer are doing a really good job with the site. I don't fully understand trending topics yet, but I'll get the hang of a thread with one post being the number one trending topic.

Anyways we should really be thanking Dani and her designer for spending so much time working on improving the site. We have to realize that this is a new layout and that there will be some things will just have to get used to.

Besides the trending topic section I like the site design, it is really clean. Kudos to Dani and her designer.

jephthah commented: brownie hound :P +0
tiger86 16 Posting Pro

You know you are old when you remember when CD stores existed.