56 Recommended Topics

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Member Avatar for Onion13

Making a scrolling space shooting video game in C# where the player will fight one on one with their opponent. I was able to figure out how to make the missile go up if the opponent was above the player. But, I can't seem to make it work if the …

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Onion13

I kind of figured out how to put a pause in my 2d game when the player shoots. The problem is that when the player shoots once, the game will continue to shoot continously, even after the player has stopped shooting. Can someone please help me? void Bullet()//draws the players …

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for Ernesto_10

Hi, Im creating a canvas and inserting an image. I'm using bind to move the image with my mouse. It works, but whenever I add another image, it doesn't work. When I try to move any images, only image1 moves and image 2 dissappears. Any ideas would help, thanks Here's …

Game Development python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Onion13

Working on a game and I made a separate class to handle the players enemies (Its a scrolling type 90s game). I know if I use picturebox and put it on form1 I can say for example.... enemy1.Left > 90; My question is how would I do something like that …

Game Development c# gaming
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mn1208
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lilindiekid

Hi guys! I am currently using c++ and I wanted to start doing basics of a game with oop. And I thought MGT would be good. So, the problem is idk where to start with. I'm planning to use only Land, Creature, Enchantment and, Sorcery cards. so is there any …

Game Development c++ gaming
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lilindiekid

1. Combat between two creature cards: Reduce the defending creature’s HP by the attack power of the attacking creature card AND reduce the attacking creature’s HP by the attack power of the defending creature card. If either the attacker or the defender or both of them is/are reduced to 0 …

Game Development c++ gaming
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lilindiekid

Can anyone help me to write combat class? 1. Combat between two creature cards: Reduce the defending creature’s HP by the attack power of the attacking creature card AND reduce the attacking creature’s HP by the attack power of the defending creature card. If either the attacker or the defender …

Game Development c++ gaming
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TheMightySpud

Hi all, I'm getting a strange error every time I try to send a score update using an rpc using Photon Unity Networking (And Unity3d). Here is the Error. RPC method 'RPC_SendScore(String, Single)' found 2x on object with PhotonView 1201. Only one component should implement it.Return type must be void …

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Eu_531

Hi, I am a begginer and I can't find an useful full and free tutorial for using Open GL in game development... do anyone know a place to learn it? Also, an full C++ free tutorial would help me a lot!

Game Development c++ gaming
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Onion13

Working on a video game using visual studio and I am having trouble with the sound effect when the player shoots their weapon. When the player shoots multiple times, the sound overlaps. Ive tried many things and this was my last attempt. Can someone please help me? I am stuck. …

Game Development c# visual-studio
Member Avatar for Onion13

Learning C# and I am working on a C# scrolling shooting game. The game works so far but when the player finishes a level, I want the enemies to appear on the far right of the screen and the player on the left of the screen. When the level is …

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for lucazani

Hello, where Is the name of the best 3D no code game engine?

Game Development
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for pratikmishra22@yahoo.com
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi, I'm curious on how and which tools are used to develop an 8 ball pool game. The one I'm referring to is that you play online with strangers, and friends for coins and tournaments. Can anyone point me to the right direction. This will be my first attempt in …

Game Development gaming
Member Avatar for andrewflintoff
Member Avatar for Phillip_8

Hi guys, im making a chat app in C# I can get it to show time and text but the code im using shows PC username not login username of app Could someone please help me with the correct bit to put it Thanks in Advance if (textBoxSend.Text != "") …

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mangle200

hello ive been trying to get a sound file to play once i press a button in a situation using winsound but i am unable to get the audio to play here is the code i have import winsound import tkinter as tk from functools import partial # a quick …

Game Development gaming python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jen Larosa
Member Avatar for Tom_46
Member Avatar for Onion13

Making a scrolling game and I want to make a boss level. How do I make a picturebox invisible for 10 seconds and then appear?

Game Development c#
Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello. Is there anybody here who's eager to help me building a webgame? It's mostly written in PHP and there are some Javascript and CSS files included. I put it on Github. I haven't been using a framework (yet). If you first want to know more, just ask (of course). …

Game Development html-css javascript php
Member Avatar for Xozz
Member Avatar for Onion13

I am learning to code and I have been working on a game using what I have learned to make it. So I have been making my version of R type C# game and got everything working so far but I run out of ideas how to make this part …

Game Development c# gaming video
Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for Onion13

I've found many tutorials online for unity making homing missiles. I can't find one for people not using unity.

Game Development c# visual-studio
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i'm learning Math for 3D... for now i can draw a plane and convert 3D to 2D(the screen is 2D): Private Function ConvertPositon3DTo2D(Position As Position3D, World3DSize As Size3D) As POINTAPI Dim ConvertedPosition As POINTAPI Dim PosZZDepth As Long PosZZDepth = Position.Z + World3DSize.Distance If (PosZZDepth = 0) Then PosZZDepth = …

Game Development c c++ vb.net
Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Jiwe

Hi everyone! I created a Sudoku game and want to share it with all of you so you can tell me what'y think about it :). I've got 1 year of C++ experience. Game is based on coordinates to put the numbers. --------------------------- List of Commands: --------------------------- When asked to …

Game Development c++
Member Avatar for Dwi_3
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello. I'm stuck with my Yahtzee project. The first five lines are filled with a brief explanation of the case. Please read them /* I'm writing Yahtzee in C++. So far so good, but I'm stuck now on the recognition of staights and full houses. It's about the lines 131 …

Game Development c++
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.