Hi we are developing the KNN data mining classification algorithm and are unable to proceed after a point. We have been able to calculate the Euclidean distance metric and find the three closest neighbours to an instance and ordered them in ascending order. However, with the help of the distance metric, we are now supposed to be able to trace back the initial two points of the instance that gave us the distance metric value. after determining the points we are supposed to be able to find the majority class label and then assign that to the instance. we are unable to proceed after sorting the values, any help will be much appreciated.
The java code is below:
static void classifierKNN()
List trainingset = dataset.subList(0, dataset.size()-3);
List testset = dataset.subList(dataset.size()-2, dataset.size()-1);
List lastele=(List)testset;
ArrayList<Double> dm = new ArrayList<Double>();
ArrayList <Double> point = new ArrayList<Double>();
int size= trainingset.size();
double dist[]= new double[size];
for(int i=0;i<trainingset.size();i++)
List temp =(List)trainingset.get(i);
dist[i] = (distanceMetric(temp,lastele));
System.out.println("Distance: "+ dm);
System.out.println("Point: "+ point); //the values of dm and point should ideally be //located in one structure - list or array but unable to concatenate them successfully, keep //getting garbage values.
ArrayList<Double> asc = new ArrayList<Double>();
System.out.println("Asc sorting");
for (int i=0;i<3;i++)