1,521 Topics

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Member Avatar for RobotFX

Anyone has any idea why I cannot disable the FileETag ? I have this in my apache config file: FileETag None, I have restarted the server, I'm running on centos 5 and apache 2.2.3. Still, everytime I'm using the Yslow tool in Firefox I got errors that I should disable …

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Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all, I have a phpbb forum that I had to move to a subdirectory (/forum/). We've been going for 8 years so have a lot of stuff indexed on Google etc. Is there a painless way of using .htaccess to send all requests to the subdirectory. The root directory …

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Member Avatar for faizabest

Im new in web developer and using WAMP server to develop my system. I have run my system succ on winxp, but not in Win7. Can u guys help me to solve this matter? My Apache doesn't work.. I have try to start n restart but still same.... Cannot open …

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Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi, I am new to Linux and I have a wee problem i think this forum can help me with - I have a script that uploads a users profile image successfully to a folder and successfully storing the image path to a mysql database. The problem im having is …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for fuggles

I'm setting up my server to host 2 domains. In the VirtualHosts section I have it set up as they do on the Apache website. But line 280 or so asks for a DocumentRoot, well I have 2, what should I do here?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for sci-kode

Hello all! I just wonder if it's posible to rewrite index.php, index.php?variable=some and the root to same rewrite in htaccess. If so how? Here's an example that don't work, but maybe you get the idea. [CODE]RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^myexample.com$ RewriteRule (.*) http://myexample.com/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^another-variable-in-url$ /index.php [L] RewriteRule ^another-variable-in-url$ …

Member Avatar for khess

It was exactly one year ago today that I published my original "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219749.html"]The 10 Best Linux Distributions[/URL]" and it's time to put forth a new list for this year's best. Without looking at the old list, I've decided to compile this one from scratch. This 2009 list takes several factors …

Member Avatar for sameer5151
Member Avatar for khess

Today, June 22, 2010, The [URL="http://www.openinventionnetwork.com"]Open Invention Network[/URL] (OIN) [URL="http://www.openinventionnetwork.com/press_release06_22_10.php"]announced[/URL] that [URL="http://www.canonical.com"]Canonical[/URL], the company that owns and produces the [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] Linux distribution, joins its ranks as the first Associate Member. Florian Mueller, founder and former director of the NoSoftwarePatents campaign and the founder of the [URL="http://fosspatents.blogspot.com"]FOSS Patents Blog[/URL] had this …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for MarkBloomfield

I am using php mail to send a confirmation email from a web page. It all works absolutely fine until the email address is in the format [email]xxx.yyy@zzz.com[/email] That is to say there is a . in the local part of the address. I have tested the code and had …

Member Avatar for choris

hi, i would like to know more about this "apache with mail function"? we've just started using this xampp, and i wanna make a web mail too. so can anyone help me how using apache? thanks.

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I want to get the user and group that APACHE is running in through PHP. Like APACHE normally has the user 'apache' and group 'apache' but it can sometimes be 'httpd' for both or it may have been changed by the server admin. How do I find out the …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for Lapixx

Hi, I'm using a simple .htaccess file to use a custom 404 error page: ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404.php Inside this 'errors' folder, there is the 404.php file, and an image, which I want to include in the 404 page. Anyway, when I request a non-existing page from the root folder, everything …

Member Avatar for bigtalk
Member Avatar for oldSoftDev

Hi Guys does anyone here ever used apache Ivy. I need help here, I am a newbie in Ivy and trying to set up local repository and apache website is not useful at all.

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for SoN9ne

I have no issues with setting up the mod_rewrite and having it create the clean URLs. My question is for more experienced htaccess users and I am wondering if there is a simple solution to my dilemma. My URLs without the cleanup look like: index.php?ctrl=portal&mode=main or index.php?ctrl=portal&mode=edit&id=2 I want my …

Member Avatar for djcodesa
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello: Soon I will need to have my foriegn keys working. I have tried to set them up with no luck. Could someone show me how to set the payee_uid below? I am using an Apache Derby Embbeded Db 10.5.3. Thanks [code] stu_uid VARCHAR(11) PRIMARY KEY, stu_password VARCHAR(11), stu_lname VARCHAR(20), …

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I can't seem to find the correct way to add an alias in a select statement. Is there a way to do this using an embedded Apache derby database? The usual way will not work. ex: [icode] SELECT uid AS User,fName AS First,lName AS Last FROM table[/icode]

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Member Avatar for jaydeebee84

I'm really really new to this, and have worked a lot of things out myself, but basically I have quite a few rules, all of which work, but now I'm getting into deeper stuff with more variables and my lack of knowledge is starting to show through this! First quick …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for jralexander137

I'm having an issue in figuring out how to connect to the website in question. This is just a copy of the original site that is being hosted on a VM on one of our servers. This is merely a development server to test the changes to the website. It's …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for omol

Hi everyone, I am having a bit of an issue with multiple outbound connections. I have set up 2 open vpn servers on the same IP address. Server 1: Port 500 dev tap0 ip Server 2: Port 501 dev tap0 ip On the client side I have. Client …

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Member Avatar for manishanibhwani

hiii, i want to ask .. why do we basically use servers.. wat is the basic requirement for making of servers and wat r the mainly used servers and their advantage.... sry if my question is tooo easy but i m unable to get a satisfactory answer for this questio.. …

Member Avatar for servertoday
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello all, I am having trouble as I am on a shared server where obviously someone has been abusing the SMTP server as Hotmail has blacklisted it, I have contacted my host and they are working with microsoft to resolve the issue BUT in the mean time my customers are …

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Member Avatar for cthoes

i am using mac os x 10.5 with apache php and mysql. i tried below program but end up with following message.. Upload: insurance1.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 845.189453125 Kb Temp file: /private/var/tmp/php0Vueol Warning: move_uploaded_file(uploads/insurance1.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Library/WebServer/Documents/php/upload_file.php on line 25 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable …

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Member Avatar for RaulGonzales

How i can Rewrite URL JSP in Apache tomcat same MOD Rewrite in PHP [U][B]EX.[/B][/U] [CODE]test.jsp?id=1 as test/1[/CODE] Thank You.

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Member Avatar for khess

To you, my loyal readers, I must offer up a sincere apology for my recent post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254705.html"]Five *nix Myths Busted[/URL], and am posting this full retraction for that post. To fully drive home my retraction and refute any myths about my competence with Linux or Unix, I am going to …

Member Avatar for jonkx
Member Avatar for Hanshi1971

Hello all, I have a laptop running XP Pro. Also using web software called Front Accounting to handle my paperwork for small business. I installed by myself all the necessary software and have some experience using Apache / PHP / Mysql. Brief description of problem: I installed all the components …

Member Avatar for Hanshi1971
Member Avatar for RobotFX

So, I have 2-3 php scripts that I run as crons calling them using wget: [I]/usr/bin/wget -o /dev/null [url]http://example.com/cronrss.php[/url][/I] These files (cronrss.php) are getting copied in the example.com directory every time the cron runs, every new file having a new number (/home/example/cronrss.php1, ...cronrss.php2 etc) So, what could be the reason …

Member Avatar for RobotFX
Member Avatar for aarontb

I have created a basic html form on my web server, and when submit the form i get the following message for apache: Not Found The requested URL /handle_form.php method= was not found on this server. handle_form.php is there, so it should be handling the form. heres my codes for …

Member Avatar for neilnicky017
Member Avatar for itz.aayushi

I have an application written in JSP running in Apache Tomcat Server and back end is MySQL and m having problem in my code tried many things like creating a .bat file but dint got a code to run .bat file from jsp page. Also the following code i tried …

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Member Avatar for johndoe444

I see that there is only source that can be downloaded. As I don't have the root privilege, I can't compile and install apache. What alternative is there that would not require compiling and installing apache?

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for f.damati

I am developing a web page which retrieve data from a seperate mysql server on the same network musql_connect('', 'root', '123'); but ana error shows Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13) in /var/www/html/index.php on line 3 the 2 servers are on 2 different virtual network …

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The End.