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Business intelligence (BI) software vendor [URL="http://www.actuate.com/home/index.asp"]Actuate[/URL] announced plans recently to make BI data available to its customers right on their mobile phones. While most companies are scrambling to jump on the iPhone bandwagon, Actuate hasn't forgotten that plenty of businesspeople still use BlackBerrys and, yes, even Palm devices. Actuate has …

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Rumors are flying this week ahead of Apple's big Mac Book event on Tuesday that it will announce the long rumored sub-$1000 notebook. In fact, my friends at [URL="http://www.tuaw.com/2008/10/09/800-for-a-new-macbook/"]The Unofficial Apple Weblog[/URL] are reporting that someone has gotten their hands on a price sheet ahead of the announcement suggesting that …

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A coordinated effort by global central banks, led by the U.S. and the Federal Reserve Board’s 0.5% emergency rate cut today has more or less calmed the financial markets this morning (down about 100 points in mid-morning trading). I say “more or less’ because who really knows? But the economists …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It seems Apple may be on the brink of yet another iPhone redesign. Not, this time, because of any fault or because of any user demand but because the European Union (that's my continent, folks) is considering a directive that would force phones to have an easily removable battery. This, …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Apple seems to be getting a lot of media attention lately; and not the good type. Apple has released several updates to their products recently; and almost all of those updates have some big bugs. Let’s start off with what I would call the worst update that is currently affecting …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The impact from the ongoing credit crisis is finally starting to translate into layoffs for the tech sector. The folks I'm talking to say that AT&T, Apple, Yahoo, Sun, eBay, Microsoft, Nortel, HP, EDS, and even Google are going to be passing around pink slips with alarming aggressiveness in weeks …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Steve Ballmer should limit his worries to Microsoft and his advice to his employees. Last week the Microsoft CEO reportedly had the audacity to suggest that Apple "become more like Microsoft," and loosen the bonds between Apple hardware and software. Is he really that clueless? Surely he's aware that it's …

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It is one thing to blog “I hate Apple, why don’t they go out of business!” Sure you can do that and Apple won’t care 2 cents about you. It’s a total different ballpark when you write a blog that causes Apple’s stock to plummet. Friday Morning before Nasdaq opened …

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With the first availability of an Android-based phone is only weeks away, it's my guess that [url=http://www.htc.com/www/default.aspx]T-Mobile's G1 phone[/url] will be the next big "must-have" gizmo for today's techno geeks. The carrier, which promised delivery on the Oct. 22 launch date to customers placing advance orders, has sold through its …

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Adobe Systems has confirmed what many in the media have been speculating for months--that it will produce a version of its Flash runtime environment for Apple's iPhone. The move will open the device to an enormous wealth of applications and Flash-enabled Web content. What remains to be seen is whether …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will ~The Grateful Dead. [/I] Gloomy economic reports continue to pervade our daily news. It has me wondering if the problems on Wall Street will eventually trickle down to the tech sector …

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They've been available on the black market almost since the beginning. They'll be selling in Russia next week. And now you can get them at the Apple Store. What are they? They're unlocked iPhone 3Gs, usable on the carrier of choice, not just AT&T. Simply insert your existing SIM card …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Everyone is all ga-ga this week over the [URL="http://www.t-mobileg1.com/"]G1[/URL], the new HTC phone from T-Mobile, which is the first phone powered by Google's Android phone OS. On one level, the geek in me certainly shares the excitement. It's open source. It's Google's first entree into the phone market. I'm not …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

You really get the impression this should be a bad idea. Microsoft has announced a [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10048061-56.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.0"]delay to Windows Mobile 7.0[/URL]. This, you'll remember, was going to allow people to release phones to rival Apple's iPhone and, we assume, Android. The announcement comes in the wake of the Android release. Could …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The stock market is down 370 points after Monday trading and nobody is really sure where we go from here. I’ve been around Wall Street for over 20 years and I’ve never seen anxiety like this – people are scared to death and a run on investment accounts - including …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Some people, I have concluded, just have way too much time on their hands. Steve Jobs is probably not one of them, but I suspect that 'Grammar Girl' most certainly is. I also expect that this posting will fall victim to the grammatically correct squad, so have dropped a number …

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Some things are just made to appeal to weirdy beardy nerds. Take the 'musical' instrument invented by the Russian nutter Leon Theremin in 1919 for example. I say musical, but anyone who has ever listened to the sounds coming from this truly bizarre combining of metal antennae and the hands …

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There comes a time when a fellow just has to admit he's made a mistake. I've said on this blog a couple of times that I believe some technology fans - particularly people wanting to see violent games on the iTunes store and elsewhere - are crazy to object when …

Member Avatar for tiger86

The BlackBerry Storm previously known as the BlackBerry Thunder was just rumors until Information on the Blackberry Storm was revealed to Verizon Employees who “leaked” the information onto the internet. The BlackBerry Storm Has a 3.2 megapixel camera, full HTML based browser, it runs on a quad GSM chip, and …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

After months of speculation, [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/09/16/android-phone-the-g1-to-ship-mid-october/"]TechCrunch[/URL] reports that the first Android powered phone, the HTC Dream is set to be released in the US by T-Mobile on October 20th. T-Mobile did not return my calls to confirm or deny this rumor, but one thing is certain, the iPhone is no longer …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Well it is here at last, and this time it seems to be all gravy as they say. Apple has made the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3135.html"]iPhone 2.1 upgrade as promised[/URL] at the Let's Rock event available, and oh boy is it a little beauty! The full list of bug fixes and improvements, according …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Telecom stocks are emblematic of how skittish investors are over the tech sector today. Some telecom giants are taking a beating over reduced consumer demand for their products, both here in the U.S. and abroad (especially around the once-robust Pacific Rim). Here's a quick snapshot . . . AT&T Inc …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The other day I downloaded the latest version of iTunes and discovered the much-heralded Genius feature is a not-so subtle way to sell content on iTunes. When I heard about the Genius feature, I mistakenly thought it was like Peter Gabriel's [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2007/04/filter_tool_for.html"]Filter[/URL] tool, a very cool utility for iTunes, which …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So today, according to Tuesday's announcement, there will be new iPhone software available from Apple. We don't know exactly when, in the UK at 1.20 it wasn't there, but no matter - it's going to arrive. And it's going to address issues a few users have noticed, specifically poor battery …

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The game that people waited to be released for over a year 'Spore' is now available to the iPhone and the iPod Touch. I don't think the iPhone needs any more parasites it has enough bugs already. Spore Origins is the iPhone and iPod touch game which is currently $5.00 …

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Apple today had one of 'those' events in San Francisco. At 10am PDT, under the banner of Let's Rock, Steve Jobs made a number of important product announcements. These included a brand new version of iTunes in the shape of iTunes 8. This comes with support for HD television programmes, …

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There's been no shortage of speculation about apple CEO Steven Jobs has up his sleeve for the media event he's about to give today in San Francisco at 10 am local time. There's even been a leaked [url=http://www.macrumors.com/2008/09/05/leaked-photo-of-4th-generation-ipod-nano-in-packaging/]photo[/url] of a new "taller"iPod that's also thinner and less costly. Apple today …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to a [URL="http://gizmodo.com/5046463/apple-admits-british-man-invented-ipod-in-1979-uses-him-to-win-patent-lawsuit"]Gizmodo post[/URL] published on Sunday, a British man claims he invented the iPod (or at least a prototype of what would become a portable music player) way back in 1979, the same year the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkman"]Walkman[/URL] cassette player first went on sale in Japan. Up to that point, …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is incredible. In the UK, police are worried that criminals can use mobile devices to [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10032823-94.html?tag=nl.e703"]wipe a corporate network[/URL] if they know what they're doing Well, OK, I understand the concept. Same as I understand the threat to internal network security when someone can walk into their workplace with …

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[I]"Jerry, I have to tell you something. This is the dullest moment I've ever experienced." - George, watching laundry, in "Good News, Bad News" episode of Seinfeld. [/I] I woke up this morning to find a [URL="http://startupmeme.com/microsofts-first-seinfeldgates-ad-a-home-run-to-trash-can/"]Tweet from Startupmeme[/URL] that the first Seinfeld ad for Microsoft had hit the airwaves. …

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The End.