13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for erum

i already use VS 2008 and CR 2008 .but i need to use CR 2008 with VS 2012 ..but its giving me error even i added concerned reference like cysrtaldeciosion etc etc can any one suggest me sample tutorail ..for me its hard to find simple beginers level

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hello, I have created a crystal report in CR8.5 already. now i want to export in my asp.net code instead creating new one in asp.net. how can i do it? is it possible? or i have to create a new one? Thanks

Member Avatar for Tamil_1

i have a xml file.that doesnot have attributes in the tags.for that i created the xslt file and then used xml datasource and put in a grid view.now i need to search for text in the grid view and need to put the results in grid view again.it is possible.suggest …

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Member Avatar for mayyubiradar

Hello All, I have searched every forum and google etc but nothing directed me in right path. Requirement: I am using a COM object which can be initialized only once. But, when I try with webapi the first run goes fine and the rest fails as the COM object does …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for conorsingerline

Hello, Is there anywhere on the web that offers a good starting place to learn ASP.NET? I am taking a five day course next month and want to get a better understanding and practice before taking the course. Any suggestions would help. Thanks, Connor Singerline

Member Avatar for portjm
Member Avatar for Sgo_1
Member Avatar for gudegjawa
Member Avatar for morfious90

I'm done with theory portion. i want to make real time project. which has basic most used asp.net functionalists. Not very complex project not very simple .. i want project which store in database.fetch data from database show results uses gridview. use sessions,cookies,login.Where login gets expire after sometime or after …

Member Avatar for gudegjawa
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi I did the stored procedure in mssql 2012. working fine in server. I have an issue that I need the output of my SP into HTML Report Format in aspx.page with Sub and Grand Total I no need GridView Pls advice Maideen My SP SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET …

Member Avatar for gudegjawa
Member Avatar for Bibhakar

I have created a sql database table country with country name and country code. I have selected only country name in the drop down list. Now I want to insert the country code in the database using button.

Member Avatar for gudegjawa
Member Avatar for brenton_77

Guys, I have just finished building a web application but am stumped on one bit of code. Bascially I need to modify the <authorization> section of the web.config file via my .aspx page. My current C# code is below and does work in adding a user, however it adds it …

Member Avatar for ruisantos78
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hello, I have field in db table which have real datatype in SQL 2005. I want to convert it into time (HH:MM) format and add to another time. ex: 0.3 (convert it to 00:30) and want to add into 17:45 so i can get 18:15 0.45(convert it to 00:45) and …

Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for jmay1327

I have a grid that I am trying to move the grid rows either up or down based on button click. Here is what I have so far. Protected Sub imgBtnMoveUp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Dim imgBtn As ImageButton Dim FirstRow As GridViewRow = gvQuoteSo.Rows(0) Dim btnUp …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Sumith Asanka

Dear All i want to load some data to grid view (which is not existing in the database currently) and do some chages (putting tax rates etc) and caluculate totals and after all changes done to update them on the database, where can i keep those data temporaly ? and …

Member Avatar for Sumith Asanka
Member Avatar for xzero1

I have a Top Master page let say "A" in which i have a button and a textbox. Then there is another Master page "B" which is Child of "A". Then there is a page.aspx which is child of "B". so basically I want to send the value of Text …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for jaihoon.meerzakhel

Hello Guys , right now i am working on a project whihc i have to develope i complete job website. i want those users which are regestered with us if the new job has been posted an automatic sms has to sent to them related to the work area that …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for wrathyimp

Hi, I am having two different logins on my website. One for the admins to update teh CMS, other I am creating is to provide our 3rd party, access to the files, but are not to be included in the CMS. So I need to have two forms in my …

Member Avatar for jaihoon.meerzakhel
Member Avatar for weeraa

I use this code for call JS function from codebehind. This is button click event. ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "myfunction", "testFunc();", true); This is the code of JS. function testFunc() { //alert("msg"); document.getElementById("Text1").value = "value change"; //Text1 is html a text box } It's not change the value of the text box. …

Member Avatar for arun1123
Member Avatar for weeraa

I'm tring to move html element on run time. (1) Call function from code behind. (Button1_Click1 event) ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "myfunction", "testFunc(100,200);", true); (2) It redirect to JS function. (This function is used to change the location of html attribute) function testFunc(x,y) { document.getElementById('draggable').style.top = x; document.getElementById('draggable').style.left = y; } in …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for katieJane

Hi all I have, hopefully, a rather small query. I have been creating a system with asp/vb and as I was designing I used msgbox's. Of course when I then uploaded it to the company intranet it didn't like MsgBox. I understand that there are various ways of doing it, …

Member Avatar for diego_5
Member Avatar for Antpit

I'm trying to simply get the value of a FormView control IDLabel1 that is placed within a div IDLabel1 is a bound control getting data from a database via an sqldatasource control I've tried the following: FormView1.FindControl("IDLabel1") CType(FormView1.FindControl("IDLabel1"),Label) Dim lbl As Label = DirectCast(FindControl("IDLabel1"), Label) Dim lbl As Label = …

Member Avatar for Antpit
Member Avatar for nezammca

hi.,:cool: I need to create a grid view in asp.net which should have the database connectivity nor sqldatasource. hence i should use the dataset,datatable,datarow and some how i tried and create the dataset and displayed in grid view. i wrote this code in page load event: dataset ds = new …

Member Avatar for shubham.raval.5496
Member Avatar for weeraa

First of all I should have to say that I do have a good knowledge in C# and but not much knowledge in JS and Jquery. I’m going to develop a web application which can see a specific location of a building (conference room, manager’s room) graphically. It is used …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for morfious90

After login when I redirected to my home page I want User name and small pic of user in side upper corner. And when i click on my Name the Detail regarding User (like Logout Go to your profile. messages )should be shown. And until I logout my my detail …

Member Avatar for morfious90
Member Avatar for wasfa

I want to show record of one row in multiple rows of webgrid. How can i achieve this. View @grid.GetHtml( tableStyle: "grid", headerStyle: "head", alternatingRowStyle: "alt", columns: grid.Columns( grid.Column("vehicleType","Type"), grid.Column("make", " Make"), grid.Column("modelType", "Model"), grid.Column("color", "Color"), grid.Column("registartion", "Registartion"), grid.Column( header: "Action", format: @<text> <a href="DeleteVehicle#" id="deleteLink" onclick="DeleteVehicle">Delete</a></text>) ) ) instead …

Member Avatar for RONAK_1
Member Avatar for GrantB

Hi I'm trying to end a user's session when they close the browser, because they never logout properly. I need to change a value in the db after they close the browser only. <script type="text/javascript"> window.onbeforeunload = check; function check() { return "Are you sure you want to exit this …

Member Avatar for wazz
Member Avatar for wazz

asp.net caching question: when using output caching, a location for the caching can be set - any, client, downstream, server, etc. is it possible to set a location when setting clientCache in web.config? i have set cacheControlCustom="public". i can't find a reference to any other options. could i use 'client …

Member Avatar for upstream

Hi all, I am currently developing a recurring payment gateway for a website using Website Payment Pro using ASP.NET ~ VB. i was thinking if im on the right track because this is my first time to do this PayPal integration. :S Please can anyone give me some advice where …

Member Avatar for Munish Mahajan
Member Avatar for iConqueror

What is the difference between Code Inline and Code Behind? As the names suggest I would presume that Code Inline refers to code that is in the same file as the .aspx and Code Behind refers to code that is in a seperate file. Im not too sure if thats …

Member Avatar for iConqueror
Member Avatar for VRamone

Hello guys,how are you? well im in a bit of trouble,so i want some help. I´m developing a site in VB.NET that in the beginning the user must login to access other pages.This part is ok,the user logins successfully and goes to members area.In this area,i would like to show …

Member Avatar for mahak.butt2
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am using asp.net datalist to retrieve text from database field, when i put an integer value like 10 in where clause of select statement then it retrieves data from databse on next page but when i used variable (which is used to store value sent via query string) then …

Member Avatar for suman_4

The End.