13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for viswa2009

I am using querstring to pass names from one page to another. For example if the name is "viswa murthy" it is only showing "viswa" in the querystring. I want to display the full name.

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for joy.bangalore

Hai, I am a new member of this site. I have a query regarding IFrame. I have a IFrame inside a .aspx page, & IFrame is responsible to display External sites like google.com or yahoo.com etc.. Suppose one user open my aspx page & he/she is seeing google.co.in inside IFrame,& …

Member Avatar for saquib189

Hello friends, I'm using a createUserwizard in my page for registration and in that i have 3 wizard step, i..e. one for uiser login, second for additional information and third for Email confirmation, so the login credentials is succesfully store in the membership table when i click on create user …

Member Avatar for Raj.Acharya

Hi! I have to merge two pdf file in to one pdf file using TallPDF.Net 3.0 any one can guide me on this issue. Please reply anybody as early as possible. Thnks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for psathish2

i am asp.net beginner , i need to upload file to sql server 2005 and also download file. what are the code to use and where i put the code . plz ...

Member Avatar for Dinomike1000

I tried adding such a link to my ASP.NET website by using a Javascript:windows.addFavorites etc.etc. command (or something similar), but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how to create such a link or button in ASP.NET so that if someone clicks this link, the Add Favorites windows will pop up …

Member Avatar for drpepper

Hi! I have a problem that hundreds has had before me (google.com), and i've read countless solutions for my problems, but still haven't found one that actually solves it. I'm trying to make a simple login on my asp.net page with visual studio 2008. It works fine on localhost, but …

Member Avatar for shobhitgupta86

Hi guys... i am new to .net programming i have made a small s/w for hospital management for the hospital of my relative...... no, they want my application to run in their office on Network....along with a common Database i have made the application in C#.NEt and another application in …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Doc Holiday

hello, I 'm still a noob at programming in vb.net I have a problem. I 'm trying to get my selected rows values to another page. Basically, there two values that not being displayed in the gridview, but is part of the selected statement in the store procedure that populated …

Member Avatar for Oreo1982
Member Avatar for etenge
Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for ChintuChowdary
Member Avatar for vingo_mail

I have a problem to disable a browser back button of a particular child page(Not all child pages of a master page). No problem when i use in a separate page. I may use history.forward script to onload property of a body tag in a page. but now i m …

Member Avatar for Raj.Acharya

Thanks in advance. I want to develop iPhone web application using asp.net can any one guide me how to develop iPhone application in asp.net

Member Avatar for Raj.Acharya
Member Avatar for agz86

am new 2 ASP.net..how to include calendars in a datagrid? cud sum1 help me out vth the code??

Member Avatar for anitha joe

Hey all, I had a project assigned today and I need to complete in 4 days..A part of that project requires me to create a user online registration form..All user information needs to get saved in an excel file. I have never done this before.. I know how to save …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg

Hey I'd like to be able to play an mp3 file in a an application in one of my Load procedures. I just need the syntax for playing the file. thanks, Lee

Member Avatar for Lee_Sonnenburg
Member Avatar for benjaminfusion

hi, i'm trying to get a grid to group data horizontally. ie: col1 col2 col3 1 x y 1 a c 2 a b to be: 1 -somethinga x y a c 2 -somethingb a b I've tried using the gridviewhelper class which is great but alas i have buttons …

Member Avatar for KARNANI ASHOK

Hello i wish to display in our local intranet site birthday of employees as per the database for next three days. it has displaying for current date data only. please guide - how to edit the asp page for displaying the birthdays of employees for the next three days in …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hi, i want to know y cant we access a value in a bound column in a datagrid which is made invisible or else is there a method to retrieve value from a bound column in a datagrid which is made invisible

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for prasannapower

How to use javascript codings in Asp.net page when ths script language already being declared is VB.If i replace VB as javascript in script tag VB sources get disabled.Tell me an option to use both scripts in ASP.net page.

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i am going to purchase a laptop, do you guys know which version of vista is recommended for app. developers?

Member Avatar for graham_m84
Member Avatar for Raj.Acharya

i have following quetion: can i use javascipt code that will call a function and click an link in an iframe. The javascript code must run from the parent page and click on a link inside the iframe.

Member Avatar for vipinsgangwar

Dllregisterserver entry point was not found while registering a dll. When I am registering a Dll WaveLib.dll, I am getting this error. what will be the solution for it. Basically what am i doing is, I have to get a namespace for using wavelib component. Thankx in advance.

Member Avatar for prasannapower

My 1st aspx Program... I creat an aspx coding , when i m run in dreamweaver 8 , it showing error ...below **The tag:"seript" dosent have an attribute:"runat" in currently active version.[HTML4.0]** Plz Give me soluction

Member Avatar for prasannapower
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello Guys, Anyone knows what is the MIME content type for the file .aspx, i.e. ASP.Net (VB / C#). I am using VISTA OS. I've been searching it on the Internet but results does not show those with extention .aspx. Please help. Also if you have an idea of the …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Poornisona

hi, In my web application ,i need to use Fileupload button to load the image and then convert it into Binary data then save it in Database..... in my 1st part i need to do all the process i mentioned above,in my 2nd part i need to convert my binary …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for matale

Hello, I have a Categories Table and a Products Table each product has a CategoryID which joins it to the Categories Table. I have a gridView in which I want to enable adding deleting Catagories, how do I check if a category has Products in it, before attempting to delete …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for sebastian3

dear all, can u help me in image uploading withing updatepanel in ajax. i think its not supported. can anyone give any alternate option. thanx

Member Avatar for brightline

I am using a Login control, where the user name in supplied in the format "aaa@aaa.com" The text is displayed in the "LoginName" control in the same format "aaa@aaa.com" I want the LoginName control to display the first name of this user which is stored in the Active Directory. I …

Member Avatar for evios

erm, hi everyone, i am working on chart using dundas chart, i already load the .dll file to the toolbox, drag it for its control, load the .mdb file as well for the data source, and when i try to test query, i still manage to view my data, however …

Member Avatar for mmd

The End.