13,153 Topics
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please tell me the site whict hosted for free .................my site.also provide free web server service....... | |
I wrote a program that makes use of the System.Timers.Timer name space and it is not working like expected it to. My program listed bellow excepted two date values and determined if one date is greater than the other by using the DateTime.compare method. If one date is greater than … | |
Hi all. As I'm a newbie and learning VB.NET, I have some questions about pages within pages or maybe even another facit of coding. First, is there a way to call and load an aspx page within another aspx page? Secondly, would this be better accomplished using modules? Here's a … | |
i want to create a dropdownlist and when i click the dropdownlist, then it should show the all databases which is present in SQLserver. (now i m using SQLSERVER 2005 and Microsoft VISUAL STUDIO 2005) can anyone help me plz? thanks in advance. CLEAR MY DOUBT IF U GENIUS | |
I've used Delphi for the past 12 years, but now I need to get up to speed in C#. Since both systems were designed by the same person, there are lots of similarities. However, C# seems to have a big gap when it comes to centralized data access. All of … | |
I want to ad an .dll procedure to my VB application but when I try to run the dll I get the error message 453 can't find etc. The code is Private target As Integer Private solutions As Integer Private mode As Integer Private Type dealstr trump As Integer first … | |
Hello there, i just need your opinion about this...i have now database and all i need to do is to connect it on this page..my question is..where i should put the code of connecting this page to my database that has a column of "ID" and "Password" and it has … | |
Well I'm quite a noob programmer, but I wonder if Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express edition programs in .NET or in VB 6 (This might be a really silly question) Thank You. | |
Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong here? It is supposed to find the checkboxes per dataitem and see if that specific dataitem needs to be deleted. And if it does, to delete them all after adding it to one SQL statement. Please look below … | |
can anyone give an idea like how to develop an online quiz how can i enter questions how to match entered answers with the ight answer and get the result just give me an idea plz help me on this regard Regards shruthi | |
Hi everyone, I dont know how to create urls friendly in the term of 'search engine friendly'. I have a website writen in ASP and my website url is: [URL=http://www.explorevietnamtravel.com]www.explorevietnamtravel.com[/URL]. For example when i click to new page-About us, the url is [URL=http://www.explorevietnamtravel.com/home/gioithieu.asp]www.explorevietnamtravel.com/home/gioithieu.asp[/URL]. Please help me to guide how can … | |
Dear all .Netters, In my report, I have 3 parametes(Par1,Par2,Par3) In this case, I only want to give parameter only for Par1,Par2. I set Par3 as interal and hidden parameter. In my webform, I write these code : [COLOR="Green"]ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local Dim rep As LocalReport = ReportViewer1.LocalReport rep.ReportPath = "RptProductPhoto.rdlc" … | |
im having trouble using the PUSH method to generate a report . this is my code. [CODE] Try cr1.Visible = False Dim myConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection myConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=someplace;Initial Catalog=somedb;User Id=someid;Password=somepass;" Dim MyCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand MyCommand.Connection = myConnection MyCommand.CommandText = "Select * from asset where assetid < 10" … | |
Hello, I need to access the database when a session unexpectedly ends or session times out. This is just for telling the database to update a field for when the user last logged in. The reason I need this is that it saves me tons of coding for other stuff … | |
i need ur help in my project's requirements i've got few and if any similar web sites which can help me if u know actually my site will start video meetings between groups using text, sound and video thanks after all. | |
suppose when user click on edit button, he should not be allowed to go any of hyperlinks or tabs or any other other page. after clicking save or close buttons he shold be allowed to move. even though if tries to click on any hyperlinks or tabs he shold get … | |
I'm trying to send an email from my contact form using gmail, but i get a runtime error when try to send it. Heres the code: [CODE] MailMessage email = new MailMessage(); email.From = new MailAddress(from); email.To.Add(new MailAddress(to)); email.Subject = subject; email.Body = body; email.IsBodyHtml = false; System.Net.NetworkCredential auth = … | |
Hey guys I have a post back url that I using to link to a webpage of maps from a database but instead of opening the link in a new windows it just opens it in the same windows pls help I am a rockie code Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender … | |
I need to update a few pages that send a forms based XML string to a site and display the returned values. I am not sure of the C# .NET 2.0 syntax to pull it off and wondered if anyone new of a good place to look. I have searched … | |
Dear all, I allow users to hit enter in my TextArea control (for address). The value is saved to SQL table. I show data in child form in GridView. If users click GridView row, will display in parent form. I get problem with address because it contains vbCrlf and JavaScript … | |
Need source code for the following: when you select a particular entry in the DropdownList, the other details of that entry should come in the datagrid. also there should be options for edit,update and delete the records from the datagrid. Code Behind: C# Database: SqlServer 2000 | |
Hey there, Recently, i am working on one of the community website, which is developed in Asp.net/sql server. I want to implement image verification during registration process so as, there won't be any automated registration.. Can anybody help me to program this utility?? | |
Hey everyone, I am a php programmer originally and am just helping a friend of mine update their website that they paid a designer (well that's what he called himself!) to do ages ago. I have built the whole site but am having problems on the most basic thing! I … | |
I have a data table adapter that returns a single column and I would like to assign the column to a string variable. Can anyone help me on this. it seems very simple but when I use this syntax [code] GpsitDataTableAdpater provider = new GpsitDataTableAdapter(); string CarrierString = Convert.ToString(provider.getProviderByDevUID(1789)); [/code] … | |
Hai I am creating one web application i am using xml String with one containing xml Output to assign that temporary variable.. this my requirement I want to transfer one xml file to another or Redirected web page how to transfer xml file or large data to another page i … | |
Dear all .Netters, How do I show icon printer in ReportViewer ASP.Net form for my Reporting Services Reports or how to print it to papers ? Regards, Kusno | |
I am trying to get a value from a stored procedure: [code=SQL]SET @RowCount = @@RowCount IF @RowCount = 1 BEGIN SET @Ret = 1 PRINT 'Insert a success' END IF isnull(@RowCount,0) = 0 BEGIN SET @Ret = 2 PRINT 'Insert a failure.. Terminating Proc...' RETURN END[/code] I should be getting … | |
Dear all .Netters, I get problem with these controls, DropDownList, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList. Sometimes, i add item into those controls manually. Example : DropDownList1.Items.Add ("JAKARTA") DropDownList1.Items.Add ("LONDON") DropDownList1.Items.Add ("BOMBAY") DropDownList1.Items.Add ("BEIJING") If i use this property, DropDownList1.SelectedValue, it returns "JAKARTA", If we bind it using DataReader, we find these properties DataTextField … | |
Hi, I have the following javascript: [CODE] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // Global variables. var numSeconds; var timerId = null; var timerInterval = 1000; var numUpdates = 0; // Handle OnLoad event. window.onload = Window_OnLoad; function Window_OnLoad() { StartProcess(); } // Starts the process for updating the Map. function StartProcess() { … |
The End.