13,153 Topics
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| Here is the situation. We are printing forms and need to send the same batch of print jobs to another printer. Our current software will not allow us to prompt us to print elsewhere. So is there a way to work with the printer in a way to redirect a … |
Hi! I have a problem on my program.. I created a dynamic button which i created during runtime and im done with that.. My problem is i dont know how to put codes in that button which i created dynamically. When i click the button i want to display an … | |
I have a big problem i want to put 2 buttonlink in one page. Can we make it friends... I have sent a sample just help me friends. Thanks | |
I'm a new user to Visual Studio .Net, writing most of my projects in C++. I have this problem with the OO paradigm when I tried to apply it to my projects. Variables for classes which I described in eg. dXmanager.h fails to appear in my dXmanager.cpp; when I try … | |
Need help craeting dynamic treeview in .net2005. from parent child tables | |
I have retrieved a value from a query and need to put it into the Label called "lblViews". Every way I try, it says there is no instance for this object. How do I write/set the text of the label to the query I retrieved in the Page_Load method? Thanks. … | |
Since I have not found a way to add values into the header of my repeater, I was forced to use literals or a new DataList/Repeater. I only need to display a name and an ID in a header for a datalist, but cannot seem to make this happen! So … | |
Hi everyone! I am very new to programming and SQL. I have created (designed) an application for a school project; that now needs to be coded to be functional. I have been able to pull data from SQL without a problem; however, I am stuck on inserting data into sql. … | |
This is an example of editing in DataGrid and Default Paging Html Design Code : - <asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1" DataKeyField="id" runat="server" Height="224px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" PageSize="5" AllowPaging="True"> <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn Visible="False" DataField="id" HeaderText="Category Id"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Category"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label id=lblName text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"name")%>' Runat="server"> </asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox id=txtEdit Runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"name")%>'> </asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> <asp:EditCommandColumn … | |
I need a way to write a certain line to the itemtemplate inside the datalist control if the current row being written is 1. This is what I have: [code]<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <asp:DataList ID="MyDataList" RepeatColumns="2" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <a href="/Vegas2/Celebrities/celebritybio.aspx?CelebID=<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container.DataItem, "CelebID") %>"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" … | |
Here is the code I am using now. What I have is a datalist that pulls DateofBirth and Dead values from the database. The Dead values only equal Yes or No, but will later equal 0 or 1. I cannot seem to figure out how to do an if statement … | |
Hi ! Can you guide me to change the colour of a message box. that is by default it is always blue. i want to change it to another color. plzzz help | |
What is better to do, and if you could, please include the pros and cons along with your opinions: 1) Open the connection to the database as late as possible and end it as early as possible, and do this a total of 5 times in one page_load. 2) Open … | |
I would like to implement alert notification functionality like Outlook's reminder using ASP.NET. Do anyone having any idea/sample to adress my needs? Thanks. | |
Please provide me the code for the creation of drag and drop user control which should be dynamically used and should be manipulated by CSS(cascading styling sheets) | |
I am working with VS .NET 2003. I built the form in the usual way, and have been working on the code. Randomly, VS will erase the code for all the elements in the form. I have to go back and put the code back in. Is there any history … | |
I'm a student working on an internship, without a lot of guidence. I went to develop a program with C# not realizing that as a developer in the organization I have a different standard desktop than the rest of the organization. So on my computer I was able to develop … | |
I have a device control panel that consist of a veiw and settings buttons. the buttons are binded to a dataset that populates the devicenumber and deviceUID I have a javascrip function [code] function gotoGeo(username, name, duid) { top.main.location.href="../TrackApp/main.aspx?selectedTab=" + selectedTab + "&deviceName=" + name + "&deviceUID=" + duid; } … | |
Could anyone suggest me some good computer science core projects which can be done using .NEt technologies. I need it as part of my final year university level projects. Please help me. | |
I am working on an application that would accept input from a fingerprint device. I'm using vb.net from visual web developer. I visited a website that advised me to use an API called GrFinger, which i downloaded for free. I need GrFinger to be on my main form as a … | |
I have this web page that sends a start real-time tracking command to GPS devices all over. The way the code is currently written fulfills its purpose as long as the page is actively loaded. However, if the user shuts down the browser or the computer, the device does not … | |
I have been using the asp:Menu control for a while now but have only just started to use images with it. When i click and navigate around the site it works fine but the problem is that when i click the link for the same page that i am viewing … | |
Hi there! I'm developing a VB.NET web application that has to be able to read from a USB Flash Drive. I've noticed that someone else has posted a similar question on this forum but the answer was never provided to them. I have gotten a bit further than the other … | |
I need to figure out how to bind data and call it back anywhere on the page. Basically, this is what I am trying to do. Keep in mind that I am an asp programmer and am very new to ASP.NET. I have build a custom login page that works. … | |
i want to link two aspx file situated in a project with the help of "show & hide" procedure of a formunder some command button.... plz help me by providing me the code.. | |
Hello, I am developing an application in which I need multiple textboxes on the fly and one hidden text box for each textbox. I am having problem in trapping the changed value at postback. Also there are conditions according to that the textboxes are being created means in many cases … | |
Hi friends.. I need to get all the .exe's running in a machine and display them in my application .How to do it..? In specific i need to get the .Net exe's alone.. Somebody help in this regard as early as possible.. Regards, Balaguru | |
I'm hoping this is the appropriate forum for my situation. I'm trying to populate a form on a .NET server with data from a form on a different server. Using SOAP::Lite we've managed to get this code working: [code] use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite +trace => 'debug'; my $name='Trudge'; … | |
Alright, my situation is as stated: After a create a asp webpage, (build it) i upload it to my ftp to get it online. But when I try to get to the url, it just displays the code as if it were a text file. When i press F5 and … | |
Hello-- I have an ordering screen that displays hundreds of items in a datagrid and provides a blank for the user to enter a Quantity. Datagrid "CatalogGrid" is bound to a datasource which is based on the System.Collection.CollectionBase class. If the user has entered a Quantity on a row, the … |
The End.