13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for genpopo

im doing a project right now.. and i must display a links of multiple selected country.. the links must be dynamic.. the user will select list of countries and i must display it dynamically.. can anyone help me..

Member Avatar for genpopo
Member Avatar for aravindkishore

Hi everybody,I faced one interview question in interview that , Where should you write the code(for properties like back ground color etc) which applies for every page of your website when application of your website starts? and please give the example also. Please give the answer. Thank you, Aravind

Member Avatar for kedar_challa
Member Avatar for aravindkishore

[COLOR=DarkBlue]How can i send an error message from database layer to UI layer.....and hw the interaction is done between the layers...can any one tell me ...plzzzzzzzzz Thank you, Aravind [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for kedar_challa
Member Avatar for nurit

Hi, I'm developping a site in arabic, I put the UTF-8 charset, but the arabic chars that are shown correctly in design view become junk in browser view. text from DB is shown correctly anu idea? Thanx,

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for Blackred

This is really a regular expression question opposed to a .NET but I can't see any forum that specialises in that kind of thing, so as I'm using ASP.NET I figured I'd post it here ;) I have a string as such... [code]<ul> <li> <a href="Welcome.aspx">Welcome</a> </li> <li> <as href="About.aspx">About …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for kedar_challa

Hi, Can anybody let me know how to stop the postback event on button click in firefox. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for satish_dukkipat

Hi friends.i am new to this forum.i completed my mca (pg) and i am learning .net(asp.net,c#).i want to do mcts certification.can any one give me information how to prepare for that certification,where to capture that information.

Member Avatar for abdul4484
Member Avatar for aravindkishore

Hi everybody, Sub Validate_Data (Src As Object, Args As GridviewUpdaeEventArgs ) If Not IsNumeric(Args.NewValues("BookPrice")) Then Args.Cancel = True EditMSG.Text = "-- Book Price is not numeric. Record not updated." End If How to write this if part in C#. Please give the answer. Thank you, Aravind .

Member Avatar for abdul4484
Member Avatar for hanusoftware

//This example shows that how to store and retrieve data from cookies. // http://www.hanusoftware.com private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Put user code to initialize the page here if(!IsPostBack) { if(Request.Cookies["UserCook"] != null) { chkRemember.Checked = true; HttpCookie cook = Request.Cookies["UserCook"]; txtUserName.Text = cook["UserName"].ToString(); } } } private …

Member Avatar for shinyhappygem

Hi all, I warn you now, I'm a newbie, so please be gentle!! I've installed Visual Studio and the .NET framework, started IIS, saved my test aspx file in a folder in the Inetpub/wwwroot/.. folder. When I run my test asp page (just a simple html page saved with a …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Fungus1487

i am a web designer. i have been asked to create a web app for use on a company intranet. the problem is i have a treeview on my page which allows the user to pick records they wish to view. all the records have sub records and sub-sub-records etc. …

Member Avatar for hendyhanusin

Dear Friend, How to convert these codes into VB .NET ? Tks, hendy =============================== [code=C++] BYTE cmd[NumMsg][7]={{0x00,0xA4,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x02,0x47}, {0x00,0xA4,0x02,0x00,0x02,0x01,0x02}, {0x00,0xB0,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x00,0x00}}; BYTE DataLength, pData[10], ResponseDataLength; BYTE pResponseData[100]; INT16 TimeOut=50, i, CardFrameSize; char pdata[500]; char *ATS_ATQB; CardFrameSize=0; pdata[0]='\0'; ResponseDataLength=0; if (PICC_RATS(rHandle, 4, &ResponseDataLength, pResponseData)>=0) { CardFrameSize=pResponseData[1]&0x0f; } for (i=0; i<ResponseDataLength; i++) { StrMsg.Format(" …

Member Avatar for Jaya.matt

Hi all, I am new in ASP.NET.[U]What coding I have to use to send an [/U][U]acknowledgement via Email to the concerned person [/U] while storing data in the database using ASP.NET1.0?Pls help........ Thanks Jaya

Member Avatar for arjunsasidharan
Member Avatar for sasindagi

any idea about asynchronous drop downlist, on selected item of drop downlist with out causing server round trip how can we populate selected item into textbox.(with out postback or callback)

Member Avatar for arjunsasidharan
Member Avatar for aravindkishore

HI everybody, Please give the example (preferably in C#) for if I select the check box in header template of gridview then it should automatically check the item-template check boxes. It is very much appreciable if you give the example for datagrid for the same scenario . Please give the …

Member Avatar for arjunsasidharan
Member Avatar for FBI

[COLOR=Green][B]Hello everybody. I'm new to .NET and I would like to become a web developer in .NET environment. I've searched a couple of times on the internet and found that have to learn VB Script or C# if i want to be a webmaster in ASP.NET . I have inexperiance …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for web developer

Hi All, I hope all are fine. As the title says .. I made a web application to work in an intranet and domain network (Active directory). In installation i faced the following problems :- [LIST] There is a form getting the logged in user data from the active directory …

Member Avatar for hanusoftware

WebClient wbcRingtone = new WebClient(); // Add a user agent header in case the requested URI contains a query. // [URL]http://www.hanusoftware.com[/URL] wbcRingtone.Headers.Add("user-agent","Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE 6.0;Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("user","xxxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("password","xxxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("api_id", "xxxxxxxxxx"); //wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("msg_type", "SMS_NOKIA_RTTL"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("to", cellNo); ////wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("text", "Flintstone:d=4,o=5,b=200:g#,c#,8p,c#6,8a#,g#,c#,8p,g#,8f#,8f,8f,8f#,8g#,c#,d#,2f,2p,g#,c#,8p,c#6,8a#,g#,c#,8p,g#,8f#,8f,8f,8f#,8g#,c#,d#,2c#"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("from", "xxxxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("mms_subject", "xxxxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("mms_class", "xxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("mms_expire", "xxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("mms_from", "xxxxxxxxx"); wbcRingtone.QueryString.Add("mms_url", "http://www.some.com/folder/mms.mms"); …

Member Avatar for Vaishali Chavda

When i m strating the sql server 2005 , it asks me the server name.. What is the server name that i have to enter for the connection.. thanx.

Member Avatar for gau_1982
Member Avatar for vandana.ahuja

hi all well i m new to asp.new.. i have a problem that i m having two tables in a single dataset.. not i want to display that.. so i bound dataset to the gridview.. can anyone tell how to display both the table data in a single gridview. regards …

Member Avatar for vandana.ahuja
Member Avatar for Hemil

Hello guys, Im creating a searchable database of All univ. names and their majors......and they will be stored in XML file...using XSL to extract it I want to create a searchable database..... Univ list and majors list will be in dropdown menus..... pls can someone help on this..... [URL="http://www.codeguru.com/forum/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=1599269"][IMG]http://www.codeguru.com/forum/images/buttons/edit.gif[/IMG][/URL]

Member Avatar for Stivi

Hi, is there some way how to force asp.net (C#) webpage wait with other orders in code? I mean something like this: 1 - make something 2 - wait 5 seconds (for completing previous tasks) 3 - continue with other orders Thanks, Stivi

Member Avatar for rpgivpgmr
Member Avatar for jamello

Folks! I used expressions to sum some dataitems from a table and plugged it to a datagrid. The summations work for all the data on the table. But unfortunately still reports the same aggregate results even after some relevant dataview filters had been applied. Here's the code: [CODE] Dim dv …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487

im converting a vb6 desktop application to run on an intranet obviously there are some things which will never work but the majority is doable but im quite worried about filesizes. i know the intranet will have faster connectivity than your average web page they are mostly running 100mbps lans …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for Pierre147

Hello, I'm developping a web site, using masterpages and content place holders. ContentPlaceHolders I put in the table. The problem is that in IE the content is showed only in the small part of the COntentPlaceHolder, it is cut on the right and at the bottom. In Firefox everything is …

Member Avatar for Pierre147
Member Avatar for mtarby

I'm trying to migrate some code to generate an rss feed from classic ASP to .NET (because its cleaner). I've got it working perfectly for the first feed I try, but when I tried to modify the code for the next feed I get a [B] [I]Specified cast is not …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for Juwar

I have created a custom template field for a gridview.When one clicks a button, the template field is supposed to be added to the gridview. Here is the code: Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim assignment As String assignment = txtAssignment.Text Dim column …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for cms271828

Hi, I've installed: Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Microsoft Visual Web Developer SQL Server 2005 Express How am I supposed to use sql server? Can I use it from both C# 2005 Express and VWD? I haven't got a clue whats going on, I can't even uninstall sql server. Is …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jeel

Hi all, I have two TextBoxes on my web form. One for hour and other for minit. User type hour and minit and submit a form. I want to display a message on that form after the time which is equal to the current time when the hour and minit …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for yuenli

Hi! I wish to build a web based application where similar to Microsoft Excel/Spread Sheet. This web based application should have an interface of spreadsheet cells where user can click around the cells to enter data. As the data being entered it will save in database where indicating which cell …

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The End.