13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for JohnnyKay

Whomever is reading this may have already heard about DNN, but just in case you haven't: DNN is a great place to either build or refine your .Net skills. You can register at the following site, download the source which comprises and entire .Net based web portal, and also many …

Member Avatar for Elldegra

How do I correct the error message 580? I'm trying to create a web page using Visual Web Developer 2005 express edition and everytime I run or debug my program, I get the same error. T.M.

Member Avatar for manucherian3031

PLEASE HELP ME I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO CALL A DOMAIN NAME FROM ANOTHER DOMAIN NAME ie)if suppose i had a url [url]www.john.com[/url] its has database if i had create a website for all members and it was store in john databse eg www.a2.com(member of john.com) if any person …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for squeakerz83

hi guys i've posted this on both the SQL and ASP.Net forums cause i ain't sure which one i should use so sorry about clogging up the message board. Basicly i'm a newbie with ASP.net and i was looking for somw help with this query i got a site and …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for mtumavrick

I'm using a javascript like this to transfer to another page (a popup that occurs conditionally) string popupScript = "<script language='javascript'>" + "window.open('Duplicate.aspx', 'CustomPopUp', " + "'width=800, height=600, menubar=yes, resizable=no')" + "</script>"; Page.RegisterStartupScript("PopupScript", popupScript); My question is how would I get data from the first page to the second one, …

Member Avatar for mtumavrick
Member Avatar for EddyJiang

I really need your help on it.My application is supposed to capture every single user input and store in session variable session("MyCat") in the form of datatable. When page is first loaded, datatable will be initiated and session created. And all subsequent user input will be added in session("MyCat") by …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for rddreams

hi I will be thankful if someone tells me from where I can download a free erp project develpoed in asp.net/sql2000. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for DeFrog777

Greetings, I am just curious as to which .NET Framework Language my fellow programmers prefer. Just basically tell me what language and why. Many Thanks In Advance, DeFrog777

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for millers_35

I have 2 forms. One is a login form and the other is a registration form. Both have various textboxes and a "Submit" button. Now when using Mozilla these controls "Buttons" work perfect with no flaws but on the other hand when using IE 6.0 When i click the buttons …

Member Avatar for millers_35
Member Avatar for SpiXener

Hi everybody, I've been searching for days to find a way to access Active directory database from my VB.NET appz and nothing made good results so far.. The Active directory DB is located onto a Win2k3 server but we have another on a NT4 server too.. Neither worked.. :( First, …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for sham

Hello , I am new to C# and want quick info to start. I know C, VB , JAVA. I am not sure where to start. Also does C# has any changes in .net2002 or .net 2003. Regards [Sham]

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Can anyone explained to me how to use asp.net with c# for web applications or direct me to a good tutorial on it?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for sham

Does any one has used dotfucaster(decompiler) for .net .exe files ? I am curious to know, how can we prevent people decompiling from our .exe, does it mean its risky to develop applications in .net ? =Sham

Member Avatar for sham

Hello, I am trying to run .net 2003 trial version on Terminal Server 2000. It got installed fine but giving error when application is started saying .net trial can not be run on Terminal Server 2000. =Sham

Member Avatar for smgtreker

Hi, can anyone advise me on the best way of using the autoscroll property of a form? I want the form to automatically scroll to the end of the form, as the controls will be increasing in size, as new data comes in. (As far right on the X axis …

Member Avatar for smgtreker
Member Avatar for timhysniu

... I hope I am not annoying the admins already. Can anyone recommend me a good webserver for ASP/ASP.NET, Java and VBasic? My friend suggested Appache Webserver (I got some instructions on how to set it up but I barely know if I'm going to be able to make it …

Member Avatar for percent20
Member Avatar for bigpoppapumpg

If I wanted to learn about one of these technologies, which one should I invest my time in learning. My organization is migrating all of its systems to a central portal and they are using J2EE. Is this platform widely used?

Member Avatar for percent20
Member Avatar for squeakerz83

Wasn't sure whether to put this in the beginners section or here, so sorry if this is in the wrong section. basicly i'm trying to create a simple login page (not too simple obviously). basicly i use the query shown bellow to gain the userID: SELECT UserID FROM tblUsers WHERE …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for gaam

please guide me i'm confused i have to make a banking project using .Net and i don't from where to start my mind is really not working :sad: :?:

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for manucherian3031

How to validate a string in cell of daragrid while editmode 1)how to validate using asp.net 2)1)how to validate using javascript

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for imfsub12

es i have a .aspx aplication running on my localhost, my dev server and my live SERVER.. When i add a entry to my DB (access) it picks the date or i can select it from a calander. So what is happeing is that i select say 2/1/2005 (m/d/y) and …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

as above i need to know WHERE to put some code for a button to submit some data captured then transfer to an access database. any help would be gratefull

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for kon_t

Hi, I am interested in comments / experience people have wrt writing a tcp server in .net. We currently have existing an existing server, written in native c++. It communicates with our own browser client using a proprietery protocol and services hundreds / thousands of concurrent connections. The server uses …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for PranavSoral

Hi, I am facing a strange problem. I have an application developed using C# and ASP.NET. The application is working on some machines but it is not working on others. The problem occurs while saving the data. On some machines the data is getting saved but on others it is …

Member Avatar for mattcplusplus

I wish to use the round() function in the math class of the .net framework class library [C++] Math::Round(3.44, 1); //Returns 3.4. Math::Round(3.45, 1); //Returns 3.4. Math::Round(3.46, 1); //Returns 3.5. Ive tried just using the above, but the namespace specifier isn't working. Do i need to inclue a header file. …

Member Avatar for Glued
Member Avatar for oshelest

I host .NET application with IIS. When I type local IP in my browser it works fine. I use Netscreen firewall to map local IP to external IP. When I try external IP my first page comes up however if I click any button when I get page not found …

Member Avatar for Shazbot

I have a web form with some radiobuttonlist controls on it. My form will not submit unless I have selected at least one item on each radiobuttonlist controls. Does anybody know how to set it so that my form will submit with only some of the radiobuttonlist controls selected? When …

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Member Avatar for AlexClifford

Hi, I have an ASP.NET page that contains quite a few looping SQL queries. After either loading this page (all.aspx) or doing a few table sorts the page freezes up and just loads for about 20 seconds. Sometimes the page just loads and doesn't show any results when I know …

Member Avatar for michaelsowa
Member Avatar for crypter

Hi guys im creating this cryptography program. And was wondering how to connect three conditions together. [COLOR=Red]*Forgot to mention it is in c# language*[/COLOR] I got a place where i can input a key and confirm the key, Those are already linked together when u click the encrypt button it …

Member Avatar for crypter
Member Avatar for Mayur

when data is displayed in table format on browser it displays junk characters or incomplete data, but if it is displayed in multilne textbox control it is displayed correctly. I am using oracle 8i 1.5 and visual studio 2002 while computer on which IIS server is installed has .net framework …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

The End.