4,589 Topics
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please give me c# code of ... http://barnamenevis.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=111446&d=1380790743 more about... http://barnamenevis.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=111445&d=1380790714 sample... http://barnamenevis.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=111447&d=1380790759 | |
Hi I'm new to .NET technology and learning ASP.NET using C# database connectivity and I'm getting the error[B][COLOR="Green"](PLS HELP):[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Could not find installable ISAM.[/COLOR] [/B] in the following code: [B]using System.Data.OleDb; public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn; public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter adapt; DataSet ds; ds=new DataSet(); conn=new OleDbConnection("Provider=MicroSoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Datasource=C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\pracs\\emp1.mdb"); conn.Open(); adapt=new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from emp",conn); adapt.Fill(ds,"emp"); … | |
1.code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Main(string[] args) { SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection("Data Source=pc3490ierf43;Initial Catalog=Persons;Integrated Security=True"); sc.Open(); SqlCommand command=new SqlCommand("Select Name from Persontable",sc); SqlDataReader reader= command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", reader.GetString(0)); } Console.ReadLine(); } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** 2.code** static void Main(string[] args) { using (SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection("Data Source=pc3490ierf43;Initial Catalog=Persons;Integrated Security=True")) … | |
Hello I'm looking for some help on how to get a XML value which would be one word. Then take that value and output it in a C# or C++ program. Using windows 7 and visual studio 2010. I have Novice programming knowledge. Thanks for help. | |
I like watching stuff like google tech-talks , josh bloch seminars/talks etc for Java. Can somebody provide something similar in nature for C# ? | |
Is it posible to install and deploy my c# apllication on my phone (name in the title)? | |
Dear all, I'm starting on C# now. I had a problem in tackling a question my lecturer asked me to do. Below is the GUI. [Click Here](http://i.share.pho.to/daa36a24_c.png) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Form1 … | |
This method read the Database and Returns the Username and Password. tblPassword has only one user name and a password. using (SqlConnection dataConnection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=isukoon-pc\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=AdsManager;Integrated Security=True")) using (SqlCommand dataCommand = new SqlCommand("select username from tblPassword", dataConnection)) using (SqlCommand data2Command = new SqlCommand("select password from tblPassword", dataConnection)) { … | |
I program mainly in C++ but recently took up Java for its advantages. I heard about the mono project and that C# is now cross platform but that the GUI of C# is not. I like Java but I also like C#, Java has some anoying restrictions sometimes (like no … | |
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//delete { conn.Open(); comm.Connection = conn; comm.CommandText = " DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE Fname =" + textBox1.Text + ""; dataGridView1.Update(); conn.Close(); } HERE AM UNABLE TU DELETE THE RECORD IN MY DB .. | |
hey! i created like four pages using c# windows forms, i want to link th pages how do i do that? | |
Hi Everyone, I have been programming in C# for quite some time now.I would like to know some of the good websites from where i can learn C# and do some projects to improve my coding skills.Please let me know those few websites.Also It would be great if i can … | |
Heres the scenario : Ive got a struct to represent 5 client nodes in a system, the client nodes send packets to the server node every 2 seconds. A GUI is created to properly display values from the client. The problem im having is representing a client offline on the … | |
i have 4 pictureBox which are hidden, and now i want to show them one by one, how it can be done????? | |
Hi there, i am new with asp.net and i would like to start with it!!! I was wondering if anyone could suggest me any good and easy to understand tutorial where i can learn how to make a list from sql and edit the record in a new page (add, … | |
Dear All, I'm working on application in C# which needs to filter "blanks" in one column and copy some value from other column instead. Filtering works perfectly, but copying is not so cool.. It copies some lines, but rest left blank. I cant find out where is problem. If possible … | |
Hi I used below coding for create a excel sheet.I got from on web site. In below coding there is no problem.Its create the excel file.If i run second time,its ask to overwrite the current excel file.If I said "Yes" then it ok ,but If I select cancel button,its generate … | |
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C# SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized mean? thankyou! | |
Hi there, I'm currently looking into the possibility of essentially using a graphical tool to create a box-and-lines expression table, flowchart or the like and being able to convert it to C# if/if-else etc statements. Whilst able to code it manually, it would make large trees a lot more sustainable... … | |
Hi all so i have this lauching the javascript to the page: Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Alert", "confirm('Are you Sure You Want to Delete User??')", true); But now i remebered that i need an answer on the codebehinf(C#). So this way i can do the rest of the code, but im stuck with … | |
Hey guys, I don't really understand the usage of the get/Set/return keywords. get-Read Only set-Write Only(eh) return-Returns value to calling method Those are the definitions I have but can I have a small explanation on when to use these and how to use the get/set thank you very much. | |
sample asp.net with c# sql database connection | |
Hey there I've been working on a little tool for the last few hours, first i got all my info raw from the site, then i found out there was an api for youtube (stupid me >_<) but after hours of trying i simply cant get it working [CODE]YouTubeRequestSettings settings … | |
Can i change winform tool 's property using c#??? | |
current code: Response.Redirect("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument); which redirects to a page with a data grid. The argument is passed into a stored proc on a database and the infor is returned in a grid. What i want, is the same thing, but, open it in a new page. So something like: … | |
**Pls, somebody help me on writting a code to create word file from my c# form...** | |
Hello all I having an issue in logging into a website using webRequest and WebResponse. I thought let me reach out to experts by posting a question. I am trying to login in http://www.mbhatt.in and want to access the page after the login is successfull. I used following code to … | |
pls, how do i add sound to my c# form.... e.g after a user clicks a button then a certain sound should prompt..i heard of signal IR but i don't understand it... |
The End.