49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for hmortensen

Hi all, I’m doing some automation for a nightly deployment of some software. My program should: Open a program Send shortcut key press to the program Push a button And close the program again. So far I can open the program, bring it to front, send shortcut keys, but I …

Member Avatar for hmortensen
Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello, I have this problem with multidimensional array on Form. [QUOTE]I have multidimensional array (like 5x5 matrix), but I can't add buttons on the form, if I use Controls.Add it adds only one button, and if i use Controls.AddRange program gives me an error [/QUOTE] I want to make a …

Member Avatar for Moirae
Member Avatar for schmoe0207

who knows how to create games of the general in c++? i really want to know how.. ^_^ SNIP if you know this.. i'l be waiting for your help

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for redreed

hi guys i am doing a project and i need so help plzzz [URL="http://s891.photobucket.com/albums/ac111/redblood_bucket/?action=view&current=uu_000.png"]http://s891.photobucket.com/albums/ac111/redblood_bucket/?action=view&current=uu_000.png[/URL] at this link u can find a pic this a small part of my project the problem is that i want everything that i type or want to display like welcome to the back blah blah …

Member Avatar for redreed
Member Avatar for Behi Jon

Hi ... Is there a way to write a program in c++ that get a decimal number and convert it to its equivalent in hexadecimal without using arrays ? A bit guidance please .... Thanks ...

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for D.JOHN

Dear experts, I am new to the subject of bitwise operator. I know some of the basics like the gates and how the gates function eg. and gate, or gate, exclusive nor gates. And also how to change decimal numbers to binary numbers. But I am not quite sure about …

Member Avatar for D.JOHN
Member Avatar for pnkanchi

How to retrieve Motherboard, Hard Disk serial numbers and other related information on Windows 64 bit OS?

Member Avatar for pnkanchi
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> #include "account.h" #include "CharRange.h" using namespace std; void displayMenu(); void makeDeposit(Account &); void withdraw(Account&); int main() { Account savings; // account object to model a saving account CharRange input('A', 'G') char choice; cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2); do { displayMenu(); choice …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for redserpent7

Hi I am in desperate need of help, I need to manage an application dependency in Visual Studio. The application links to a DLL only on a specific version of windows, lets say Windows 7. and on other environments, the DLL should not be loaded. How will I be able …

Member Avatar for redserpent7
Member Avatar for F2guy

I have class eventqueue_t which is derived from the abstract class event_storage_t. When I compile the code I get: make mpixlcxx -c -O3 brain.cpp mpixlcxx -c -O3 config.cpp mpixlcxx -c -O3 connection.cpp "eventqueue.h", line 17.29: 1540-0408 (S) The base class "event_storage_t" is declared but not defined. make: *** [connection.o] Error …

Member Avatar for F2guy
Member Avatar for riemusic20

Hi, I'm new to the whole programming environment. I'm currently taking an object oriented programming class and am a bit lost on my first assignment. I know there is already thread for how to draw a diamond but it doesn't answer my question. I'm trying to draw a diamond with …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for rice-_-

hi, I am new to C++. can anyone give me a sample to start with or refer to, on how to create a Windows Management Instrumentation with C++?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Shuichon

If I type g++ main.cpp, I get the error: /tmp/ccalbYhC.o(.text+0x160): In function `main': : undefined reference to `CBigInteger::CBigInteger()' /tmp/ccalbYhC.o(.text+0x389): In function `main': : undefined reference to `CBigInteger::CBigInteger(std::basic_stringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)' /tmp/ccalbYhC.o(.text+0x43d): In function `main': : undefined reference to `CBigInteger::display()' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I am trying to print content from a Win32 richedit control, but it doesn't work. The text wraps to the half width of the page, and after printing, the text in the richedit is also messed up (word wrap to the half width of the box). I use …

Member Avatar for kernel>panic

Hi I am just wondering if it would be possible to add compression to this encryption program I have? It will compress the file before it encrypts it for faster encryption time. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for goody11

Hey, I was working on a program in windows API where there are multiple edit boxes and there are push buttons. If a pushbutton is clicked, I want the program to find the edit box that the cursor is in and add the character to that edit box. Now I …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Rastafari

[B][U]An overview of what my program does[/U][/B] I'm given a main.cpp file with some function prototypes that I have to define in a separate .cpp to manipulate an image file ( basically a 15 x 15 matrix of 1's and 0's) [B][U]The result of your current code[/U][/B] I dont know …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for ItecKid

Hello, I am writing a C++ program to find the largest such number such that the square root of that number is less than or equal to a fixed number, set by me, like this: [code=c++] #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main (void) { long fixed, param, result; result = …

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for roberto usu

I have a structure containing [ICODE]struct XboxFriends { char gamertag[SIZE]; char name[SIZE]; char country[SIZE]; char city[SIZE]; char favoriteGames[SIZE]; int age; };[/ICODE] this code is supposed to keep track of my xbox friends. I also have written a function [ICODE]void searchFriends(vector<XboxFriends> &friends) { string gameName; cout << "--- Favorite Game Search …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for asphp

I'm making a tick tack toe game for a programming class and i*m stuck with some problems. Problem 1: rand sometimes returns a value over the max value. Max is 9 and it can return up to 1000000 on some occasions. Problem 2: The Win function only works in player …

Member Avatar for asphp
Member Avatar for wheel

Hello! I'm wondering how to go about packing data from an std::vector<unsigned long> into valid unicode (UTF-8) characters. So far, I've tried writing the unsigned long data directly to a text file, but that usually results in invalid characters. (I don't actually need to store the data in unsigned long …

Member Avatar for wheel
Member Avatar for ridd

Hi I have some code that is supposed to take an array of booleans and for each `(int minBits = 10)` bits turn the binary number into decimal. The algorithm is working in part, but the bit at `binArr[64]` where when is somehow changing in between when I print the …

Member Avatar for Miganders

so, iwe been messíng arround with C++ for about 4 days now and here is my first real print all squarenumbers (it will break at a point) : [code]#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> //---------------------------- using namespace std; //---------------------------- int main () { string numbers="1"; bool on = true; do { cout …

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Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I have a modal dialog box which is called by the main thread. This dialog has no parent (appears at center screen, overlapped, and shown in taskbar). When the user clicks "Save" in the dialog, the dialog procedure receives the command and displays a save file dialog (GetSaveFileName). …

Member Avatar for sixstorm1
Member Avatar for Miganders

[code] #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> //---------------------------- using namespace std; //---------------------------- int main () { long int numbers=1; bool on = true; while (on==true) do { cout << numbers*4; numbers = numbers+1; Sleep(500); } }//--breaks here [/code] how come the loop not work?

Member Avatar for Miganders
Member Avatar for networkmancer

Now im getting Declaration Syntax Error on line 155. Please help need urgent . [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<dos.h> void graph(); void foo(){ int a,b; clrscr(); gotoxy(27,12);textcolor(12);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(40,14);textcolor(12);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(29,16);textcolor(12);cprintf(" "); for(a=1;a<=72;a++){ gotoxy(5+a,2);printf("Í"); gotoxy(5+a,23);printf("Í"); } for(b=1;b<=20;b++){ gotoxy(5,2+b);printf("º"); gotoxy(78,2+b);printf("º"); } for(int s=1; s<=3;s++){ gotoxy(41,2+s);printf("º"); } for(int o=1;o<=72;o++){ gotoxy(5+o,5);printf("Í"); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jBat

Hi, I'm just starting to practice with c++ and I'd like to know if there is a good way to handle the errors/exception. I write this program to check the modification time of a file. Thanks [CODE]int filewatcher::watch() { struct stat filestatus; stat(this->_filename, &filestatus); if((filestatus.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) { …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for touqra

Hi, I don't understand why I failed to insert vectors as an input of a function. I wrote : void fun( std::vector<double> do, int &count ){ ... } but it doesn't compile...

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kz07

hey.. im new in c++ and im doing an engineering journal as my assignment.. i dun know how to do this.. Entries in the journal are private, so the journal is encoded and protected using a pin. When the program is executed it will ask for a 4-digit pin. The …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for networkmancer

I need to put this one in my case 5 [code]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> float rate,day,gp,netpay,totald,sss,med,love;int age; float basic,cola,tax;char employee[20],addr[30],sex[10],bday[8]; void main(){ clrscr(); char choice; gotoxy(20,2);textcolor(4);cprintf("Payroll System"); gotoxy(20,4);textcolor(5);cprintf("Select Choices:"); gotoxy(18,6);textcolor(7);cprintf("[1] Add Customer Info"); gotoxy(18,7);textcolor(7);cprintf("[2] Compute Payroll"); gotoxy(18,8);textcolor(7);cprintf("[3] Display Information"); gotoxy(18,9);textcolor(7);cprintf("[4] Exit"); gotoxy(18,10);textcolor(7);cprintf("Enter Choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch (choice){ case 1:printf("Employee Information\n\n"); printf("Enter Employee …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.