49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for M^2

hellooo..... i wrote this code.. which is a part of a bigger code... i have done this using structs.. now i have to do it with class but i dont know much about classes need help urgently..... :( [code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; class cell { bool visited; cell …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I want to Creation a algorithm?? I have customer 1 customer 2 customer 3 order of customer 1 Item quantity item1 10 item2 2 item3 3 Vendor1 Amount on order Item quantity cost total home-deliver item1 10 50 500 100 item2 2 40 80 item3 3 40 120 Vendor2 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for RizzLinux1388

Hi I'm doing a project for school and I'm stuck on this particular function, whenever it runs the test I get this error: [CODE]malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0981f018 ***[/CODE] here is what i have so far: [CODE] string& string::operator+=(char ch) { _size += 1; if(_capacity <= _size){ (*this).increase_capacity(1); } _data[_size …

Member Avatar for rdrast
Member Avatar for quadmani

# include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char places[3][11]={"London", "Birmingham", "Glasgow"}; char *p; cout<<places[2]<<endl; p=places[0]; cout<<p<<endl; cout<< &p[2]<< endl; <------ cout<< p[11]<< endl; <------- return 0; } the output is the following Glasgow London ndon B what i dont get is how the 3rd and 4th output line …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm new to win32 and basically, I want to create a program that reads commands from a text file and then does the command. So, say if I wanted to write some text on an application window, i'd just have to write: [CODE] lable.caption huuhaa [/CODE] I have done, …

Member Avatar for kisky84

Hi all! I'm trying to implement a small program to test an API I've been provided, and since it's my first approach to C++ under Windows, I could use some help. I have this type definition: [CODE=CPP]typedef struct { const WCHAR* streetAddress; const WCHAR* city; const WCHAR* state; const WCHAR* …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tnimblett

[code] struct players { string team_name; string driver; string navigator; double best_time; } world[32]; [/code] I am generating random values for the best time and using a bubble sort in ascending order for the best time. See below. How do I sort for best time but retain my team name, …

Member Avatar for tnimblett
Member Avatar for vddmanikanta

Hai sairam to all I want a small halp I have a class called thread that has pthread_create inside the constructor and has member function as its start function (using the concept of function pointer) I just dont know ---- Is it correct Please do justify it with a small …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JainishP

I was just wondering how I would go about finding a mode of a [U]un[/U]sorted array. I know that if it's sorted I can pass data into a 2 dimensional array and find the largest count. I tried to write some code counting the first value, but it ends up …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for jaystar

Hi all I am trying to make a little program that when you type in a number (anydigit) it will search the xml file and display the results in a text box, i have found some code that i would like to modify, the code here has no option to …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for numberztz

Hi, everyone. Well, I have a problem. There's a class A with a member int a, and don't know any other information about A. Now there's an object MA of A, but I just know the address of MA.a, how can I get the address of MA? Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for MrSpigot
Member Avatar for SallyJ

I need some advice from people who know what they're are talking about. The question I am struggling with is below and my attempt is below that. Can you tell where I'm going wrong? Thanks. I'm trying to acheive this: (A) Read the first name and the surname of a …

Member Avatar for threat
Member Avatar for mpete16

Hello there. I'm having a problem with a linker error. I am trying to compile a project (just a hobby). It manages to compile, but I get a link error when trying to link. I don't see anything wrong with the code at all. I am using Dev-C++. This is …

Member Avatar for nexocentric
Member Avatar for ankit894u

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void PrintError(fstream&, char, bool&); int Conversion(fstream&, char&, bool&); int main() { fstream InFile; char Bit; int Decimal; bool BadBit = false; //Open file to read InFile.open("f:\\Binary.txt",ios::in); //Read the first bit of the number InFile.get(Bit); //continue reading all numbers till the end of file …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for BehzadSh

hi, if I had: [code=C++] char* arr; [/code] and want to add character one by one into [B]arr[/B]. How could I? I don't wanna use vectors! thanks

Member Avatar for BehzadSh
Member Avatar for catagon

Hi guys, any help appreciated here. This is what I have so far. [CODE]int getDaysBetweenDates(int day, int month, int year, int day2, int month2, int year2) { if(isFirstDateGreaterThanSecond(int month1, int day1, int year1, int month2, int day2, int year2)) { return getDaysBetweenDates(month2, day2, year2, month1, day1, year1) } else if(year1 …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Duki

I'm going to be working on a summer research project with my college's robotics team. My task is going to be to develop a program to communicate with the robot via 802.11g. I would really like to stick to straight C++, and if I can't then C# is also an …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for philtron

this is giving me an error at the line that says loc = (zip.find("605", 0)); can't tell why?!? [CODE]void calcShippingCharge(string zip, int RATE605, int RATE606, int &chg) { //search zip code for proper prefix int loc = 0; loc = (zip.find("606", 0)); if (loc >= 0) chg = RATE606; else …

Member Avatar for philtron
Member Avatar for goldstmarc

Hey everybody, I am trying to initialize a deck of cards using a structured data type. Here is the currently relevant portions of the code: [code] struct ACard { int Num; char Pic; }; void InitiateCard(ACard Card[]) { for (int i =0; i < 13; i++) { Card[i].Num = i; …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for valtikz

What will be the code for not overwriting the text file you make. [code]ofstream myfile; myfile.open (home/.test.txt); myfile << "test"; myfile.close(); [/code] Because the test.txt is needed to create only just once after you load the widget. I inserted that code to the mainWindow but whenever I loaded the mainWindow …

Member Avatar for valtikz
Member Avatar for AntonioMG

Im having this exception when i use the class vector: [code] vector <int64> p; dsdriver::EngineAdmin ea; p= ea.getEngineIds(); [/code] And EngineAdmin is: [code] class DSUTIL_EXPORT EngineAdmin { public: static vector<int64> getEngineIds() ; [/code] When i use p=ea.getengineIds(); its throw me an exception in xmemory: [code] void deallocate(pointer _Ptr, size_type) { …

Member Avatar for nexocentric
Member Avatar for lolaabbydawn128

I have a very hard programming challenge and i need help... I have nothing so far, so im hoping somebod could help me build it... Im to write a program that uses a structure to store student name, student ID number, pointer to and array of test scores, average test …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for legendarya49

This is the input that I am trying to load up the array with: 11 13 7 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXX X JX AX X X XXXX XXXXBX X X X SX X X X XXXX XXX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXX X X X X X XXXXXX …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for DealthRune

Hi, I'm new to C++, and I made this program that makes either 1, or 2 pop up. And for 1, a text field is suppost to pop up to show you won, and if 2 pops up, it's suppost to say you lose. I got everything down (The unmber …

Member Avatar for DealthRune
Member Avatar for kbmmartin

After this code executes [CODE] ptr = new myStuff; // some code ... delete ptr; [/CODE] the memory allocated is freed but ptr still contains the mem addr of the 1st byte of the previously allocated mem. Is there some history to this? Why didn't the C++ standard also have …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for boydale1

I keep running into problems with my program to evaluate baseball stats. When I try to INPUT filename I run into glibc and if run TEAM identifier then i get a segmentation fault. The glibc didn't start happening until I put in the PLayerData.clear() statement. [code]int main( ) { vector<Player> …

Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot

The problem seems pretty simple but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm using wxWidgets to make a gui and this function gets called when I press enter while in a text field. [code=c++] void Camera_Settings::on_exposure(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString temp = exposure->GetValue(); char *value = (char *)temp.mb_str(); char *hex_string = …

Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot
Member Avatar for lolaabbydawn128

I have a very hard programming challenge and i need help... I have nothing so far, so im hoping somebod could help me build it... Im to write a program that uses a structure to store student name, student ID number, pointer to and array of test scores, average test …

Member Avatar for lolaabbydawn128
Member Avatar for bond124

hi all, I m new to C++(but have a very good knowledge of C) and very desperately looking for some good programming problems that involves some object oriented principles of c++.Can anybody please give a link to such problems.

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for catagon

Hi guys. I have been working at this for several hours. I'm still a novice in C++. The program I need to write is suppose to calculate the day number for a given day represented by three type int values. It also needs a function that returns true if the …

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The End.