49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hello guys: I am certain if I was not trying slef-teaching C++, that this question would have been answer before. What is the use of [inlinecode]using namespace std;[/inlinecode] ? I am not certain, I just know that when I use [inlinecode]#include<iostream>[/inlinecode] I have to appended. Simple question, but a matter …

Member Avatar for StanleyLau
Member Avatar for andrew.mendonca.967

CSCI-15 Assignment #1 — Functions and files review (40 points), due September 9, 2013. Write a program to read the coefficients of a series of quadratic equations from a text file and print the associated roots, or appropriate errors if there are no real roots, to another text file. The …

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am mainly into system dev, writing kernels and kinda just building everything from the ground up... But I also like game dev and is interisted in the whole concept. So I am going to make this easy, seing as a lot of things can change the output. A programmer …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for waqar14
Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for sharan_1

#include"Gradebook.h" #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; Gradebook::Gradebook( int balance) { if(balance>=0) { balance=balance; Withdraw(balance); } else { cout<<"Balance can not be negative\n"; } } void Gradebook::Withdraw(int) { cout<<"Enter amount to withdraw\n"; cin>>credit; if(balance>credit) { cout<<"invalid credit greater than balance\n"; } if (balance<credit) { int total=balance-credit; cout<<"Current balance:"<<total; } getch(); …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for andrew.mendonca.967

CSCI-15 Assignment #1 — Functions and files review (40 points), due September 9, 2013. Write a program to read the coefficients of a series of quadratic equations from a text file and print the associated roots, or appropriate errors if there are no real roots, to another text file. The …

Member Avatar for Jed_1

So, I've been through a class in java so I know a little bit of what I'm doing... The assignment I have is to create a program that takes a string and converts the letters four away in the alphabet (ie: a becomes e and so forth). I've gotten most …

Member Avatar for Jed_1
Member Avatar for christinetom

Hello everyone.. Would anyone know why I can't do the below. I'm not the best programmer in the world so I'm wondering why the below won't work. I get an error 'A template declaration cannot appear in block scope' No doubt it's due to my lack of understanding of the …

Member Avatar for Kenney_1
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

i am given this topic array - object oriented programming for report. i just some of your advise do i need to discuss OOP? including like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism ..etc.. or should i discuss only concepts of arrays definition etc... any addition to my outline: definition of arrays types (single-multi) …

Member Avatar for Kenney_1
Member Avatar for Pinku Deb

I am getting Wrong Answer on submission. Problem link:http://www.lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1039 Code:http://ideone.com/1iMkOX I implemented the BFS inside the main function instead of coding it in a seperate function.

Member Avatar for Pinku Deb
Member Avatar for andrew.mendonca.967

CSCI-15 Assignment #1 — Functions and files review (40 points), due September 9, 2013. Write a program to read the coefficients of a series of quadratic equations from a text file and print the associated roots, or appropriate errors if there are no real roots, to another text file. The …

Member Avatar for andrew.mendonca.967
Member Avatar for Max_3

Im trying to figure out how to read a file that is entered into the command line. I tried using #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string a; int b, c, d; std::cout << "please enter the name of the file: " …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Ceejayyy

Create a program that will input a number in kilowatt and display its equivalent masures in watts. PLEASE ANSWER. :)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chase.lewis.3114

I'm working an SSE / AVX library and have almost all the basics working, but now I'm trying to get the accuracy / speed a bit better on certain functions. Essentially I'm using a minimax polynomial that when using infinite precision should give me ~2E-9 error, plenty for floats for …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for dasdgfds

I have a class person, with a first name, last name...ect. The user is prompted a menu and I am having trouble with the option to delete a name. It seems the string variable is not getting updated when the user enters it and another prob is getting an infinite …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for khgcvjnhgvb

Hi Guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with this small program, i am kinda new to programming and well i have been given this assignment on collision detection for airplanes. i have done some coding implementing the algorithm and well i have specified the coordinates or points …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for frank.j.dan

am new in programming and i need your help.after writting a code if i compile and run the console will not display the output but rather shows and go immediately

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for bejfake

Hi, I'm creating remote desktop application in qt 4.8. I have to implement some way to browse remote computer directory structure and possibility to download files on local machine. I'm wondering how can achieve this...

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Member Avatar for Shivam_4

Can someone help me with solving boolean expressions with the help of forward chaining. A good tutorial will also help me. Example: A.(A + B) = A A.(A + B) => A.A + A.B [Applying distributive law] A.A + A.B => A + A.B [Applying idempotency law] A + A.B …

Member Avatar for ScienceNerd

I'm trying to solve a cryptarithmetic puzzle TOO + TOO + TOO + TOO = GOOD using a program. My solution to this, is to use a nested loop for each unique letter (in this case T, O, G, D). The loops would systematically assign the digits from 0-9 to …

Member Avatar for casey.cole.12576
Member Avatar for movarth

I was just wondering what kind of behavior is expected when hooks are set, I can modify my code to test it (which isn't really necessary), but I was hoping it's normal for when hooks are set for input to be buffered for a few seconds and then display. If …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jigmey thinley

how to solve pattern given below using nested for loops.. * * * * * * * * * *********** somebody please help me with the logics.

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for thephoenix.21

hi all !! i am new on that forum, and i have just started C++ programming, i know some basics. now i would like to start developping a program, i need some idea that could be evoluted everytime, so i work on it while i improve my programming skills. thanks …

Member Avatar for Kenney_1
Member Avatar for dospy

the basic idea is that i have a config file where i need to take entries in different formats(the key is always a string and the value could be any type: int, float, string etc) from and the file has the following style: firstentry 1.5 secondentry 35 thirdentry somestring and …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Sky rain
Member Avatar for nmakes

I'm trying to make a simple linked list example. I am using the dynamic method of memory allocation. #include <iostream.h> struct node { int INSTRUCTION; node * next; node() { next = NULL; INSTRUCTION = 0; } void setnext(node *P) { next = P; } void DELETE() { delete this; …

Member Avatar for nmakes
Member Avatar for sireiz

What is the best and efficient way of redirecting streams from a parent process to child process. There are a number of ways i found out like boost.process, fork() and createprocess(). But what is the best way for windows?

Member Avatar for sireiz
Member Avatar for kal_crazy
Member Avatar for nikzer

#include <cstdlib> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int x,ctr; cout<< "Enter a day: "; cin>> x; for (ctr=x;x>0;x--) for (ctr=1;ctr<=12;ctr++) { switch (x) { case 1:cout<< "On the first day of Christmas\nMy true love sent to me...\n"; break; case 2:cout<< …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for Prem_1

I want to calculate the formula in C++ program. Put all 5 formula inside the program but just run 1 formula only. For example, run the current ratio formula only. If you want another formula then just adjust the coding. Then the second formula will run. Just adjust inside only. …

Member Avatar for DavidB

The End.