49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for BowMadness

I am trying to design a program that can give 2 random numbers then use a random operator to solve. I am having problems trying to figure out how to take the 2 random numbers and add/subtract/multiply/divide. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for dalymiddleboro

I'm getting the following error when trying to write to a file: 1>Linking... 1>mit_lesson1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl do_stuff(int,int,int,int)" (?do_stuff@@YAHHHHH@Z) referenced in function _main 1>C:\Users\Michael\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MIT\Debug\MIT.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Michael\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MIT\MIT\Debug\BuildLog.htm" 1>MIT - 2 error(s), …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Mr_PoP

[CODE] #include "SQL.h" const char * pQuery(const char * query,...) { va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, query); char buf[4096] = ""; sprintf(buf,""); int ret = vsprintf(buf + strlen(buf), query, argptr); strcpy(buf + strlen(buf), ""); va_end( argptr ); return buf; } [/CODE] [CODE] MYSQL * mysql; int main() { //loading the config …

Member Avatar for Mr_PoP
Member Avatar for Nirliq

I hava a prooject that uses ShellExecuteInfo and it works fine as log as you don't want to change the name of the file. [CODE] SHELLEXECUTEINFO fei; fei.cbSize=sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); fei.fMask=SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; fei.hwnd=GetDesktopWindow(); fei.lpVerb="Open"; fei.lpFile="C:\\Program Files\\WinZip\\wzzip.exe"; fei.lpParameters="-a+ -r -P -whs -x@nobackup.txt C:\\Progra~1\\DIR\\DIR\\Data\\ful.zip @backup.txt"; fei.lpDirectory="C:\\Program Files\\Patches\\GLB\0"; fei.nShow=SW_HIDE; fei.hProcess; [/CODE] I would like to be …

Member Avatar for Nirliq
Member Avatar for teoh

[CODE]class StudentMark { public: StudentMark(); StudentMark(double); double getGrade(); }; #include"grade.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; StudentMark::StudentMark() { double mark=0.0; } /*StudentMark::StudentMark(double dNewmark) { dmark=dNewmark; }*/ StudentMark::StudentMark { if(mark>=80&&mark=<100) grade='A'; else if(mark>=75&&mark<80) grade='A-'; else if(mark>=70&&mark<75) grade='B+'; else if(mark>=65&&mark<70) grade='B'; else if(mark>=60&&mark<65) grade='B-'; else if(mark>=55&&mark<60) grade='C+'; else if(mark>=45&&mark<55) grade='C-'; else if(mark>=40&&mark<45) grade='D'; else …

Member Avatar for JSPMA1988
Member Avatar for Duki

Does anyone know what this is? It's in a piece of code I'm trying to debug, and I've never seen it: [code=c++] typedef void FAR * socktag; [/code] Also, could someone explain the difference between these two lines (after the typedef executes): [code=c++] socktag SMTPSock; int SMTPSock; [/code]

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arthurav

I am creating a template class for working with matrices and get an error when I try to use the overloaded << operator. This is the code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; template <class T> class matrice { T **a; int m,n; public: matrice(); matrice(int,int); matrice(FILE *); matrice(int,int,T **); …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit

Hey there I have a part in my program where it should calculate the total in one column of my datagridview. All goes well and good while there are no Null values between them in my column. So i thought ill use exception handling seeing that my If statement throws …

Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit
Member Avatar for privs

Hi I am new to C++ and am using borland studio 2006 C++. I recently have been forced to take over the support for the C++ and have been given a number of complax C++ programs and these programs read and write to the registry. Now the problem comes in …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for simply_viks

please send me n example for string concatination using ACE ACE_CString.. thanks.

Member Avatar for hvalola
Member Avatar for deanus

Hi all, Is it possible to define a preprocessor constant using another constant and a string in the declaration, like this: [CODE] #define MAIN_PATH = "C:\\My Documents\\" #define SUB_DIR = MAIN_PATH + "MyFolder\\" [/CODE] I'm using VC++ 2010 Express... Thanks, Dean

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for rcmango

Okay, so i was trying to make this work. Two queues need to be created using input from the user for 2 file names. For some reason I get 1 queue, the first one filled. Then the second queue never has anything in it. Please help me with better code, …

Member Avatar for rcmango
Member Avatar for iwanttolearnc

im trying my hand at calling c functions from python. im reading up the tutorial [URL="http://csl.sublevel3.org/C-functions-from-Python/"]http://csl.sublevel3.org/C-functions-from-Python/[/URL]. however part of the tutorial says that i should [QUOTE]Compiling dynamic libraries on Mac OS X is different from the usual gcc -shared you might be used to: gcc -dynamiclib -I/usr/include/python2.3/ -lpython2.3 -o myModule.dylib …

Member Avatar for iwanttolearnc
Member Avatar for SpecialForce

Hello, I am trying to ofstream a file using the following code: [CODE]#include <curl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream.h> struct callback_data { FILE *output; }; static long file_is_comming(struct curl_fileinfo *finfo, struct callback_data *data, int remains); static long file_is_downloaded(struct callback_data *data); static size_t write_it(char *buff, size_t size, size_t nmemb, struct callback_data *data); …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dennis.d.elston

I am trying to modify a tax program so that I only have one line that start with the variable "tax = ...". The original statements are commented out so that you may see what the original program looked like. What I don't know how to do is to put …

Member Avatar for dennis.d.elston
Member Avatar for eline83

Hello guys, I'm struggling at my assignmnet. I need your help. for(int i=1; i<N; i++) for(int j=1; j<N; j++) for(int k=1; k <= i*j*log(j); k*=2) x=i+j+k; Calculate runtimes using these inputs N = 10, 20, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000, based on the results, conjecture the complexity …

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Member Avatar for triumphost

Using Windows Form Application from Visual Studio 2010. KK The big problem... When I compile it and run the program, Enter a value into the textbox, it automatically changes to a value the program has defaulted. I'll attach the Program/Project Folder incase anyone wants to compile/run it.. Example: Two textboxes.. …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for Frederick2

What is the difference between size_t and size_type? size_type seems to be related closely with the C++ Standard String Class. Couldn't they have just used size_t instead? I don't understand the difference. Could anyone elaborate please?

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Infame

Hi! I have a problem with a winsock code. I want it to connect to a irc server, but it won't recieve any readable data... Just alot of "jibberish"... [CODE] #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <WinSock2.h> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") using namespace std; //class lam0rZ { ~lam0rZ() { system("pause"); /*sleep(5000)*/ } …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for AhmedGhazey

why return type is not a part of function signature i.e. I can't make such this code [CODE] int x (int y){ return 0; } float x(int y){ return 0.0; } [/CODE] while i can make such this code: [CODE] int x (int y){ return 0; } int x(String y){ …

Member Avatar for AhmedGhazey
Member Avatar for taurus3

The combinations function C(n, k) is usually defined in terms of factorials, as follows: C(n, k) = n!/(k!*(n-k)!) The values of C(n, k) also leads to the Pascal Triangle: C(0, 0) C(1, 0) C(1, 1) C(2, 0) C(2, 1) C(2, 2) C(3, 0) C(3, 1) C(3, 2) C(3, 3) C(4, …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Kimmi

If RGB(170,255,213) gives a pastel green color display then what is the color code I should use if I want a deeper green color tone display? Is there a list of the color display codes for C++? or where I can lookup for sample color displays? ;)

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I am writing a program where one part of the program gets some data while the other part gives in new data at intervals for the first part to work on. This two tasks are to be done independent of each other and concurrently. The time one part stops does …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Frederick2

Here is the full code relating to my performance problem I’m having with my operator+= which I described in this adjacent thread…. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread340734.html[/url] As a quick review, I’m finding that the operator+= function in the Standard C++ Library’s String Class, i.e., <string>, is performing almost impossibly fast compared to the …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for docmccoy

Hi all, I'm facing strange error. I defined a class: [CODE] class MyClass : public MyAbstractClass { public: MyClass() : myList(myList) {} ~MyClass() {} void AddList(list<MyObject>& myNewList) { myList = myNewList; } private: list<MyObject>& myList; }; [/CODE] And in the main I do: [CODE] // myObject is initialized here and …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for Duki

Can someone [B]please[/B] provide some insight on this: [code=c++] int get_smtp_line( void ) { char ch = '.'; char in_data [255]; char * index; int retval = 0; index = in_data; while (ch != '\n') { if ( (retval = gensock_getchar (SMTPSock, 0, &ch) ) ) { gensock_error ("gensock_getchar", retval); …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for karen_CSE

Hi, I have a big project (#1). this is its direction: Project I Software for a Bank Write a C++ program for the following task: a) Should allow 5 users with user name & password [ (Ohlone1, Ohlone1pw), (Ohlone2, Ohlone2pw),( Ohlone3, Ohlone3pw), (Ohlone4, Ohlone4pw), (Ohlone5, Ohlone5pw)] b) Display a welcome …

Member Avatar for hammadk
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Ok, I have asked this b4, and I don't think I have gotten a straight forward answer, I really need this answered, because what I am doing is "legal", but i am 100% it does not make logical sense. This it the original C# code [CODE] var version = reader.ReadUInt32(); …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for Fouly

Hi all, I'd like to open a file dialog using win32 project ...I need a simple code example that uses FileOpen...I used <commdlg.h> ...::GetOpenFileName or ::GetSaveFileName but i can't get them to work :S ... Thanks in Advance,

Member Avatar for Quatrus
Member Avatar for Crutoy

Hi another exercise which im having problems with. In this challenge im given a four digit integer and encrypt each digit as follows. Replace each digit by the sum of that digit plus seven mod 10. Then swap 1st and 3rd digit places and 2nd with 4th. Heres what i …

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The End.