49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for axed

[code] vector<int> vi(3); for (int i=0; i<vi.size(); i++) { cout << vi[i] << endl; } [/code] output1: 0 0 0 [code] vector<int *> vi(3); for (int i=0; i<vi.size(); i++) { cout << vi[i] << endl; } [/code] output2: 0 0 0 [code] vector<int *> vi(3); for (int i=0; i<vi.size(); i++) …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for ayan2587

int fun(int(*)()); int main() { fun(main); cout<<"in main"<<endl; return 0; } fun(int (*p)()) { cout<<"in fun"<<endl; return 0; } the output is.... in fun in main how and in which manner is "main" being passed in the fun function argument in main function. does this way of passing automatically mean …

Member Avatar for ayan2587
Member Avatar for rcaldera43

For some reason, I can't even get a simple "Hello World" to print out in terminal. I'm using Borland C++ Builder 6. The Form1 window comes up but nothing is written in it. No errors, just a blank page.

Member Avatar for tomdupuy
Member Avatar for ayan2587

hi frndz... here's a very small doubt that's been lingering for a while... what is the meaning of finding an algorithm for a certain problem in constant space?? i dont understand the meaning of constant space, does it mean that no temporary variable can be created? for ex:here's a question... …

Member Avatar for chaines51
Member Avatar for mybluehair

Long story sort, I'm making a thread in c++ that starts a timer. When a user starts playing the game, it starts the thread, and when user logs out - thread stops. - thus giving me the total time played. Problem: When using the code to start the thread - …

Member Avatar for Skeen
Member Avatar for guest7

Hi, I have two directories and each directory has a *.cpp and *.h and a Makefile. I am also creating an instance of the class of program1(in one directory) in program2(in other directory). I have a main Makefile that makes the two makefiles in each directory. i am getting the …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I am trying to determine if a word is a palindrome or not using queues, but I am receiving the wrong results. I have tried several things to get it to work using the boolean variable isPalin. Will someone lead me to the right direction please? I have been trying …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for ellimist14

I know it's a lot of code but any help anyone can give would be amazing. Basically when I re-write out to the binary file it must not be working because when I try to print it it only prints the record I updated. [code] void updateRecord() { int key; …

Member Avatar for rdrast
Member Avatar for svgreatest

When i run the program using g++ 4.3, i am getting a segmentation fault. After, checking with gdb, i am getting the segmentation fault on line 79. The program is k-way merging. Any help is welcome. Thanks. The code is: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for .:Pudge:.

I don't know how to properly override this function when it comes to an Iterator for a linked list. [CODE] ListIterator operator++(){ currentPtr->prev=currentPtr; currentPtr=currentPtr->next; currentPtr->next=currentPtr->next->next; return *this; } // advance iterator to the next list node; return value is iterator *after* advancing ListIterator operator--(){ currentPtr->next=currentPtr; currentPtr=currentPtr->prev; currentPtr->prev=currentPtr->prev->prev; return *this; } …

Member Avatar for RaveFantasy

Hello there~ Well, straight for the problem: I have a class with a private vector that stores pointers: [code]class MyClass{ private: vector<myOtherCls*> myVector; public: //using the following till now: vector<myOtherCls*>& getContainer(); };[/code] [code]class myOtherCls{ public: void someGetFunc(); };[/code] Now I dont want to use [icode]getContainer()[/icode] but rather he Subscript-Operator. [code]MyClass …

Member Avatar for RaveFantasy
Member Avatar for C++ Beginner

Problem: Write a program that calculates the average of a group of test scores, where the lowest score in the group is dropped. It should use the following functions: `void getScore()` should ask the user for a test score, store it in a reference parameter variable, and validate it. This …

Member Avatar for C++ Beginner
Member Avatar for skp888

hello, my problem is: i have a function that i pass a pointer to so that it can update a variable for me. when this function is called normally the variable updates and everything works fine. BUT when i call this function *as a seperate thread*, and pass it the …

Member Avatar for skp888
Member Avatar for newcpp

I have a problem when handling the txt file in C++. My code is like this, and the test.txt file is in the attachment. there are two functions: [LIST=1] [*]int txtnum(ifstream& input, char* filename ) is to count the amount of numbers list in the txt file. [*]long filesize( ifstream& …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Wong23

Can someone help me with this problem... A is an m*n matrix B is an n*p matrix product AB is an m*p then I have to write a function void matrix product that takes two matrices of integers as two separate arguments and then calculates the product of those matrices …

Member Avatar for tintin.iitk
Member Avatar for sa3q

hello all, my problem that i can't get the language id that has been active in this time using c++ please can any one help me in that thank you

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Member Avatar for Ashishinani1756

help me in listing file names inside directory by using a simple code in c++ that a beginner can understand

Member Avatar for skp888
Member Avatar for Wong23

can someone help me with this problem(factorial) everything is working fine but when I enter a negative number the program crashes somewhere....but n can be any non-negative number Here is da code #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int fact(int n){ if (n==0) return 1; else return fact(n-1)*n; } …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for tkud

Hey,everyone.. pls I need a very exhaustive example of a typical linked list for better understanding .Any help will be appreciated..Thanks

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for fraandres

why when I run it ....the output of the "if" statements doesn't come up ...Im trying to see if theres any erros but I just cant find anything please any help I would appreciated [CODE] include <iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { char size; cout<<"******************Welcome to M&D Pizza …

Member Avatar for alg
Member Avatar for cproud21

I have the following code that tests a string to see if it is a palindrome. The only error I am getting is when I try to pass each character to the queue and stack. Is there another way to pass it to each? [CODE]//Implement the palindrome-recognition algotithm described in …

Member Avatar for BeyondTheEye
Member Avatar for jtddogg

I have been looking for something to make it click in my head on how to get the average of my array and I need help. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int grades[10],a,total; double average; void main(){ cout << "Enter 10 test grades to average:" <<endl <<endl; for …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for akosmaroy

while syntactically templates cannot be virtual functions, I wonder what approach to use when semantically this is what someone wants to do. for example, in my case I want to have a virtual function, because I'm using sub-classes while having a pointer to the base class, but I also want …

Member Avatar for arifliminto86

Hi, I got problem with Interprocess communication in MFC I am using vs2003 I have got project using named pipes. It seems to be perfect, However, When client want to create the file it always fails the pseudo code Server - Create Named Pipe - Read File Client - Create …

Member Avatar for jangid
Member Avatar for khanalone1

Hello Everybody, IS there anyone in this forum who have worked on Elliptic curve cryptosystem/cryptograpgy? I want to discuss something regarding ECDSA, i have perfectly implemented ECDH and have a problem in implementing ECDSA. Regards!

Member Avatar for khanalone1
Member Avatar for basketball4567

Hey guys, Im still new to programming and need help with something. I need to read a line of numbers from a text file into an array. I will be given this in a text file and need to store them in an array for later use. 0 1 2 …

Member Avatar for amishraa
Member Avatar for amishraa

Can someone please copy/paste the following source and look at the error message? I am receiving too few arguements to function error. Please help! //preprocessor directive #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; //global variables/constants, function prototypes void headerfn(); // void fn without parameters void namefn(string fname, string lname); // void …

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Member Avatar for openoutcome

Hey there! Hope you guys can help me out.. Here is my assignment: 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 Program Requirements: The program will prompt the user for the order of Latin Square that the user desires (again, the above is order 3, which means 3x3; an …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for college.guy

Hey all, first off, I'm NOT looking for answers to my homework by any means. I am rather looking for guidance. I want to understand the material rather than just have the solution handed to me. Therefore, here's my problem: I have a project where I have to read info …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I recently have a thread open, but I feel it is starting to get too long, and the topic is kind of old since I have a new problem now. What I am trying to accomplish here is determining whether a word is a palindrome using queues. My program compiles …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink

The End.