1,390 Topics

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Hi I want install phpMyAdmin but I can't!!! I do : # yum install phpmyadmin loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit,security loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Error:Cannot retrieve metalink roe repository:epel. Please verifiy its path and try again whene i see this Error what should i do?

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Member Avatar for fsuren

Hi, I have a friend who has a small business and he asked me to help him setup a FileServer where they can store all their files and back up all their files. So far they have been doing all the work thru some consulting co. who has been ripping …

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According to a [SecureList posting](https://securelist.com/blog/69462/darwin-nuke/) dated April 10th, researchers Anton Ivanov, Andrey Khudyakov, Maxim Zhuravlev and Andrey Rubin discovered a vulnerability in the Darwin kernel back in December 2014. Why is this of interest? Well, the Darwin kernel is an open source part of both the Apple operating systems. The …

Member Avatar for ChaoticCoder
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Daniweb Community, Would there be a reason why [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome) is striking out a bunch of HTTPS websites? Even ones that used to be green but are now red and strike out.

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Member Avatar for JorgeM

I'm an XP lover and while I have moved on to Windows 7, my Windows 7 machines are configured to look like the XP Classic interface as much as possible. I'm pretty happy with these machines for now... I know that there is another popular DaniWeb article concerning why XP …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for happygeek

Which 12 year old operating system which is still running on 11 million servers is about to die? Yep, that's the one: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 reaches 'end of life' status on July 14th. One of the longest running discussions on DaniWeb asks the question [Why does Windows XP refuse …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

In what has quite possibly been one of the longest periods between security problems being revealed and action being taken, the Virginia Board of Elections voted on Tuesday to remove the certification of more than 300 AVS WINVote touchscreen voting machines. The Virginia Information Technology Agency, and consultancy Pro V&V, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the latest [Verizon 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report](http://www.verizonenterprise.com/DBIR/) all but four per cent of the security incidents analyzed by researchers could be accounted for by just nine basic attack types. That's pretty useful information for enterprise looking to prioritize their approach to security in terms of establishing a …

Member Avatar for squarethree

Do you notice that APPs are facing more and more risk of privacy leaks and security threats? As an APP developer, how do you improve the security and privacy of APP?

Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. i'm creating a simple CMS for myself. There is a register form, i can register as the admin of the cms and then with login form, i can enter into admin area to write a new post or edit or delete posts. But there is a problem. I typed …

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Security is, more often than not, a case of getting the basics right. This is certainly true of the cloud where the hyperbole surrounding insecurity far outweighs the actual risk in my opinion. Not that the cloud is an inherently secure place to store data, just that it poses similar …

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It all started pretty well, with the announcement by Mozilla at the end of last month that the Firefox web browser would make the Internet a safer place by encrypting everything. That's everything, even those connections where the servers don't even support the HTTPS protocol. Developers of the Firefox browser …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to new research from Venafi, apparently some 74 percent of 'Forbes Global 2000 organizations' (or the big boys of business if you prefer) have yet to properly secure their public facing servers against the Heartbleed OpenSSL threat. That's a year after the thing broke for goodness sake! Venafi found …

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I have recently been experiencing extream speed decrees in my internet and general laptop use. I try to load eg. this website to post this and it took just under a minute to fully load. Sometimes for somereason my laptop mouse will freeze up, it will let me …

Member Avatar for Little Relhok1
Member Avatar for happygeek

It's that time of year again, and the latest [Secunia Vulnerability Review](http://secunia.com/vr2015/) has been published. This analysed anonymous data gathered from scans right across 2014 of millions of computers which have Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) installed and revealed some interesting statistics. On average, the computers used by the people …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The recently revised Facebook community standards page states that the social network is on a mission "to give people the power to share and make the world more open" however it appears that it may have been giving the wrong people the power to share stuff you thought was private. …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for happygeek

As with any online service that starts to get popular traction and experiences rapid growth, social network come micro-blog platform Tumblr has been the target of just about every kind of scam and attempted cyber-criminal subversion out there [inclduing some of its own making](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/social-media-and-communities/news/459258/tumblr-warns-users-to-change-password-after-security-mess). Most of the time it's not …

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Halifax is the town in West Yorkshire where I live, and it also happens to be the name of a well known UK Bank which started life there. Best known on the this side of the pond for TV adverts featuring a friendly chap called Howard Brown, a former customer …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Content Management Systems (CMS) may not be the most interesting topic on the tech table, but oh boy does WordPress liven things up in this sector. Not, it has to be said, always in a good way. I've lost count of the number of WordPress vulnerability stories that I've read …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I don't usually write about acquisitions and all that financial stuff, but news that PayPal has acquired CyActive caught my eye as apparently this brings the promise of 'bio-inspired predictive security' into the online payments provider threat protection mix. Which made me think, just what the heck is bio-inspired predictive …

Member Avatar for happygeek

In his essay '[A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering](http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2013/12/how-does-nsa-break-ssl.html)' Matthew Green, a cryptographer and research professor at Johns Hopkins University, asks "how the hell is NSA breaking SSL?" If this is news to you, following the Edward Snowden revelations in The Guardian, then you obviously haven't read the New York …

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Windows is, according to just about any security expert you ask, the operating system most vulnerable to attack. Unless the security expert happens to be from Microsoft, that is. So it was quite refreshing to see Microsoft admitting to a spike in attacks on Windows this week. [attach]15849[/attach]According to [URL="http://blogs.technet.com/b/mmpc/archive/2010/07/13/update-on-the-windows-help-and-support-center-vulnerability-cve-2010-1885.aspx"]a …

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Member Avatar for ibrahimlita

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DBCsharp { class authentiction { public static int logged_user_id=0; public static bool CanAddUser = false; public static bool CanDeleteUser = false; public static TaregData db = new TaregData(); public static bool log_user(string username,string password) { var user = (from …

Member Avatar for geekcohen

G'day guys, My name is Cohen, I used to be an active member here under an old username. I have been out of the game for a while in regards to malware programs to run. I recently got hit with an annoying virus, the securityhelper.dll virus. I have googled it …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Spring has been getting rather unseasonably hot for Apache users as far as security flaws go. First there was news of how the FREAK (Factoring Attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys) vulnerability could impact Apache. For more on FREAK see this [excellent analysis](http://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2015/03/attack-of-week-freak-or-factoring-nsa.html) by Matthew Green, a cryptographer and research professor at …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Addressing last weeks Securi-Tay conference hosted by the Abertay Ethical Hacking Society in Scotland, Stephen Tomkinson from the NCC Group detailed how Blu-ray players can do more than play videos; they can open up a new attack surface for the hacker. Tomkinson demonstrated a new tool that had been released …

Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, I'm trying to authenticate users with the use of Client SSL. I have installed the SSL on my Windows 8 PC and navigating to my website using IE and FireFox are fine. However when I navigate to same website Chrome asks to confirm the Certificate and after clicking ok …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for happygeek

Although the term 'reflection DoS' is nothing new, I recall reading something about it three years ago when a high profile security researcher [used it to describe](http://www.understandingcomputers.ca/articles/grc/drdos_copy.html) how malicious SYN packets were being reflected off bystanding TCP servers and the SYN/ACK responses used to flood his bandwidth. More recently, Garrett …

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Member Avatar for danarashad

I am working on trying to secure some coldfusion servers. I've seen the lockdown guides all over the net. But those guides are for new installs. Is there a way to lockdown coldfusion after the install?

Member Avatar for happygeek

Chinese computer manufacturer [Lenovo has admitted](http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/product_security/superfish) that it installed an adware component called Superfish on 16 million PCs shipped between September 2014 and February 2015 in order to "help customers potentially discover interesting products while shopping" according to an official statement made by the company. Although there is some argument …

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The End.