209 Topics

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Member Avatar for Iikeloa

Hi I need to put google maps inside my website so that the user can add his location (manually) Then the location will be stored in the database so I can brows it in the display page.I've looking over the web but couldn't find the way to do it :( …

Member Avatar for Ajay Gokhale
Member Avatar for faysal.ishtiaq_1

[Click Here](http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/)In this link, there is a txt file with all the zipcode and lattitude, longitude for US. How do I get lattitude and longitude for a zipcode from this text file, using javascript as I wanna create a google map application, that displays a location after providing a zipcode.

Member Avatar for sina.ak.3
Member Avatar for LyingInAHammock

Out of my depth a little :-) How do I create a pair of longitude and latitudes to create a polygon showing a 2 mile radius of a particular longitude and latitude? in Java Android. I know how to find your current longitude and latitude but I just can't figure …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for LyingInAHammock

How do I replace my android app Google maps radius circle with a blue translucent one as in image also blue marker with blue circle? I can make the circle have a particular outline and fill but it doesn't look anywhere near as nice as the one depicted in the …

Member Avatar for LyingInAHammock
Member Avatar for BeganMemory

At this point I know how to utilize Google Maps within Android but it always seems to take up the full window, there is an image below which shows what I'm attempting to accomplish (having a box below the Google maps where I can store text i.e. "Hello World" **How …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello All, I want to send event invitation to Google user, using google calendar API. for this, I am using Google calendar API in php, for inserting event in the google calendar . I have used php-client libraries https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/downloads But problem with this is : it require login. So how …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I am just of few hours in google calendar API use. for making an event i wrote code as below: require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Calendar'); $user = 'abc@gmail.com'; $pass = 'hihello'; $service = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; // predefined service name for calendar $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user,$pass,$service); function createEvent ($client, $title = 'Tennis with …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for christ123

Hi! I am trying to make a small application with google maps! I have successfully addded few points on the map using xml output to php from mysql database.. function load() { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.99,22.49), zoom: 7, mapTypeId: 'roadmap' }); var infoWindow = new …

Member Avatar for christ123
Member Avatar for shashidhargm
Member Avatar for profmuluka
Member Avatar for Burhan_1

0 down vote favorite In new google map there are several travel mode like driving, bicycling, walking and transit but they also added fly mode also. I can choose fly mode in new google map but i cant get fly travel mode in google maps v3 api. I want to …

Member Avatar for Burhan_1
Member Avatar for siddharth_3

I'm trying to build google+ sign in feature. I'm able to get all the user data from google+, how can i insert this data into database? I know js is client-side language and it is needed to be done on server side....... my code: <span id="signinButton"> <span class="g-signin" data-callback="signinCallback" data-clientid="My-client-id" …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for kevinyu

How to implement this kind of Google Map API like on this website http://dentist-map.jp/map as you can see, there is also a search bar then the markers. Since I am new to Google Map API, any outputs/feedbacks would be greatly appreciated. Do you think the locaations are stored in the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Black_Lion

I am using Microsoft Visual Web developer 2010. I have Google Maps embedded on my webpage and a textbox (txtBoxInput) using the code: <input runat="server" type="text" id="txtBoxInput"/> A button which displays a new map loction: <input type="button" id="btnDisplay" value="Display map" style="height:34px;width:90px;" onclick="showPoint();"/> I also have an aspn.net button (btnTest) using …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Black_Lion

Hi All. I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010. I have embedded google maps into my webpage. I am using 4 textboxes: Street, City, Province and Postal Code. The user will enter these details then it will get put into a string variable like this `string location = street …

Member Avatar for Black_Lion
Member Avatar for best4earn

Can any body tel me adsense is a legit way to earn money ? In my country ISP deals with dynamic ip , as daniweb.com also used adsense ,

Member Avatar for dom246
Member Avatar for Dani

It's here, here at last! Only about a decade too late, and about six or seven years after Google announced they were working on it. AdSense now offers asynchronous code, finally. It looks something like this: <script async src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-xxxxxx" data-ad-slot="xxxxxx"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); …

Member Avatar for zardari
Member Avatar for liveland

I'm looking for an easy way to be able to post to all of the main social networks including: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Delicious, Stumbleupon and Pinterest (the first 3 being the most important to me). I'd like to be able to perform this functionality from a C# desktop application that …

Member Avatar for shadyreal
Member Avatar for oanahmed

Hi! I have created my wordpress blog named c-ation[Click Here](http://www.c-ation.com) (I'm not advertising the my blog but, just telling you about it). It's new and has not yet much content. I was thinking of using Google Adsense on it. I have a category of "*Website Reviews*" inside the "*Reviews*" menu. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

I heard some gaming developer really enjoy using adsense on their gaming site so what is actually the benefit of using adsense on the gaming site?

Member Avatar for gujaratcarz
Member Avatar for EricMack

As goes Google, so goes the rest of the universe -- or at least that's the fear this week after the start up-turned-giant-turned-common verb reported disappointing earnings that sent the Silicon Valley stock over a digital cliff after-hours Thursday. [ATTACH=right]15859[/ATTACH]The company pulled in 1.84 billion dollars for the quarter or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Sariscos

Everyone and their mother is ranting and raving about Google+. I have a Facebook newsfeed of people begging to get on this new social network. Friends and colleagues of mine tried inviting me to no avail. Unfortunately the window to get on lasted less than a day. Now the system …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jag157

Hi i am trying to geocode tweets to a google map i have all my code in place but it just isnt loading up my tweets its just showing the map here is my html code can anyone tell me where i am going wrong thanks <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I added Qadabra about a week ago to my blogs [Techno World](http://www.technoworrlld.blogspot.com) and [Lab World](http://www.labworldd.blogspot.com).Together,I get around 500-600 visits daily.However,average eCPM is $0.3.One day,they gave me eCPM of $23 but on other days,it ranges from $0.1 to $0.3.They claim that with time,the ads become more relevant.Has anyone worked with qadabra …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ckjaseem

Hai all , I am trying to make a google+ siginin button for my site. I went through this link https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/#button_attributes and tried to make it working but now my styling is all messed up. I am not able to mess around with the [class='g-sinin'] in CSS. This is my …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mitz

Hi guys About 4 years ago I posted a question on this forum asking "[Can you really make money from Adsense?](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/pay-per-click-advertising/threads/109618/is-anyone-making-money-with-google-adsense)" Well that thread is still going strong but I thought I would just give you the answer to my own question. YES Over the years I have litterally studied …

Member Avatar for jennysmith01
Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been a day of coming and going at Google, it seems. Saying hello, again, was Gmail in the UK while Google Docs offline access through Google Gears has waved goodbye. You might think that Gmail had never left the UK, but the truth is that apart from a …

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Member Avatar for jsherm101

![DFP_SmallBusiness_color](/attachments/small/3/DFP_SmallBusiness_color.jpg "align-left") Whether you own a small personal blog or a top 1000 website, the importance of monetizing your website to the fullest is essential. Depending on your needs and the type of website you have, there are a variety of ways to improve your ability to monetize, simplify your …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for dandcouk
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for technosaha
Member Avatar for Dani

I found the page once a long time ago but I can't find it again. Would anyone happen to know the URL to the Google FAQ page about adding your site as one of the Networks potentially listed under Social Network Referrals in Google Analytics??

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.